Autor Wątek: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny  (Przeczytany 1074484 razy)

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doktor Robotnik

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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1200 dnia: Grudnia 06, 2005, 13:05:59 pm »
Cytat: "misfit"
nie wierzę w baśnie

Nie ma znaczenia w co wierzysz.
Liczą sie fakty , a one mówią jednoznacznie: PS2 sprzedało się w 100 mln sztuk , PSX zanotowało jeszcze większy sukces.
Nie kładź PS3 do trumny , bo chłopaki z Sony nie w ciemie są bici i wątpie żeby byli religijni, oni nie wierzą tylko robią dobre konsole.

Jakby mi kto powiedział 15 lat temu że na każdym stadionie podczas ważniejszego meczu zobacze reklame jakiejś maszynki do gierek , to bym go wyśmiał.
Sony jest w umysłach wszystkich, nawet starych tetryków którzy nie wiedzą co to gra  i konsola, ale zmuszeni są oglądać reklamy Sony.


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1201 dnia: Grudnia 06, 2005, 16:25:55 pm »
Cytat: "doktor Robotnik"
Nie ma znaczenia w co wierzysz.

Primo, nie wyciągaj kawałków z kontekstu. Secundo, to co MIAŁA pokazać PS2 a pokazała okazało się zgoła inne niż w przypuszczeniach i obietnicach...
i don't even trust the man in the mirror


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1202 dnia: Grudnia 06, 2005, 17:52:07 pm »
tak ake jak PS3 chce zdominowac rynek to MUSI pokazać coś więcej niż PS3, nie porównuj epok :P


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1203 dnia: Grudnia 06, 2005, 17:59:19 pm »
Cytat: "Mikes"
PS3 chce zdominowac rynek to MUSI pokazać coś więcej niż PS3

Aha, chyba nie zrozumiałeś poprzedniego posta. Ja uważam, że to co prezentuje SONY póki co zupełnie mnie nie przekonuje, ale małych chłopców, którzy doznają konwulsji i toną w spazmach na samą myśl o PS3 taka Motorstormowa czy Killzołnowa propaganda jest jak znalazł.


  • Pawka Morozow
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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1204 dnia: Grudnia 06, 2005, 22:51:58 pm »
Cytat: "Tarniak"
i toną w spazmach na samą myśl o PS3 taka Motorstormowa czy Killzołnowa propaganda jest jak znalazł

propaganda czy nie dowiesz się (jak my wszyscy) po premierze.
Gry to gry,a sony na grch to się zna- w koncu zobacz ile pięknych gier wyszło na to "padło" PS2......nie wierze że sony dopuści do tego żeby sytuacja się nie powtórzyła przy PS3, jednocześnie wierze w to że 360 może przegonic będzie ciekawe 5 lat
Pokaż mi jak spamisz, a powiem Ci jakim jesteś człowiekiem

doktor Robotnik

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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1205 dnia: Grudnia 07, 2005, 18:19:17 pm »
Cytat: "Tarniak"
Ja uważam, że to co prezentuje SONY póki co zupełnie mnie nie przekonuje, ale małych chłopców, którzy doznają konwulsji i toną w spazmach na samą myśl o PS3 taka Motorstormowa czy Killzołnowa propaganda jest jak znalazł.

To właśnie jest propaganda dla mnie, bo jak zobaczyłem Motorstorm to mnie złapał lekki skurcz w okolicy wzrokowej mózgu.
Każdy normalny fan powinien tak zareagować, mam na myśli fana gier komputerowych ( nawet nie konsolowych), a nie fana Sony.
Ta prezentacja jest po prostu piękna. Życzę wszystkim aby tak wyglądała ostateczna wersja tej gry.


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1206 dnia: Grudnia 07, 2005, 19:03:56 pm »
Jasne ja też to poczułem...przez pierwsze 5 min. Pozostaje sceptykiem, wolę się mile rozczarować, niż płakać po kątach, że zostałem zmanewrowany (jak miliony chłonnych umysłów) przez SŁONY.


  • Kapitan Żbik
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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1207 dnia: Grudnia 07, 2005, 20:46:47 pm »
Cell wygrywa z GeForce 7800 GT

Keenan Crane, programista zajmujący się sprzętowymi aspektami grafiki 3D, postanowił porównać wydajność tworzenia twójwymiarowych modeli przy pomocy pewnych złożonych fraktali będących zbiorami Julii. Najciekawsze jest to, że na warsztat wziął procesor graficzny GeForce 7800 GT i układ Cell.

