Autor Wątek: Final Fantasy XV  (Przeczytany 255298 razy)

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  • Marynarz z Potiomkina
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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #960 dnia: Sierpnia 06, 2015, 08:58:42 am »
Bardziej chodziło mi o to, czy nowa część rzeczywiście dorówna 'starym' fajnalom. Dobrze, że słuchają graczy ale to jak długo powstaje ta gra wcale dobrze jej nie wróży. Obawiam się zbyt wielu przeterminowanych rzeczy, które na nowej generacji nie zrobią takiego wrażenia jak powinny. No ale tak jak powiedziałeś - oby fabuła była dobra.
Fryty tyty dotknij pyty


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #961 dnia: Sierpnia 06, 2015, 09:02:40 am »


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #962 dnia: Sierpnia 06, 2015, 09:07:01 am »
Obawiam się zbyt wielu przeterminowanych rzeczy, które na nowej generacji nie zrobią takiego wrażenia jak powinny.
Dlatego wzięli z Versusa to co najlepsze, koncept, i rozbudowują go pod dzisiejsze standardy w XV.

No ale tak jak powiedziałeś - oby fabuła była dobra.
Od wczoraj już nieco więcej wiadomo odnośnie fabuły.

The base story begins as follows:

In a matter of days, the Kingdom of Lucis is to sign an armistice, ending a long and bitter conflict with Niflheim.

Ahead of the ceremony, Prince Noctis, heir to the Lucian throne, sets forth from his homeland to formalize the union of states through his marriage to the lady Lunafreya of the imperial province of Tenebrae.

The offer of peace, however, is no more than a ruse to lower the Lucian shield.

The imperial city takes the crown city and its sacred crystal in one fell swoop. En routeto his destination, Noctis is shocked to learn the he, his father the king, and his betrothed are believed dead.

Overnight, the dream of peace has faded into a distant memory. His world crumbling around him, Noctis has naught but his resolve and his loyal companions to see him through the trials to come.

Speaking with GameInformer, Tabata explained a big part of the game will focus on the bonds shared between parent and child in addition to the bonds of friendship we’ve already seen between Noctis and his friends. For example, the car so prominently seen in much of the game’s media is actually owned by Noctis’ father and serves as a “sort of the metaphor representing the relationship between Noctis and his father through the car.”

Throughout the story, players will learn more about Noctis’ past through various flashback sequences. The dog seen in the trailer is one such key element. “That dog actually plays a really big part in the events that take place a little later in their lives – after the young-man phase,” said Tabata.

The young girl in the trailer is Lunafreya who serves as a replacement for Final Fantasy Versus XIII heroine Stella. Luna is a childhood friend of Noctis and although she shares some visual similarities to Stella, Tabata insists she possesses a stronger personality. “She’s a much stronger, more determined character,” Tabata said. “She’s got her own willpower and objectives that she acts upon. In some ways, Noctis is the weaker character. Maybe he’s the one who’s going to need protecting.”


  • Sonoklap
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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #963 dnia: Sierpnia 06, 2015, 09:26:19 am »
po tym jak chętnie pytają ludzi, czego chcą w grze
Ludzie chcą summonerek i summonów, a co dostają? Trailer z pedofilem w zbroi i zapewnienie, relacje chłopaków w namiocie będą rozbudowane...

Miało być:



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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #964 dnia: Sierpnia 06, 2015, 09:30:39 am »
Ludzie chcą summonerek i summonów

No i są:
Leviathan będzie przyzywany przez dupeczkę, co może świadczyć, że w grupie będą pojawiać się gościnne postacie.

We asked Hajime Tabata in our Gamescom interview if this women could be the female Dragoon. Tabata denied that, saying it will be somebody else.

Być może teraz zamiast Stelli, Lunafreya będzie pełniła rolę summonerki.


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #965 dnia: Sierpnia 06, 2015, 12:05:33 pm »
Premiera w 2016 r. Dokładną datę podadzą w przyszłym roku.

"I understand why people are feeling that way after coming to Cologne and speaking to a lot of the media," he said. "We really do get the feeling that people are a bit worried. Certainly, one thing I would like to say to them to reassure them, is that we've set down the release date, we know when it is, and we've got a complete road map lined up, right up to launch, and we're proceeding along that as planned."

