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Wiadomość scalona: [time]Październik 05, 2011, 07:49:21 am[/time]Sorry za 2 posty pod soba, ale jest sporo nowych ciekawostek

W nowym Qore ujawniono kolejnego przeciwnika, ktorym bedzie
Mad Hatter

Qore ujawnia jeszcze jednego przeciwnika oraz 2 niezidentyfikowane postacie:
PS2. Preorder trailer:
Qore na YT:
Niemiecki Play3, ktory wystawil ocene 92/100 ujawnia rowniez w recenzji sporo informacji na temat gry w kwestii ilosci wyzwan, liczby glownych walk z bossami, czy rodzajow misji pobocznych. Dla ciekawskich wiecej szczegolow ponizej:
Game Facts.
- There are four big boss battles (Freeze included). They are all very challenging and require a cunning strategy.
- Solomon Grundy is the largest “monster” in the game.
- There are over 100 challenges (Combat, Predator and Custom). Custom allows you to restrict access to gadgets.
The Riddler.
- Scanning objects to complete Riddler challenges are back. Just like Arkham Asylum Riddler will announce a riddle based on the object and you have to spot it, and scan it.
- At the end of each Riddler hostage mission you are forced to solve a riddle to gain access to the captured hostage. For example (and actually taken from the first hostage mission):“If you know me, you’ll want me to share me but if you share me, I’ll be gone. What am I?”
Side Mission News (Spoilers).
- Deadshot. Deadshot’s side mission involves you having to track his position using your detective vision. After finding him you have to get close and personal by sneaking up on him, if he sees you he takes a shot.
- Bane. Bane has you hunting down Titan crates scattered around the city. After finally destroying all the crates you face a finale; Bane fights with you side by side in a “huge brawl” against TYGER mercenaries.
- Zsasz. Victor has hacked into the phone system of the city and it’s your job to answer and find these phones within a time limit. After picking up the phone your rewarded with a sick and twisted story, provided by the man himself. After finding all the phone booths you are brought to his secret hideout.
- Gliding Missions. The game tests your gliding skills by having you fly through rings around the city, the catch? You can’t touch the ground. According to Play3 there are 8 of these missions.
- Short Side Missions. These “short side missions” involve finding and rescuing political prisoners spread around Arkham City. And that’s not all, these prisoners are targeted by inmates and it’s only a matter of time before they get there before you. The result? Dead political prisoners! Use of your map is restricted in these missions.
Other Side Mission Info (Spoilers).
- One mission has you saving Nora Fries.
- There’s a mission that involve you helping Police to save a hideout.
- You can improve your “Freeze granades” by finding upgrades.
- A “mysterious watcher” lurks within Arkham City. It’s your job to find him/her.
- An unknown criminal calls him self “Bruce Wayne”.
- According to Play3 side missions go from very short and east to very long and challenging.
- The last side mission is apparently the most impressive, although they weren’t allowed to go in detail they - did mention it involves a “hat” and is “really really bizarre.”
Magazyn potwierdza rowniez informacje, iz do gry bedzie dodawany pass code, ktory daje mozliwosc sprawdzenia sie jako Catwoman w 4 dodatkowych misjach, ktore przedluzaja rozrywke o kolejne 3-4 godziny, oraz bardziej nakreslaja glowna fabule. Wiadomo rowniez, ze w owym dodatku dojdzie do spotkania Catwoman z pewna postacia z Arkham Asylum
Przypominam, ze w wersji bez pass code bedziemy mieli przyjemnosc pochasac rowniez Catmowan przez 10% gry jak wspominalo wczesniej Rocksteady.