Crane'owi zależało wyłącznie na porównaniu czystej wydajności obliczeniowej obu chipów. Aby to zrobić, przepisał kod CG napisany dla Nvidii na Cella przy pomocy dostępnego oficjalnie SDK. Okazało się, że 3,2 GHz Cell, w którym wykorzystano siedem jednostek wektorowych - jedna została zarezerwowana do innych zadań - wyprzedza podkręconą Nvidię 7800 GT (425/1050 MHz).

Stworzony przez IBM, Toshibę i Sony procesor wyprzeda flagowy układ GeForce o około 30 procent. Okazało się również, że po konwersji z CG część danych była przeliczana w niezbyt wydajny sposób, skalarnie. Dzięki dodatkowym optymalizacjom udało się osiągnąć wydajność nawet sześciokrotnie wyższą od tej, jaką może poszczycić się GF 7800.

Choć są to benchmarki dotyczące jednego rodzaju obliczeń i nie bierze się w nich pod uwagę wydajności pamięci (takie było założenie) czy szybkości jednostek teksturujących, wyniki z pewnością wywołają wiele spekulacji dotyczących przyszłości układów graficznych.


doktor Robotnik

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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1208 dnia: Grudnia 08, 2005, 10:05:54 am »
Cytat: "konsolko"
Choć są to benchmarki dotyczące jednego rodzaju obliczeń i nie bierze się w nich pod uwagę wydajności pamięci (takie było założenie) czy szybkości jednostek teksturujących

Bardzo ładnie , tylko że przepustowość pamięci GPU oraz prędkość wypełniania to podstawowe atrybuty karty graficznej które świadczą o jej możliwościach.

Więc co tam u licha była badane?


  • Marynarz z Potiomkina
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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1209 dnia: Grudnia 08, 2005, 13:46:06 pm »
ważne iż w przypadku PS3 o renderowanie itp nie musimy się martwić (Cell+RSX).

Sony kupiło Guerilla. Twórcy lubianego bądź nie Killzone'a, są zadowoleni iż mogą przenieść swoją współprace z Sony na "wyższy poziom". Przypominam iż pracują nad KZ na PS3.

Capcom zamierza wypuścić Resident Evil 5 na X360 i PS3 w tym samym czasie. Firma chce aby seria była pozycją w pełni multiplatformową. Dodał także iż RE5 będzie zawierał elementy online (dokładnie nie wiadomo).

IBM i AMD wprowadzają nowe technologie wytwarzania procesorów- 65nm. Ma ona oczywiście zmniejszyś zapotrzebowanie na prąd oraz zmniejszyć ilość wydzielanego ciepła.


  • Kapitan Żbik
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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1210 dnia: Grudnia 08, 2005, 17:24:10 pm »
Nowe info nt. PS3 (i nie tylko) znalazło się w najnowszym numerze PSM.

Unreal Tournament 2007

"For its 2k7 iteration (think of it like a sports game; the year's bumped ahead by one) the series is not just coming back to the console world - it's aiming to set a new benchmark for online multiplayer in the process"

Building a better battle

"We've been working on teh gameplay side of things for about a year," the game's lead designer, Steve Polge, told us as we first laid eyes on it. "We started off refining the basics, the movement and the weapons," he recounted. "We went back to the roots; played older UT games, other FPSs, so that it just feels really good." However, Polge wsa quick to add: "We're stilli n the early part of development." Judging by the level we saw, you wouldn't have thought it.

In a classic segue into "the really cool stuff," Polge quickly talked about the weapons being familiar, but enhanced, then got down to one of the major elements that could make UT2007 the PS3's online killer app: its vehicles. 'We're really innovating most with the vehicles," explained Polge. "We think it's something that will really translate well to teh console. It's actually one case where console controller is actually better suited for gameplay." (No, Epic Games doesn't have a PS3 boomerang controller - no one does - we controlled the dev kit with a stock dual shock 2).