Then, Tabata dropped the best indication of the Final Fantasy XV release date yet: "We can certainly say to people: it's not going to be 2017. It's going to be before that."


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #966 dnia: Sierpnia 07, 2015, 06:48:16 am »
Chociaż tyle dobrze, przyszły rok będzie cudowny! :angel:


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #967 dnia: Sierpnia 07, 2015, 09:07:14 am »
Odnośnie stałych 30fps i 1080p:
The honest answer to that is that there’s obviously a dfference in specifications between the two consoles. Maybe we haven’t fully grasped how to get the full potential of each of the consoles yet. We’re still working on that.

If we were gonna make it just for a single platform, and really optimize the game structure and the technology for the platform, it would be very possible to do that. But because we have to work on that as a multiplatform game, I still can’t quite guarantee that we’ll definitely be able to make that on all platforms.

But certainly, from a technical perspective, we are already at a point where we can very much guarantee a thirty frames per second frame rate with constant and stable rate in the same way as in Duscae 2.0.

Niech nie tracą czasu na XOne, bo i tak ciągnie w dół i zajmą się dopieszczeniem wersji PS4.


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #968 dnia: Sierpnia 10, 2015, 09:15:20 am »

During an interview with Famitsu this week, Tabata revealed that they are currently working with Avalanche Studios on using technology from their game Just Cause 3 in Final Fantasy XV in hopes to allow full-scale flight for airships. Though they can’t guarantee the results of this collaboration will make it in time for the game’s release, they hope that fans can experience flying around the world at a later date via downloadable content.

Tabata: We’re talking to their central technology team based in Stockholm in Sweden about a certain collaboration we might do with them and the Final Fantasy XV team. We’ve got really great hopes for this discussion. What we’re going to be talking about is possibly being able to use their really unique, really high level amazing technology they have in their studio and using it as an add-on to enhance the quality of a certain specific part of our Final Fantasy XV game, We really think something very special may be coming out of that.



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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #969 dnia: Sierpnia 10, 2015, 12:26:29 pm »
3 nowe screeny:


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #970 dnia: Sierpnia 10, 2015, 13:48:41 pm »
Jakość tych screenów jakby je ktoś przeżuł i wyrzygał  :/


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #971 dnia: Sierpnia 10, 2015, 15:52:52 pm »
Tutaj wyższa rozdziałka:
Spoiler (kliknij, by wyświetlić/ukryć)


  • Sonoklap
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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #972 dnia: Sierpnia 10, 2015, 16:01:31 pm »
Klapa od scieku w 4k to jest to co kazdy fan FF chce zobaczyc.


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #973 dnia: Sierpnia 11, 2015, 08:40:51 am »
Jeszcze trochę info po Gamescom.

According to Tabata, the Chocobos in Final Fantasy XV are extremely fast to help players travel through the huge areas of the game. Although they can't fly, they'll be able to jump really high and there may be areas of the game where you need to use a Chocobo instead of a car.

Altissia is the Most Important Place in the Game
Altissia which has been featured in concept art previously, apparently acts as one of the "most important places in the game" by Tabata. It's also based on the city of Venice in Italy which you can probably tell by the gorgeous canals that seem to be streaming through the city.

Gas Station Home To Cindy and Another Character
Although they can't reveal him just yet, there's apparently another character who owns the gas station that Cindy works at and he's apparently a character that's familiar to the Final Fantasy series *wink wink*.

Going along with Altissia, Lestallum is also based on an actual place. This one is actually based on Cuba. Apparently the town is home to a huge crater where a meteor struck ages ago, but still remains burning. Lestallum is apparently run on the energy from this meteor. (Pictured below)

Leviathan is "Very Close to God"
The summon Leviathan has been revealed to be a woman and she's apparently very intelligent and oozes elegance. She, like the other summons, will play a very important role in the game.

Genesis Painting Plays A Big Role in the Lore
This painting is one that was supposedly created by someone within Final Fantasy XV's world hundreds of years prior to Final Fantasy XV's story and is supposed to represent Genesis. Apparently the old man to the right is Ramuh, but unfortunately the others have not yet been revealed. This is thought to mean that the Summons played a very important role in creating Final Fantasy XV's world. (Pictured below)

Luna and Noctis Won't Be Your Usual Love Story
There is, of course, a bond between the two characters. They were supposed to be married to each other, but regardless, their story will not be some generic love story.

