Można tak powiedzieć, jeżeli bierzemy pod uwagę Trevora Belmonta z Mirror of Fate:
His quest begins 25 years after the events of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. He is the son of Gabriel Belmont and the father of Simon Belmont. As he discovered what happened to his father and knowing his own fate, Trevor decides to begin his journey to Dracula's castle in order to destroy the vampire lord. During his quest, Trevor is turned into a vampire himself and given the name Alucard.
To jest trochę zamieszane, bo wychodzi na to, że jest Alucard z Symphony of the Night i ten, który dostał imię po Trevorze. Nie wiem, czy to ta sam postać. Ale z pierwszego trailera LoS 2 wygląda na protagonistę Symphony of the Night, a że Mirror of Fate to universum Lords of Shadow, to chyba jeden i ten sam