A jak Master postąpiłbyś z tym człowiekiem po overkill dawce promieniowania? Przecież on stawał się coraz większym warzywem, tkanki się rozpuszczały, mięśnie ulegały degradacji i odchodziły od kości, miał papkę we wnętrzościach, poniżej fragment artykułu przytoczony przy linku, który podałem:
" Here is an article about the accident.
http://www.cnic.jp/english/newsletter/nit128/nit128articles/jco.htmlAfter suffering patiently for a week, Ouchi suddenly cracked. "I can't take it any more. ... I am not guinea pig". (p.52) His words shocked the physicians and nurses in charge of his treatment. Was this the time to shift the focus from cure to palliative care? Even if a case could be made for persevering a bit longer, what purpose could possibly have been served by resuscitating him on the 59th day, after his heart stopped three times for a total of 49 minutes? (p.92-95) This was a man whose chromosomes had been destroyed. "[N]one of Ouchi's chromosomes could be identified or arranged in order."(p.38) Ouchi's body was destroyed from the inside out. (p.122) It was a slow, painful and presumably unpreventable death. Surely the doctors should have been able to recognize very early that he could not be saved."
W takim przypadku chyba bardziej humanitarne jest odłączenie aparatury i szybsza śmierć, niż kilka miesięcy konania na łóżku w niewyobrażalnym bólu.