Tonberry and Cactuars Are Not Yet Planned
Even though nasty Malboros are back, Tonberries and Cactuars are not yet planned for Final Fantasy XV.

Childhood Stories Will Be Used To Deepen the Story
According to Tabata, he will be using the characters' childhood to make the story deeper and help players feel more for the characters in the game. They'll be played throughout the game.

Tabata also said he might be including classic Final Fantasy music as radio tracks in the car, but nothing has been confirmed on this front just yet. Only time will tell. At least we have PAX Prime coming up quite soon (August 28-31, 2015) and apparently Final Fantasy XV will be in attendance so keep a look out!

Czyżby Cid też pojawiał się na stacjach? ;) Niech lepiej wrzucą Cactuary do gry. Nie wyobrażam sobie Finala bez nich :( Muzyczki z poprzednich części w samochodowym radyjku - YEAH :angel:


  • Marynarz z Potiomkina
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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #974 dnia: Sierpnia 12, 2015, 14:29:02 pm »

3DS friendcode: 1478-6316-9345
Nintendo Network ID: Mnichu


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #975 dnia: Sierpnia 12, 2015, 16:35:37 pm »
Będą jakieś kobiety ? Bo ta cała grupka wygląda jak jakiś pedalski boysband.


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #976 dnia: Sierpnia 12, 2015, 20:46:22 pm »
Będą. Prawdopodobnie będą mogły gościnnie się przyłączyć do drużyny.


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #977 dnia: Sierpnia 13, 2015, 08:36:05 am »
Obszerny wywiad z Tabatą:

[...]quite a few gamers had expressed their worry about realistic elements being prevalent in FFXV, but Square Enix’s Hajime Tabata explained that the game will get more fantastic as the plot unfolds.

To reassure you, the construction of the game and the way the areas differ throughout the game starts out as a world very much based on reality. It feels more solid and more grounded in reality. As the game progresses, you will certainly more fantastic, otherworldly kind of elements. You will see these different tastes, this kind of magical and superb ideas that you see in previous Final Fantasy games will be seen close to the end of the game. It’s all in there.


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #978 dnia: Sierpnia 14, 2015, 09:19:26 am »
Falshabacki nie będą grywalne, a całe podejście do samochodu w grze i relacji Noctis  -> fura Regisa wzięła się z personalnych doświadczeń Tabaty.

“I remember some really fond memories of my own father and how I related to him. I remember being driven around by him in his car,” he explained. “And when he started talking to me about cars, I started getting interested in the car he drives and talked about that kind of stuff.”

“And so, because of that, we have the same car that Noctus was driven around in as a kid,” he continued, referring to the car the main characters drive in Final Fantasy XV’s playable demo, Episode Duscae. “It's his father's car, the royal transport, the one his dad drove. And in the journey that the characters go on fifteen years later, they're all driven around in that. And that's very much representative of his relationship with his father, because he’s inherited this car. There's a lot of attachment to that.”


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #979 dnia: Sierpnia 14, 2015, 09:28:13 am »
a całe podejście do samochodu w grze i relacji Noctis  -> fura Regisa wzięła się z personalnych doświadczeń Tabaty.
Że co?????????????????????????????


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #980 dnia: Sierpnia 30, 2015, 12:07:51 pm »
Premiera w 2016 roku, dokładną datę podadzą w marcu.

    Release year in 2016, full release date will be revealed in a special Square Enix event in March
    Video showing in-progress development
    Noctis can wield guns
    Noctis and party can wield shields alongside swords
    Cor uses a Katana
    New samurai enemy
    magic effects, combat with aerial enemies, game's main menu were shown
    More concept art
    In-game version of Altissia will rival that of pre-rendered version
    Leviathan summon is female, summons will have their own personalities
    Ramuh and other summons are involved in creation of the game world
    More info on Luna, chocobos, and fishing minigames will be at TGS.
    Extended Gamescom Dawn trailer will be shown at TGS
    New Caim outpost was shown near ocean. Can seamlessly get on boat, boat will travel across ocean in real-time but you won't have direct control of boat. More of a one-way trip instead of full on sea exploration
    New driving gameplay video, choose between auto drive or manual drive.
    Can run out of gas, will have to get out of car and push to nearest gas station
    Various views, cockpit, chase cam, etc. for car travel


