Autor Wątek: Trauma Team  (Przeczytany 2669 razy)

0 użytkowników i 2 Gości przegląda ten wątek.


  • J-23
  • *****
  • Rejestracja: 18-05-2006
  • Wiadomości: 1 447
  • Reputacja: 18
Trauma Team
« dnia: Maja 27, 2009, 22:48:57 pm »
Hospital is the spiritual successor to Trauma Center - first details
- no release date yet
- Atlus project
- 6 different people who are on the hospital staff
- each person has a medical specialty
- each person has their own story to play through
- playing with different characters in scenarios has you doing different things
- two player co-op

Character breakdown

- Gabriel Cunningham: a character much like that of House from the TV series, examines patients in the doctor's office to see what's wrong with them
- Prisoner CR-SO1: surgeon sentenced to 250 years in cryogenic prison, but had that time reduced in order to operate on those that need him, follows a path similar to traditional Trauma Center games
- Maria Torres: paramedic doctor, first-aid treatment for multiple victims at once
- Hank Freebird : fancy doctor using fancy equipment for big surgeries
- Tomoe Tachibana: endoscopic surgery, young woman that wears a doctor's coat over her kimono
- Naomi Kimishima: genius surgeon from past Trauma Center titles, CSI-style forensic specialist, gameplay resembles more of an adventure game

"This game is the penultimate work of the Trauma Center team. It completes one of the goals for a medical series that we've been striving for before, and it's also a wholly new title, not a sequel to Trauma Center. It's not just a surgery game, but an entire hospital in game form." - producer Daisuke Kanada
Skany z Famitsu :
« Ostatnia zmiana: Czerwca 28, 2009, 09:40:26 am wysłana przez Malutki »


  • Towarzysz
  • ***
  • Rejestracja: 17-09-2008
  • Wiadomości: 274
  • Reputacja: 7
  • Zielony gracz z niebieskim sercem :D
Odp: Hospital
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Maja 27, 2009, 22:57:20 pm »
Fajnie ; ) Pierwsza Trauma Center mi się bardzo podobała i spędziłem przy niej z 2 nocki (jedna by pewnie starczyła ale dialogi wydłużały grę :P), dwójkę muszę obadać, bo podobno ma ciekawego co-opa ; ]


  • J-23
  • *****
  • Rejestracja: 18-05-2006
  • Wiadomości: 1 447
  • Reputacja: 18
Odp: Hospital
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Czerwca 27, 2009, 14:06:28 pm »
Atlus wants to put an E3 attendee Trauma Team
Screeny :

: Czerwiec 01, 2009, 08:17:28 am
Trauma Team - dev interview
: Czerwiec 09, 2009, 21:06:07 pm
Saving Lives Trailer
: Czerwiec 16, 2009, 10:39:48 am
Nintendo Power preview site - Trauma Team