Poniewasz jesteśmy cywilizowanymi człowiekami i znamy obce języki, pozwoliłem sobie napisać odpowiedź po angielsku (w ramach udoskonalania mojej znajomości tego języka
Running the usual errands typically isn't a high stress activity for Mrs.
Tanamatsuri. It's usually head out, get the money, grab the grocery items, and
head home to cook dinner. Today isn't a typical day for Etsuko, though. While
she is at the bank, she finds herself in the middle of a heist involving some
wolf-masked gunmen.
All the chapters in Etsuko's scenario are exactly two mini-games long, making
up six in all. A bit of a break from Taneo's nine mini-games in his scenario.
I also find this to be one of the hardest, if not the hardest, scenario in all
the game. It can be quite annoying, especially with the Golden Pig mini-game
and Looks Like Top Gun.