Big guns are good. Big vehicles with bigger guns are better. There will be 18 in all, up from the six that debuted in UT2004. Executive Producer Jeff Morris landed an Axxon Cicada in front of us, giving us our first look at the detail achievable by pairing UE 3 with great artists. With its vertical wings, belly turrent, and nose art, it looked like the offspring of an aircraft from WWII and WWXXII. It was also difficult to look at it and not think that it would look perfectly at home in a big-budget Hollywood movie without needing to be pre-rendered.

Next up, we got to see the returning, but improved, Scorpion. This all-terrain vehicle nove becomes a self-destructing projectile if the player uses its newly added boost to rush enemies and then ejects before impact. It's also great for showing off how the game's ground vechicles have evolved from "floating boxes" to heavy feeling, realistically handling terrors of the terrain.

In fact, the vehicles have evolved to the point that entire battles can be played out using them. It's something that Morris had no problem with. "Where is the 'Twisted Metal Championship"', he wondered aloud. "There's no real leader of the vehicular combat genre on consoles. In fact, the genre has really evaporated over the years," he observed. "We see a real oppurtunity to bring that type of gameplay back in Unreal Tournament 2007."

The men (and women) behind the machines

We can't disagree with that, but this is a FPS, right? You're not just a car -- you're a man, woman, alien - a being packing some major firepower. Fear not, the foot soldier has not been forgotten.

At this point in development, the Onslaught mode is the major focus of the UT2007 team. The battlefields feature many elements well known to players of UTs past. capture nodes, turrents, and the like... but there are, of course, some new twists.

"We're tyring to give the level designers a lot more freedom to experiment with doing all new types of Onslaught levels," expalined Polge. 'We have special objectives now that can be mixed into the mode. We have low-key objectives like blow up this bridge, but they can also be very elaborate."

Morris is especially excited about this new aspect. "Even though you're still palying Onslaught, you know that if you complete this one special objective, for example, you're going to start out the next match in a really cool vehicle." He loves his vehicles.

How does all this cause and effect gameplay fit into the whole picture? "The other big thing we're adding in Ut2007 is a campaign called Warfare," explained Polge. "The outcome of one battle will realistically affect the next one. It gives a more story-driven aspect to the game, offline or online."

The design team is also very big on giving the player the freedom to change their role on the battlefield at any point. Polge explains: "We're not going to have classes. What we're tyring to do, though, is encourage people to take on roles." His example: "You can go and grab a sniper rifle and be a sniper for a while, but if you decide you're tired of doing that, you can play as an engineer by picking up some deployables, which are something els we're adding to UT 2007."

"Mines, energy barriers - we have a lot of ideas," he teased.

Blurring the off/online

“Even though it’s an online-oriented title, a staggering number of people play UT2004 offline,” Morris revealed to our amazement. “We always take the single player very seriously,” he continued. “One of the ways we’re doing that in UT2007 is by giving the characters lots of personality.” According to Morris, offline bots will interact with the player and each other much more realistically now. The game is set to incorporate Epic’s voice recognition technology for communicating with bots as well. “My goal is to be able to use natural words to banter with the bots,” Morris explained. “I want to say ‘Go take this point!’ to the bot and have him say ‘Nah, I don’t’ want to,’” taking it a step farther, Morris adds: “Then I’ll say ‘You WILL take that point!’ and then he goes ahead and does it. And that’s just that one guy’s personality.”

UT2007 is also set to include a deeper create-a-character feature than the previous games, enabling you to customize nearly every aspect of your character’s physique and battle gear.

Oh, the eye candy

Gameplay explained, the entire team want to regale us with details about the technology and art that makes UT2007 look so damn amazing. And hey, we were just as eager to listen. As the game’s executive producer explained to us in words and on the screen, the real time level we were in originally “looked too clean. Too sci-fi.” So the team decided to base it more in reality and give a grungier look to everything. “The cool thing is, every little grungy bit we added caught the light and gave the game an even more amazing look,” Morris explained as he pointed out the remarkably crisp floor and wall textures on the 720p display, light glinting off the floor’s diamond plate as the camera moved.

Yes, the game is targeted to run at 1280x720, a.k.a. 720p resolution if you have a high-definition display. We asked Epic Games vice president Mark Rein, who was also present at the demo, about the target frame rate. “It’s simply too early to say, but we’re aiming for it to be as high as possible,” he responded. For the record, the 720p, totally un-optimized build running on hardware less powerful than the final PS3 spec was clipping along at 49fps.