  • Marynarz z Potiomkina
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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #981 dnia: Sierpnia 31, 2015, 12:03:30 pm »
<iframe width="853" height="480" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

3DS friendcode: 1478-6316-9345
Nintendo Network ID: Mnichu


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #982 dnia: Sierpnia 31, 2015, 17:19:53 pm »
Czekało się tyle lat, poczeka i jeszcze jeden rok. :P


  • Marynarz z Potiomkina
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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #983 dnia: Sierpnia 31, 2015, 22:25:17 pm »
Czekało się tyle lat, poczeka i jeszcze jeden rok. :P
Rekord DNF już wyrównany?
Lepiej mieć spokój czy jaja? Współczesne dylematy.


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #984 dnia: Sierpnia 31, 2015, 22:28:16 pm »
<iframe width="853" height="480" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Będę jeździł 8)

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

W marcu dowiemy się kiedy premiera.

« Ostatnia zmiana: Sierpnia 31, 2015, 22:30:42 pm wysłana przez Ryo »


  • Sonoklap
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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #985 dnia: Września 01, 2015, 22:32:40 pm »


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #986 dnia: Września 01, 2015, 22:40:13 pm »
Wersja pece?


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #987 dnia: Września 01, 2015, 22:49:06 pm »
Square Enix will be hosting its next ATR at Tokyo Game Show where director Hajime Tabata plans on revealing more details on Luna and Regis as well as a look at the game’s fishing mini-game and chocobos.

Są też nowe concept-arty z panelu:

Also, a concept art of Hammerhead and Lestallum was shown. The Hammerhead is a maintenance shop modeled off an actual Hammerhead Shark. If you look closer at the Hammerhead concept art, you can see Cindy is in it but she does not own the place. Tabata teased something from that very concept art that might interest long-time fans of the Final Fantasy franchise so I’ll leave you guys to guess who it is.

Tabata: “I think any Final Fantasy fan will get the idea if I say ‘that mechanic’ from the Final Fantasy series [is the owner]. Did you notice the little old man taking a nap on the right side of the screen?”


Podsumowanie panelu:

- Tabata officially re-confirmed that Final Fantasy XV will be releasing in 2016.
- The full release date will be given at a special event in March 2016.
- The hammerhead gas station is owned by “a famous Final Fantasy mechanic”.
- Many Eidolons in FFXV have their own personalities, are intelligent, and play a “vital role” within the story. Details of the Leviathan from the event states that the Eidolon is female and has a connection to the city of Altissia.
- The official Final Fantasy XV twitter profile has uploaded an additional concept art of Luna, as a bonus of what’s more to come in the ATR at Tokyo Game Show 2015.
- Never before seen concept art of an outpost known as Caim was shown. Located near the ocean, Noctis & friends will arrive in the outpost and take a boat across the ocean to reach to a town called Alcordo.
- Everything will be rendered in real-time; the boat will be in real-time, seamless. Noctis & friends travel across the ocean in real-time as well, but they won’t be travelling in the boat the same way as they will be travelling in the car. It’s more like a one-way trip.
- New footage focused on the driving mechanics was shown. Tabata pointed out that they changed the position of the steering wheel from the right side to the left side of the car as a result of discussions with the FFXV team.
- A video message from Avalanche Studios’ CCO Christofer Sundberg was shown, in which he outlines the collaboration between Square Enix and Avalanche Studios in regards to sharing technology for the development of Final Fantasy XV. Though discussions are early and not much can be said at this point, Avalanche Studios is interested in the collaboration.
- Square Enix will host yet another Active Time Report at Tokyo Game Show 2015 where more details regarding Luna will be shown, as well as the game’s fishing and Chocobo features.

Gify z Malboro:
Spoiler (kliknij, by wyświetlić/ukryć)

Spoiler (kliknij, by wyświetlić/ukryć)

Spoiler (kliknij, by wyświetlić/ukryć)

I Phoenix Down:
Spoiler (kliknij, by wyświetlić/ukryć)
« Ostatnia zmiana: Września 01, 2015, 22:56:36 pm wysłana przez Ryo »


  • Major Hermaszewski
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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #988 dnia: Września 05, 2015, 09:39:39 am »
No, chyba najbardziej ambitna gra tej generacji. Premiera pewnie co najmniej za rok.


