Żadne zmiany w firmware CZYTNIKA / flashowanie CZYTNIKA nie jest potrzebne!
Wystarczy malutki dodatek w oprogramowaniu systemu operacyjnego.
Napęd będzie zwalniał/przyspieszał w razie potrzeby.
Dla uzytkownika czsy wgrywania się nie zmienią ale w momentach gdy gra nie czyta będzie dużo ciszej.
Przyszłe gry mogą go już natywnie obsługiwać i same sterować czytnikiem.
Odczyt płyt z filmami DVD / z MP3 może zostać zwolniony z 12xDVD do 1xDVD - niesamowicie ograniczy to hałas.
Jak to wygląda może sobie każdy posiadacz PC'ta sprawdzić.
Wystarczy uruchomić/zainstalować sobie DARMOWY programik:
"Nero Drive Speed" with every Nero instaled in Nero Toolkit. Also a free download.
http://www.cdspeed2000.com/nerodrivespeed.htmlYou can slow down nearly any PC drive as you want.
NO FIRMWARE manipulation /drivers /etc. or anything like that.
Simple , small program.
It's the same method as will be used in X360.
"Nero DriveSpeed is a utility to set the reading speed of a CD-ROM drive.
It works under Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP and is freeware.
The ability for limiting the reading speed of a CD-ROM drive is a must have feature for high speed drives.
Although a high speed drive allows you to transfer data in less time, there are some disadvantages of using such a drive:
A drive faster than 24x can be very noisy which is not surprising as the spindle speed can be as high as 12000 RPM which is much faster than for example a harddisk.
If the drive only needs to access the CD for a short period of time, for example software installation, then this is not such a big problem.
But it can get irritating when you're using the drive to play MP3 files. In many cases the noise from the drive is louder than the sound from the audio file.
The data rate of a MP3 file is usually about 16 KB/sec (@128 kbps) which equals to approximately 0.1X! So a reading speed of 4X is more then adequate for playing MP3's.
Spin-up/down times
Another disadvantage of high speed drives is that the spin-up/spin-down times are high too.
After a few seconds of inactivity the drive slows down and eventually stops. When the application needs more data from the CD, the drive spins up again. The spin-up time can be as high as 10 seconds. In this time the application freezes because it has to wait for the data.
This is especially irritating when playing games."
http://www.cdspeed2000.com/download.htmlNero DriveSpeed 3.00