Past Gen > Wii U

Killer Freaks From Outer Space

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--- Cytuj ---New Intellectual Property Follows the Invasion of “Killer Freaks From Outer Space©”

LOS ANGELES – June 7, 2011 – Today, at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), Ubisoft announced the creation of a new intellectual property being developed exclusively for Nintendo Wii UTM. Created by Ubisoft Montpelier, Killer Freaks from Outer Space is a revolutionary new first person shooter (FPS) and will release in conjunction with the launch of the Nintendo Wii UTM.

The groundbreaking new console and controller from Nintendo are the inspirations for a whole new take on the FPS genre in Killer Freaks.

“When we realized the potential of what Nintendo was offering by creating a tactile controller, we were off and running immediately,” said Xavier Poix, managing director of Ubisoft’s France studios. “Having that extra screen in the hand of the player allows us boundless innovation that ultimately gives the player a more beautiful game, a faster game interface, a personalized game experience, and so much more.”

In the game, vicious and insane hordes of Killer Freaks from Outer Space have invaded the planet. As one of the world’s last survivors, the player must stalk the Killer Freaks across the globe – killing each and every one of them – to determine who will rule the earth, humans or Killer Freaks.

“When Nintendo launches a new console, it’s always a big milestone for the industry and a great opportunity for creativity,” said Yves Guillemot, chief executive office at Ubisoft. “Killer Freaks will make the most of all the fantastic capabilities of the Wii U and provide hardcore players with a gaming experience like no other they have seen or played before.”
 For more information about Killer Freaks, please visit:
--- Koniec cytatu ---

--- Cytuj ---So, Ubisoft is making Killer Freaks for Wii U. What’s it all about? Ubisoft shared the first details at a roundtable event today.

It’s being made by their France division, first of all, and it’ll be an exclusive first-person shooter release for the console. You may be interested to know that the full title is Killer Freaks From Outerspace. Supposedly, it’ll redefine first-person competitive action.

A trailer was shown (see below) featuring a man loading a gun, listening to the news and such in an alleyway. An alien arrives on the scene, and there were mechs there as well (this sounds a bit strange…).

Ubisoft also featured a demo of the title. Details include:

- Game involves you being one of a few survivors left
 - Take down the freaks with weapons
 - Set in London
 - Aim with the controller tablet
 - Move the character with the control sticks
 - Get rewards for kills
 - Points system
 - Controller can show what’s being displayed on the screen
 - Accelerometer usage: Determine if you move fast, then you’ll turn fast
 - Shotgun weapon available
 - Controller acts as a viewpoint in that the first-person scope moves when you move/point the controller
 - Has some destructible environments (ex: blow a hole through a building)
 - The team believes that the gyoscope, accelerometer, the control sticks will redefine shooters
 - Humor: one freak spanking another freak
 - 1 vs. 1 play available
 - Second player can use the Classic Controller
 - Player with the Wii U controller can see an overhead view and scroll
 - Wii U controller player is the alien commander: Need to take down the human race by choosing from various freaks to use
 - Tap on a freak to bring it to life
 - Adding freaks uses energy, which needs to be refilled
 - Plant alien nests; choose from one/five freaks
 - Commander needs to accomplish this within a time limit
 - Can see the player’s energy level
--- Koniec cytatu ---
Screeny :

Myślę ,że gra będzie przypominała takie L4D .Może być ciekawie ,ale jak na dzień dzisiejszy te screeny średnio wyglądają.Zobaczymy czy czas będzie łaskawy dla tego projektu.


--- Cytat: Malutki w Czerwca 09, 2011, 10:26:22 am ---te screeny średnio wyglądają
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Średnio? Pierwszy screen wygląda wprost beznadziejnie. Rozpadający się na pół 'potwór' żywcem wycięty z gry Fruit Ninja na komórki. Grafika jak na kolejnego next-gena straszna, ale chyba taki miał być zamiar twórców. Nie tylko straszyć potworami, muzyczką, klimatem, ale i grafiką.

I tak pewnie w ostateczności gra nie będzie wyglądać nawet w połowie dobrze, jak te screeny.

Jak dla mnie to wygląda jak gra z Wii, którą nagle zaczęli robić na devkicie nowego "U" (kur**, co za nazwa...).

Fajowo to wygląda, IMO.  :)


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