Autor Wątek: Final Fantasy XV  (Przeczytany 264367 razy)

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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #120 dnia: Czerwca 03, 2009, 12:53:01 pm »
Ja obstawiam koniec 2010.
W Japonii. :grin:

FFvs ma mieć światową premierę. Przynajmniej tak zapowiadało SE


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #121 dnia: Sierpnia 11, 2009, 00:36:44 am »
Final Fantasy Versus XIII: What The Hell Is Going On?

Since its initial announcement, Final Fantasy Versus XIII has had a steady flow of information. The original concepts were greeted with intrigue, and things only increased following the release of more trailers during 2008.

The game focuses around the exploits of Noctis Lucis Caelum, who is the main protagonist. However, although many other characters have been seen, only the name of one other character is known, Stella Nox Fleuret. Her relationship with Noctis is set to be extremely complicated, and the story in general looks like it could be a departure from the typical teen angst seen in many RPGs.

However, Final Fantasy Versus XIII has recently fallen completely off the radar. The last piece of news came in May, when Nomura said that people should be patient. He also stated that the next piece of news related to Versus XIII would be very surprising. It's unlike Square Enix to completely drop all promotion and publicity around their products though, especially if they are so big. Versus XIII wasn't even present at this year's E3, and it wasn't mentioned at all in the recent media briefing following their first fiscal results.

Is this all financially motivated, a knock-on effect from the delayed Dragon Quest IX, or are there other reasons behind the complete media blackout. It's unclear at the moment, but something similar did in fact happen with Final Fantasy XII when the director had to be changed. That game ended up taking have a very long development time, hopefully that isn't the case for Versus XIII, as it's one of the most anticipated games for the PlayStation 3...if gamers still remember it's actually coming out.

Też z niecierpliwością wyczekuję jakiegoś nowego info o Versusie.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #122 dnia: Sierpnia 21, 2009, 21:50:07 pm »
Square Enix: Final Fantasy Versus XIII ma się dobrze
Okazja spotkania Kitase we własnej osobie nie nadarza się codziennie, toteż podstępnie w trakcie rozmowy spytaliśmy go, jak tam idą prace nad tą częścią, na którą najbardziej czekamy - Final Fantasy Versus XIII. W końcu dawno już nic na ten temat nie słyszeliśmy. No to co się dzieje?

 Hahaha... Co się dzieje? Cóż, nie mamy dziś tutaj ekipy od FFV XIII więc nie mogę mówić o szczegółach, ale prace posuwają się zgodnie z planem. Nasze ekipy deweloperskie dzielą się takimi kwestiami, jak choćby zagadnienia związane z silnikiem. Poza tym osoby odpowiedzialne za takie rzeczy jak projektowanie postaci czy animacje wspierają ekipę od Versusa i gdy tylko uda im się coś nowego osiągnąć, dzielą się tym z drugim zespołem. Prace nad Final Fantasy XIII już dobiegają końca i dlatego chcielibyśmy przyspieszyć tworzenie Versusa... Tak, zdecydowanie je przyspieszymy.,95339,6953086,Square_Enix__Final_Fantasy_Versus_XIII_ma_sie_dobrze.html

Dobrze wiedzieć, że versus ma się dobrze.  :) Liczę na jakieś nowe info na TGS.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Sierpnia 21, 2009, 21:59:32 pm wysłana przez Agst07 »


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #123 dnia: Sierpnia 22, 2009, 10:45:06 am »
Chciałbym ujrzeć chociaż skrawek gameplay'a. Nie mogę sie doczekać na tę grę.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #124 dnia: Sierpnia 22, 2009, 10:58:23 am »
Gameplayem pewnikiem będzie przypominać Crisis Core. ;) (wachlarz ciosów znacznie większy ->included)


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #125 dnia: Sierpnia 25, 2009, 00:22:59 am »
Final Fantasy Versus XIII Already On Blu-Ray Disc

Other than a few trailers, and some minor details on Final Fantasy Versus XIII, the game is still very shrouded in mystery. Because too few details are known about the upcoming game from Square Enix, many gamers aren?t expecting a release any time soon. We have a video that suggests FF Versus XIII has already been printed on a disc, which might mean we will be seeing the game?s release sooner, rather than later.

The video, which is said to just be demonstrating how animated themes will look on the upcoming 3.0 firmware update for the PlayStation 3, reveals the game may be further along in development than expected.

