0 użytkowników i 1 Gość przegląda ten wątek.
Zajebiście !! Szkoda tylko, że dopiero w 2013, to szmat czasu
Pomijając spierdolone serwery EA ta gra jest zajebista w pizdu i wciąga jak bagno.I fajnie się gra w kilka osób
Ke ?
EA Hires Hundreds of Chinese Spammers to Post Positively About SimCity’s Always Online Requirement Play4Real: Rumor has it that you are being paid by EA, is this true? citybuilder229: No, this is not true. Play4Real: Then why are you posting only good things about SimCity’s always online requirement? citybuilder229: Because I was told by EA representative to post them. Play4Real: But you said you weren’t being paid by EA. citybuilder229: I have not been paid yet. Play4Real: Oh, okay. Is there anything else you can tell us about this deal you made? citybuilder229: I am to be paid one RMB (approximately .16 USD) per good post I make. Play4Real: How many posts have you made? citybuilder229: 780.