Past Gen > PlayStation 3
Resistance: Fall of Man
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Jeden z tytułów startowych dla PS3
Troche informacji.
-Game will be 720P
-Locked in at 30 FPS (On & Off-line):They said it was smooth no matter how much action, they did this to allow for more enviromental destruction & special effects
-In-game graphics used for everything, Cinemas used fluidly througout the game
-Every Country's version on one disc
-Hard drive shortens load times
-Downloadable content
Single Player
-Play as Nathan Hale: Has been effected by the Chimeran virus but survived, this may cause his ability over the course of the game to turn Chimeran grunts and roars into coarse but understandable english
-Helped by Rachel Parker: British Army Intelligence Officer
-Recieve radio messages and scripted story sequences occur while the player has full control
-Several known enemies:
Menials ~ Workhorse Chimera similiar to zombies
Leaper ~ The small jumping ones we have seen
Howlers ~ Man-sized dog beast, can pin player to ground
Widowmaker ~ This is the Large spider Creature
Chimeran Hybrid ~ Foot Soldier
Advanced Chimeran Hybrid ~ Heavy Soldier, large armor and weapons (The one with the black suit)
-Weapons: 7 in the magazine, stated to be half of game arsenal...include
M5A2 Carbine, Rossmore 236, Bullseye, Auger, M54 Law, Sapper, Grenades
-Chimeran machines similiar to the walkers from War of the Worlds
-Human Spider Tank
-Tilt feature will be used: One example is to shacke it when grabbed by Chimeran
-Play as Human or Chimeran
-40 Man online with robust features
-Modes: Meltdown, Node, Death-Match, others to be named
-Can create customized unranked matches which could be made into new official modes by Insomniac and offered for download
-Trying to make map knowledge not needed by making sure there is not one go to area for the best weapons, in other words trying ot make it so people who have memorized the maps do not have as much of an advantage of others who are new to it
-Weapon-Spawn Pods in-circled by lights, these lights count down time till the weapon respawns
-Map works like Halo's, moving targets seen, non-moving or slow not seen
- All the languages will be present on the same disc, for example you could buy the game in america, and have japanese/german/italian/spanish/etc. voices.
-Insomniac plans on using blu-ray to the fullest, like including all languages like mentioned above on one worldwide disc (saving the company money), emphasizing not hearing the same voices (such as soldier dialog)/animations over and over, not down sampling audio, etc.
- The player will be able to include/understand the language of extraterrestrial starting from a certain point of the play.
- The killed enemies will not disappear, their bodies will remain on the ground. So if you leave an area and come back later the bodies will still be there.
- The 6 axis function of PS3 will be used many ways that are being kept secret right now, but gave one example of being able to shake the controller to get a monster off of you.
- There are indeed building sized monsters. In one example PSM tested, there was the giant spider from the e3 2005 trailer. Soon humans came into play with there own mechanical spider to fight it in the scene. Almost "Godzilla vs Mecha-godzilla" like.
- plans of using the hard drive, though it did not say any specific examples
- main character is nathan hale, and will have backup intellegence from rachel parker. (full bio's in article, covering the backstory and how they get into the situation)
-war of the worlds type creatures seen throwing humans hundreds of feet down in holes in the PSM playtest
-you can sneak up behind the aliens. having the flashlight on may alert the creatures that you are there.
-in mp, melee damage takes about half your life away, two hits and all of your life. one hit from behind you will take all of your life also.
-theres a part where proximety mines come out and hover over the ground a random height. you must duck or jump over the shrapnel sent your way depending on the height of the mine.
-"howlers"... man sized dog beasts with huge jaws would tackle soldiers to the ground
-rag doll death animations. for example, in their test a sniper alien was shot down over a balcony getting his foot caught on the way down, hanging there.
-hero moments, chances to save your comrades from up close attacks. many different scripted animations to make you feel like a champ if you save the victim.
-cut scenes will be black and white like the concept art shown before, but actually realtime graphics...then they will seamlessly fade into the gameplay. (described as gritty black+white photos that fade into full motion scenes which lead directly into gameplay.)
-no word if the game will be shipped with a headset or offered outside the game, or bundled with the console.
-weapons: MSA2 carbine, Rossmore 236, Bullseye (taging gun), Auger(energy weapon that shoots through solid objects, or can be used as a sheid w/ secondary fire), M54 Law (shoot a missle that you can guide with a laser almost hl2 like, but you can freeze the missile in the air and fire off mini missles using alt fire), Sapper (shoots small globs that you can pile up into any shape you want, shooting the glob will set off a chain reaction of explosions), grenades (normal, and hedgehog grenades). More weapons not yet known also (they say this list is only half of the known weapons). Mentioned you can man a turret and spray down enemies.
Arty ktore dzis sie ukazały.
i jedn nowy screen ktory dzis sie ukazał
wyglada to bardzo ładnie.
Jezeli ktos nie wie, za gre odpowiedzialni sa tworcy Ratchet & Clanka czyli...Insomniac.
Na 90% gre zakupie razem z konsolą, multi zapowiada sie bardzo dobrze (w Holandii juz powstały pierwsze klany - lol)
widać, zę w holandi dziwni są=p (chociaż u nas jest storna o crysis gdzie jest już napisana recenzja gry lol, jaka ot świetna i wogóle). Gierka bardoz mi sie podoba, zwłaszcza na trailerze kiedy to ze ścian pajączky zlazły.
No tak, screeny powalają. Gra też może być boska, zwłaszcza jak widziałem kawałki z niej, jak na ufoków biegnie cała kompania naszych dzielnych wojaków, z naszym herosem na czele. :lol: Na pewno jest to jeden z tytułów, dla którego warto kupić PS3.
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