At 0.14 seconds into the video below, you will see under the XMB?s game tab, a Blu-Ray disc for Final Fantasy Versus XIII.

Krótki filmik pod linkiem.
: Sierpień 24, 2009, 20:40:26 pm
Jak się okazało, niestety to fake... 8-)


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #126 dnia: Sierpnia 26, 2009, 07:24:43 am »
No New Final Fantasy Versus, Agito XIII Images at Tokyo Game Show:

In the issue of Famitsu on sale Thursday, there is an interview with Final Fantasy series character designer Tetsuya Nomura.

Whilst much of the interview is in regards to his upcoming Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep game on the PSP, the magazine takes a moment to ask him about Square Enix's plans for this year's Tokyo Game Show, with Nomura responding "We will not be showing new images for Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Final Fantasy Agito XIII or The 3rd Birthday (Parasite Eve)." This would seem to mean no new screenshots, no new concept art and - much to the chagrin of many, I'm sure - no new trailers.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #127 dnia: Sierpnia 26, 2009, 21:26:08 pm »
No oni chyba sobie żartują,znajac Square Enix to ta gra przed 2011 nie wyjdzie. :-?


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #128 dnia: Września 24, 2009, 09:27:58 am »
TGS 09: Final Fantasy Versus XIII Test Gameplay Footage Previewed

The Tokyo Game Show began today and although we were told otherwise beforehand, Final Fantasy Versus XIII has made an appearance. Apparently after attendee's played either the Final Fantasy XIII or Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep demo at the Square Enix booth, they were treated with some gameplay footage of Final Fantasy Versus XIII in a private theatre. Apparently the footage is only of gameplay in the testing stages. Let's hope we get some more out of TGS soon.

Dawać ten filmik!

Castor Krieg

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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #129 dnia: Września 28, 2009, 20:39:41 pm »

Dawać ten filmik!
Nie mogę dać filmiku, muszą najpierw to wyjawić w Famitsu/Dengeki. Przecież w Japonii to wszystkie newsy są z tych pism.
: Wrzesień 25, 2009, 13:32:20 pm
No oni chyba sobie żartują,znajac Square Enix to ta gra przed 2011 nie wyjdzie. :-?
Nomura i Kitase powinni zdrowo po dupie dostać. 4 lata pracy a ci są na etapie tech dema? Niesamowite jest przekonanie Square, że gra to 80% design a 20% programowania, bo zawsze wydawało mi się odwrotnie. Teraz Nomura powiedział, że jak skończyli FFXIII to część przejdzie do FF Versus XIII. Zobaczymy czy to coś da. Jak na moje oko to Q2 2011 Japonia, Q4 2011 USA.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #130 dnia: Grudnia 19, 2009, 13:53:01 pm »
New Final Fantasy Versus XIII Gameplay Trailer Shown at Jump Festa

I find it surprising that most of us forgot about Jump Festa this year. Even more surprising though is that a new Final Fantasy Versus XIII gameplay trailer has been shown there. Of course it was only a short trailer and it was shown in, you guessed it, Square Enix's infamous Closed Mega Theatre. I can't help but feel a little nostalgic at the moment.

The trailer begins with Noctis waiting on a highway and then being picked up by a car. It then speeds off. The entire trailer is in real time and apparently looks stunning (especially the lighting).

The tiny trailer ends with "Revelation will come next time". Let's hope we don't have to wait for the next trailer as long as we did for this one.

Jump Festa 09: Noctis' New Outfit

Square Enix has taken another opportunity to show off their partnership with Roen by bringing a new Final Fantasy Versus XIII costume to Jump Festa. The new outfit is for Noctis but we don't know when he's going to wear it or if it might possibly replace his existing one.

Spoiler (kliknij, by wyświetlić/ukryć)
Jak dla mnie świetny ten strój. (poza koszulką...)
Ehh... niech już pokażą jakiś gameplay. Wciąż jest to obecnie najbardziej wyczekiwana przeze mnie gra.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #131 dnia: Grudnia 22, 2009, 17:49:36 pm »
Nomura: FF Versus 13 "No Difference between CGI and Realtime Graphics"

It seems that as soon as Final Fantasy XIII released, the hype train at Square Enix began for Final Fantasy Versus XIII. In a Japanese magazine interview, Nomura has been detailing Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and things are looking promising:

- The in game graphics have been upgraded, so much so that there is no real difference between the CGI (prerendered video) and the graphics in game.
- More detailed information regarding the development of Agito XIII and Versus XIII to come in early 2010.
- This is a dark Final Fantasy as everyone expected (FF7/8 fans rejoice).
- Nomura confirms steady development on another title, which is not a new IP, but hasn't confirmed what it is, although it may be Kingdom Hearts 3.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #132 dnia: Lutego 01, 2010, 07:40:28 am »


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #133 dnia: Lutego 01, 2010, 08:23:08 am »
Co że niby grafika jak na renderach? Nie uwierzę do puki nie zobaczę


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #134 dnia: Lutego 01, 2010, 09:05:32 am »
Info już nieaktualne.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #135 dnia: Lutego 01, 2010, 10:44:49 am »
Info już nieaktualne.
Update: Since the article went live, Jeff has clarified his previous statement to let it be known that he misunderstood the question and that Final Fantasy Versus XIII information won't be made available on the PlayStation blog this month. Jeff replied to another reader asking him to be sure he meant Versus XIII with the following statement:

"Ah, Versus? SquEnix ain’t gonna talk about that with FFXIII coming up so soon, I know that much.

When they’re ready to start talking Versus (and I don’t know when that is), I expect you’ll be seeing them here to address you all directly."


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #136 dnia: Lutego 11, 2010, 22:04:25 pm »
Final Fantasy Versus XIII Development Has 'Really Picked Up' - Square Enix
Square Enix have said that the development for Final Fantasy Versus XIII has picked up in recent times.

Speaking in an interview with Xbox-Mag, the developing giants said "development for Final Fantasy Versus XIII has really picked up since we've finished Final Fantasy XIII" and that many of the designers who worked on FFXIII now have their minds set for the projects push for completion.

The game is currently set to appear on the PlayStation 3. When the game will be released though, is a mystery to anyone at the moment.

Jak myślicie, będą miasta ? Czy może wciąż są one za trudne do wykonania w erze HD ? :lol:


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #137 dnia: Lutego 11, 2010, 22:20:15 pm »
Jak myślicie, będą miasta ? Czy może wciąż są one za trudne do wykonania w erze HD ? :lol:

Maj jednak nadzieję, że najbardziej wyczekiwana przeze mnie gra da radę.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #138 dnia: Lutego 12, 2010, 00:21:41 am »
Może im się uda. Ja dla mobilizacji SE nie kupiłbym FF XIII bo po co mi kolejny krap w domu.
Thou know'st 'tis common: all that lives must die, Passing through nature to eternity.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #139 dnia: Lutego 17, 2010, 09:46:37 am »
Nomura discusses FF Versus XIII’s world map:

Tetsuya Nomura was interviewed in this week’s Famitsu issue. Although most of the interview is about Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, he also discussed Final Fantasy Versus XIII for a little bit.

According to the interview, the world map in the upcoming game has changed. Originally, a miniature version of Noctics would have run around the world map. Because it looked a little bit odd, however, Square Enix decided to change it to resemble another Final Fantasy title (Famitsu blocked the number off).

Due to changes like that, the original plan to reveal the Final Fantasy Versus XIII at this year’s E3 is in jeopardy, according to Tetsuya Nomura. He is currently talking with other producers at Square Enix to make sure that they balance the game unveiling with other upcoming Square Enix titles.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #140 dnia: Lutego 17, 2010, 13:19:11 pm »
According to the interview, the world map in the upcoming game has changed. Originally, a miniature version of Noctics would have run around the world map. Because it looked a little bit odd, however, Square Enix decided to change it to resemble another Final Fantasy title (Famitsu blocked the number off).


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #141 dnia: Lutego 17, 2010, 17:30:51 pm »
FF Versus XIII may be E3 no-show:

We've seen practically bugger all of Final Fantasy Versus XIII so far and that may not change anytime soon as Square admits the game might not be ready for its planned E3 showing.

Director Tetsuya Nomura has told Famitsu magazine that substantial changes recently made to the game's map system means development may not reach a point that Square will be satisfied to show.

According to translations on, the map system showed a smaller version of the main character running around similar to a certain previous FF game, and has been changed to be more like another FF title (specific titles intentionally concealed by the magazine).

