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PlayStation VR

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Właśnie zapowiedziane! Zaraz będą detale! :angel:

Pierwsze informacje:

--- Cytuj ---After much speculation, Sony has confirmed its own virtual reality project. Sony's entry into the market is currently being announced at a GDC panel in San Francisco.

Shuhei Yoshida announced the initiative, proclaiming that Sony will "push the boundaries of play." The device is called "Project Morpheus," a head-mounted display.

Morpheus will be available at the Sony booth at GDC for demos starting Wednesday. It is designed for the PlayStation 4, and will work in conjunction with the PlayStation camera and Move. The unit on stage is not final, but it is the first software developer kit.

Yoshida says that Sony was inspired by Oculus VR and Valve, along with those in the community who are enthusiastic about virtual reality. Sony's Richard Marks, who took the stage to explain more about the project, including its application in science.

Working with NASA, Sony has created a demo that takes place on Mars with data captured from the Curiosity rover. In order to accomplish the goal of "presence" in virtual reality, Sony is focusing on six areas.

The first is "sight," and Sony is working on high resolution, low persistence optics. The PlayStation 4 will be instrumental in rendering the video.

Marks says that sound is important in games, but even more so in VR. "Having spacialized sound is really important," he says. "If you didn't have that, it would be a cluttered mess inside your brain."

Next up is tracking, which sets VR apart from a simple cinematic display on your head with a wide field of view. The Morpheus will use the same kind of technology as PlayStation Move.

The Move also plays a major role in control. Marks says his area of expertise is game control, but that there are a lot of problems implementing it in VR. The lightbar on the Dual Shock 4 will be important, as will the Move, which Marks says was "ahead of its time."

Sony is focusing on ease of use, and making sure that the Morpheus is plug-and-play. It needs to be easy to adjust (or automatically adjust, Marks suggests). "We'll get that one nailed," Marks says.

The last item is arguably the most important: content. "We're going to need the whole development community if we want to succeed at VR," Marks says."We want to make PlayStation the best place for VR, not just for people who play games, but for developers."

Currently, Sony is working with Unity, Havok, Wwise, Criware, Crytek, Epic, Autodesk and more.
--- Koniec cytatu ---

Jaram sie! 8) Sa moze jakies informacje bardziej techniczne?


--- Cytat: Lem++ w Marca 19, 2014, 02:34:35 am ---Jaram sie! 8) Sa moze jakies informacje bardziej techniczne?

--- Koniec cytatu ---

Oczywiście to tylko z obecnej wersji.

Troche martwi mnie w tym wszystkim moc PS4. Boje sie, ze sprzet okaze sie zbyt slaby dla VR i bedzie sytuacja jak z 3D w przypadku PS3, ale poki co

--- Cytat: Lem++ w Marca 19, 2014, 02:34:35 am ---Jaram sie!

--- Koniec cytatu ---
I tego sie trzymajmy.

Niech mi wrzuca Amnesie na VR, a gwarantuje im, ze przemysl pampersowy wzrosnie przynajmniej dwukrotnie :P

Sony twierdzi, że VR wymaga mocnego sprzętu i dlatego na razie trzymają się tylko tego ;). Byłem na konferencji i o ile sama zapowiedź wyszła Yoshidzie świetnie (fajne były prototypy, oraz krótkie demo GoW3 z pierwszej osoby), o tyle reszta już nie robi wrażenia. Okazuje się, że na VR jeszcze trzeba będzie poczekać i wyglada to trochę tak, jakby Sony nie miało pomysłu na to co można z tym zrobić. Zobaczymy jak dalej to się rozwinie, bo VR to niezła rzecz, tylko potrzebuje odpowiedniego wsparcia. Inaczej skończy jak Move, czy Vita.

Spróbuje dostać się do urządzenia, to napiszę jak się prezentuje w akcji, choć może być trudno. Masa ludzi jest tym zainteresowana (kolejka na konfe była ogromna), a każdego dnia będzie inne demo.


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