GamingIndians przeprowadziało wywiad z Ianem Livingstonem, nowym prezesem (Life President - nie wiem, jaki jest polski odpowiednik nazwy tego stanowiska) Eidos. W wywiadzie tym mowa jest o kilku grach, które zostały juŻ zapowiedziane, bądź jeszcze nie, ale są w trakcie tworzenia:
New Hitman (ktoś tu będzie zadowolony
* It's being worked on
* Everything you hear about the next Hitman game is purely speculation at this point
* [Still being made by IO]
Thief * We did some research on all our franchises and the one that was most wanted was Thief
* You might want to draw your own conclusions
Kane & Lynch 2 * There's a target date for September
* [Being made by IO]
* Yes, hopefully there will be a Kane and Lynch movie
* We understand Bruce Willis will be in the film
Deus Ex 3 * We've hired the best people in the business from Montreal and also from outside Canada to work on Deus Ex
* It's an incredible studio; the most advanced studio I've seen
* [Deus Ex release] No, not this year
Arkham Asylum * We're expecting review scores in the 90s
* It's worthwhile going that slightly extra distance to make it the game it has to be
* We're delaying it for the right reasons and no one is going to be disappointed
* We haven't announced a new date. I can tell you it?s this year, but we haven't given a date.
Tomb Raider * Possibly another Tomb Raider movie
* The next Tomb Raider, I think, will surprise a lot of people and reinvigorate the franchise
* There are some remarkable things we?re doing in the next Tomb Raider to make you say, "Oh Lara, I love you so much!"
New IPs * Certainly working on new IP, but they won't be ready for this year
* Cannot ignore the rise of online multiplayer because it is a huge market
Cały wywiad:
Widać, po przejęciu przez Square Enix, Eidos dostało skrzydeł. Miło teŻ słyszeć, Że SE w Żaden sposób nie ingeruje w gry, które tworzy Eidos.