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #989 dnia: Września 05, 2015, 11:00:44 am »
Ważne, że w 2016.


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #990 dnia: Września 12, 2015, 14:20:51 pm »
Na TGS pokażą ujeżdżanie Chocobo.


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #991 dnia: Września 17, 2015, 08:43:05 am »
<iframe width="853" height="480" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Spoiler (kliknij, by wyświetlić/ukryć)

Accompanying each shot, Square Enix has provided official descriptions which give a little more insight into what’s happening in the game world.

With a mere wave of her hand, Lady Lunafreya of Tenebrae as she brushes aside the imperial soldiers surrounding her. She accepts her trident from her attendant, and sets off to commune with the gods. As the Oracle, she enjoys the adoration of supporters the world over. What sort of monster could point a gun at such a divine creature?

The four companions make their way across the rain-quenched wilderness upon chocobos, the sure-footed birds bearing them nimbly to unspoilt locales that have never known tire tracks. Take the reins and feel pure exhilaration as you dash, jump, and slide as one with your trusty steed.

Noct triumphantly holds up his catch, his companions cheering their approval. They can look forward to a feast tonight at camp, prepared by the ever-versatile Ignis. Set to be a dynamic real-time experience, fishing will provide a fun and relaxing respite from your adventure.

Noct stands at the very place his father, King Regis, once held him as a boy. Leaning on the Regalia, his father’s cherished car, he looks up at a sky as grey and leaden as it was that fateful day. His expression tinged with sadness, Noct silently comes to a resolution.

Lady Lunafreya’s eyes glint with hope, her face full of determination. Is it revenge against the empire she seeks, peace among warring nations, or something more?

Jeszce w tym tygodniu stage show i gameplay z chocobo oraz łowieniem ryb.


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #992 dnia: Września 19, 2015, 17:59:33 pm »
<iframe width="853" height="480" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Chocobos can be rented in gil for up to 30 days, and called at any time. While riding chocobos, you can press the jump button again to make it try to stay airborne. When you get off a chocobo, it will follow you for a while. You cannot raise or bread chocobos. And you can catch fish of all sizes in bodies of water, using various different rods, to cook up back at camp.
Q&A Section

    They’re considering adding Gilgamesh and others into the game via DLC.

    Chocobos can be called with a whistle, so you won’t always have to go to the Chocobo Post to get them. They will be rentals and can be rented out for several days.

    The Chocobo will follow you around when you’re not riding on them, but will leave after a while. But no worries, they’ll come back if you blow the whistle.

    There won’t be any double jumps in Final Fantasy XV, but there will be aerial combos.

    Final Fantasy XV will feature various mini-games, called “Activities,” such as fishing, Chocobo racing against NPCs, and more.

    There won’t be a Chocobo raising/breeding system like in Final Fantasy VII, but there will be a way to track which Chocobo you’ve been riding, along with special buffs such as increased speed.

    Hajime Tabata said that if they’re able to add things into Final Fantasy XV, they will—even if it means having to do so through DLC.

    Should they add content to the game via DLC, it will always be for free. For example, if they are to add airships through DLC, it will be a free download.

    There will be a variety of familiar magic for Final Fantasy XV, and one brand new “main” magic.

    Guns won’t have combos similar to regular weapons, but they will have rapid fire shots, and will require reloads. Think of them as traditional gameplay with guns in other games.

    There will be a variety of lures for fishing, and Square Enix are considering adding special rods that you might be able to get from certain NPCs.

    Hajime Tabata says that Final Fantasy XV’s CERO rating will be at around CERO B or C, around ages 12 and up.

    There will be a variety of foods that you can cook up, along with cooking skills.

    You’ll get something for defeating Archaeans (Summoned Beasts,) as in something to prove that you beat them, and will sometimes get to “borrow” their power after doing so.

    There are plans to have other languages (voicing) to be available via DLC.

    There will be scenes that show Lunafreya fighting, but that’s all they were able to say for now.

    Players won’t be able to equip sub-weapons, but other party members will be able to. For example, Gladio can equip a shield. Players can rotate through various weapons, but party members will switch through their sub-weapons.