Sony's PS Blog man Jeff Rubenstein said Square was "eager to get some posts on the blog in February", teasing the prospect of new info in the coming weeks.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #142 dnia: Lutego 17, 2010, 17:32:55 pm »
Ehh... :mad:


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #143 dnia: Lutego 17, 2010, 17:33:19 pm »
Premiera jak nic w 2011 w Japonii.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #144 dnia: Lutego 17, 2010, 17:37:29 pm »
Premiera jak nic w 2011 w Japonii.
Niby ma być ogólnoświatowa.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #145 dnia: Lutego 17, 2010, 18:49:59 pm »
Gra na pewno nie wyjdzie w 2010. Dobrze bedzie jak wyjdzie przed wakacjami 2011 ;\

Krzych Ayanami

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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #146 dnia: Lutego 17, 2010, 21:41:34 pm »
No cóż, życie gracza to ciągłe czekanie  ;)
Oby było na co czekać.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #147 dnia: Marca 17, 2010, 22:50:54 pm »
Final Fantasy Versus XIII sees return of World Map, Airships

In a recent interview on the Japanese Square Enix Members area, Tetsuya Nomura has revealed further information regarding the upcoming Final Fantasy Versus XIII title – currently set to be released exclusively on PlayStation 3.

In a response to a question as to how much of the game is complete, Nomura responds “Things are not connected yet, every part is moving along separately. However, we have gotten airships working over the world map.”

Following complaints regarding the linearity of Final Fantasy XIII, such a statement will sure to be great news to fans looking for the series to return to a more open nature.

Within the same interview, Nomura also revealed that his favourite character that he created was Sora, as well as stating that he hoped they could make a sequel to Dissidia: Final Fantasy.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #148 dnia: Maja 18, 2010, 17:41:14 pm »
Xbox 360 Final Fantasy Versus XIII Under Consideration  :-x

The various Versus trailers that we've seen since FFXIII's multiplatform switch have made it clear that this particular FF game would be PS3-only worldwide. But CEO Yoichi Wada was less firm on this stance during a Q&A session that concluded an investors meeting today in Tokyo.

As reported at Impress Watch, when asked if it would be best to give Versus a multiplatform release on Xbox 360, Wada replied "We'll be looking into it internally until right before the formal announcement."

Square-Enix... :evil:


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #149 dnia: Maja 18, 2010, 17:49:46 pm »
Oj to fanbojkom gula skoczy  :lol:


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #150 dnia: Maja 18, 2010, 17:57:07 pm »
Czyżby kolejny megaton na E3 :lol:
Chociaż po jakości konwersji FFXIII na X0 to wiadomo już, czego się (w razie czego) spodziewać.
Always code as if the person who will maintain your code
is a maniac serial killer that knows where you live.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #151 dnia: Maja 18, 2010, 17:59:44 pm »
Czyżby kolejny megaton na E3 :lol:

Pewnie tak. Na konferencji MS co roku najważniejszy news, to zabranie znanego exa Sony.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #152 dnia: Maja 18, 2010, 18:00:43 pm »
Bardzo dobrze, już się bałem, że w Versusa nie zagram, ale jednak jest szansa  :grin:


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #153 dnia: Maja 18, 2010, 18:01:33 pm »
Przecież jak ta gra wyjdzie na X360 , to kolejne G. wyjdzie a nie jRPG >_>


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #154 dnia: Maja 18, 2010, 18:02:53 pm »
Według mnie, to już jest przesądzone. Teraz tylko trzeba poczekać na oficjalny komunikat.


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #155 dnia: Maja 18, 2010, 18:08:50 pm »
Przecież jak ta gra wyjdzie na X360 , to kolejne G. wyjdzie a nie jRPG >_>



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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #156 dnia: Maja 18, 2010, 18:12:53 pm »
Nie żebym coś tam miał do samej konsoli (mówi się trudno :P) , ale zazwyczaj jak chcą zrobić grę na x360 , to chcą ją zrobić dla Amerykańców , to z kolei przekłada się na głupie uproszczenia i wpychanie na chama zachodnich akcentów , które nie koniecznie pasują do gry...


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #157 dnia: Maja 18, 2010, 18:14:36 pm »
Jakieś przykłady?


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #158 dnia: Maja 18, 2010, 18:15:18 pm »
R'n'B  :lol:


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Odp: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
« Odpowiedź #159 dnia: Maja 18, 2010, 18:16:16 pm »
Słucham ?
« Ostatnia zmiana: Maja 18, 2010, 18:25:55 pm wysłana przez Patosław »