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Dzisiaj nowa zapowiedź gry MerkurySteam


Po Lords of Shadow 2 nie jestem pozytywnie nastawiony, ale mimo wszystko ciekaw, co to będzie.

Kosa z nimi.

Wraca do współpracy David Cox, ale niestety ozzywiście dalej pozostaje w drużynie Enric Alvarez :-? Duża powiedź i ujawnienie szczegółów planowane na kwiecień.

--- Cytuj ---Enric Alvarez, Studio Head and Owner at MercurySteam commented “Making games is a real passion for us and we enjoy tackling huge challenges. We’ve worked with Dave over many years and his passion and enthusiasm coupled with years of experience will give us a strong foundation for what will be our most ambitious undertaking as an independent studio”

Dave Cox said “When I was approached by MercurySteam to get involved in their new project, I jumped at the chance. It’s been my great fortune and pleasure to work with this talented studio over many years. I’m extremely excited about this very ambitious work they’re undertaking. MercurySteam continue to push boundaries and their sheer creative spirit always astounds me. It’s great to be back with my old team mates!”
--- Koniec cytatu ---

--- Cytuj ---he new site features their unique “signature” art design credentials with animated key art and a countdown pointing to a major announcement in April.
--- Koniec cytatu ---

Teaser site:



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