    The Black Chocobo isn’t just a regular Chocobo.

    You won’t be able to go inside all of the buildings, but there are plenty you will get to enter.

    Tabata would like to add stuff like background stories of when the characters were in high school, and other similar episodes. He’d like for fans to be able to see more of the characters from when they were younger, so they can get to know them better, rather than just from what’s going on in the current story.

    “Cidney” is the Japanese name. “Cindy” is the English name. Tabata calls her Cindy while speaking to the Western media, and vice versa

    There will be more music and changes to the game. For example, you’ll get a different song while dashing on a Chocobo.

    After a long while of consideration, Square Enix dropped the idea of having Moogle in Final Fantasy XV; however, if there’s enough demand for it, they’ll find a way to put them in the game.

    There won’t be any Limit Breaks from Final Fantasy VII in the game, but there will be something similar.

    When fields are connected, there won’t be any required loading time while traveling. There will, however, be some when the story moves you from place to place.

    More details on Final Fantasy XV, such as character or monster profiles, will be revealed periodically before March, when they’re expected to announce the release date of the game.

- When it rains, the sunroof for Noctis’ car automatically closes.

- Square Enix is considering costume changes for the characters. This might be limited due to the contract with the fashion label who created the characters’ outfits.

- There is a photo mode.

- Tabata said they do want airships, but if Square Enix cannot offer a new experience, players won’t be able to get airships.

- However, Square Enix is currently developing a side-quest with airships. If it doesn’t meet the team’s standards, it will be cut from the game.

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« Ostatnia zmiana: Września 19, 2015, 18:03:23 pm wysłana przez Ryo »


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #993 dnia: Września 20, 2015, 13:18:37 pm »
Pięknie to się zapowiada, ale jeśli fabuła będzie na poziomie trylogii trzynastek, to i tak nic tej gry nie uratuje.
Lepiej mieć spokój czy jaja? Współczesne dylematy.


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #994 dnia: Września 20, 2015, 14:25:11 pm »
Ten blondasek go klepie po dupie za to, że złowił rybę?


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #995 dnia: Września 20, 2015, 20:47:34 pm »
Ten blondasek go klepie po dupie za to, że złowił rybę?
Nie, w plecki go klepie. Po dupkach się klepią w namiocie.


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #996 dnia: Października 01, 2015, 09:11:47 am »
Wywalili automatyczną zmianę broni podczas combosów. W finalnej wersji będzie się je zmieniać manualnie przy pomocy d-pada. Dla mnie bomba, swoboda oraz mnóstwo możliwości. Ćwiczymy paluszki 8)
In a recent post on the official Final Fantasy XV forums, game director Hajime Tabata has has confirmed that the automatic system from the Episode Duscae demo has been removed for the final version of the game.

Originally, the automatic system consisted of different attacks in a combo or outside of a combo with each attack using a different weapon e.g. Crush→Ravage→Vanquish with the weapons Avenger, Blood Sword and Wyvern Lance respectively.

Replacing the old design is a system that enables players to freely switch weapons at any time during attacks. Each of the weapons equipped can be changed in real time using the up, down, left or right directional buttons on the game controller. Tabata notes that this is “normal” in a continuous attack. It also prevents weapons from being automatically changed in unintended timing. This also opens up opportunities of creating combinations of real time weapon switching. In short, players can perform continuous attacks with a different weapon on the fly.

Additionally, for ‘Counter’ attack and ‘Raid’ attack – those attacks will be executed based on the weapon currently being held but players can set a specific weapon to use for those attacks in the customization menu of the game.


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #997 dnia: Października 06, 2015, 10:50:06 am »


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #998 dnia: Października 18, 2015, 12:12:57 pm »
To już wiadomo dlaczego gra powstaje 10 lat.

Szukajo kamieni :lol:


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Odp: Final Fantasy XV
« Odpowiedź #999 dnia: Października 20, 2015, 09:09:20 am »
Grywalne Episode Duscae 2.0 na Paris Games Week.

According to the publisher’s official Facebook page, the latest version of the Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae demo, Episode Duscae 2.0, is going to be available in playable form during the event. The publisher will also show a new presentation but it seems like no new details will be revealed, as footage from Episode Duscae 2.0 is going to be used during it.