Troche info.
* 3D support planned from outset of development.
* Built from the ground-up and fully integrated into Naughty Dog Engine 3.0.
* Optimizations and technology developed for 3D support have benefited the 2D version.
* Precise aiming, especially around corners, aided through 3D support.
* Judging depth during traversal sequences aided through 3D support.
* Player experience from the cinematic presentation during set piece moments enhanced (e.g. increased sense of vertigo, etc).
* Particle system has been overhauled to allow the increase in number of effects and overdraw required for fire.
* Simulation combined with intricate hand crafting used to create the feeling of being trapped in an inferno.
* Fire actually affects the environment, changing traversal opportunities and creating and removing cover in combat situations.
* Several additional animation layers for Drake, Sully, and enemies to ground them in the environment and what is happening around them.
* Dozens of contextual animations for Drake stepping in, standing near, and taking cover by fire.
Podobno w trybie 3D będą uproszczenia graficzne, ale nie mają się rzucać w oczy. Każda gra pod 3D je posiada (np. KZ3 w 3D chodzi w rozdzielczości 640×716 ) a przejawia się to głównie niższą rozdziałką i gorszą jakościa tekstur. Moim zdaniem powinni całkowicie zrezygnować z 3D i poczekać z tym do nowej generacji konsol.