We asked Rein about the now famous E3 demo of UE3. How difficult was it, really, to get it up and running? “The only trick we did to make sure that the lighting looked right and shadows looked right when we were doing our E3 demo was to change the mode in the game engine from Direct X to Open GL,” he confirmed, adding: “There’s no difference in what you see running of this test bed PC [a high-end system with a $500+ NVIDIA 7800GTX video card] and the PS3, which is really amazing.”

“People are going to be totally blown away when the get a PS3 and play it,” Rein continued. “PC gamers are used to having the absolute cutting edge graphics – console players are just going to say ‘Wow!’” As for how PS3 will ultimately run the game? “When you see the [final] game running on PS3, it’s going to be smoother [than on the PC]. You’re not going to have the operating system in the way and all the other things that can make a PC game look ‘poppy,’” he said. Driving home the point, he added: “People ask me what the next generation is going to offer other than better graphics, and I say ‘Stop! Go back and look at the graphics!’ Don’t downplay that. People spend $600 on a video card to get this kind of performance on their PC, and this is a potentially sub- $500 console!”

Josh (a programmer) on coding for PS3 "really a night and day difference" from what he was used to on PS2. Easier? "There's just a lot more preexisting knowledge you can apply from the entire game development world," he elaborated. "You don't have to learn everything all over again. So in that way, it's a huge difference"

Sweeney (lead programmer) said he was happy Sony went with NVIDIA for PS3's graphics processor. He also said that its developer frinedly and "...allows us to get the best-looking games up and running much more quickly."

That's the end of the main reading part of the story. There are some screenshots and concept art with captions.

Get this, UT2007 is going to have hoverboards!! So now when you die, you don't have a long walk to get back to the action. It gets cooler...when you are riding it, can fire a "tow beam" and latch onto world objects and vehicles. So you can either hitch a ride or gather speed for clearing a large gap. And now get this, YOU CAN PULL OFF SSX-style tricks!!

Kaz Hirai + Jack Tretton (President/VicePresident) na spowiedzi(skrót)
- they see lots of life left in PS2 well after PS3 is out

- Hairai says there will be lots of original franchises on the PSP next year
also want to expand Playstation experience to the handheld envrionment with existing franchises which aren't just ports, same name, different gameplay

- Sony still doesn't know when and which country they want to launch in first.

- Hirai on the PS3 slipping into 2007, not going to happen, they are still on track for a Spring 2006 launch

- Tretton on Microsoft's impact of a head start with xbox 360 "I dont' think it's a matter of time, but rather a matter of units."

- Both Sony guys said PS3 will be able to deliver the quality of visuals seen in the E3 demos. (perhaps even better) . " I think that, in the very near future, you'll see some comparable gameplay footage that will really put those rumors [that PS3 can't be as powerful as we're claiming it is] to bed."

- When will we get to play actual PS3 games on a real PS3? "...but what I can say is as soon as we feel that the quality of the software is up to where we expect it to be, and that we're confident of us being able to present that to everybody and everybody go home with the impression that, yes, these guys are really pusing the envelope in terms of what they bring to gameplay, graphic quality, and everything else." "... we'll present those games just as we're good and ready to go"

- Sony is still looking into pricing of the system

- another question about pricing and only certain hardcore people buying it... Bacially Hirai replies "we have a pretty good history of providing value for what we bring to the consumer"

- a question was asked (to Hirai, who remeber, is the Preisdent and Chief Executive officer) about the seems only one person has held the controller, Kutaragi. lol Here is a quote from Hirai. "Kutaragi actually showed it to me, and he was kind of waving it in my face, and when I tried to reach out for it, he said 'No,no,no,no,no -not yet!'"

Ted Price z Insomniac
PSM: Okay, first things first: We're totally excited about "I-8." There has not be something you can tell us about it other than "it's still in development".

Ted Price: Ha-ha! Nope.

- Price said we will learn more about the game "very soon"

- Ted Price, as a developer, says memory and processing power excites him most about working with the PS3. Also, he seems to love Blu-Ray Disc format

- He says PS3 has more raw horsepower and eventually (as developers learn)the gap will widen between 360 and PS3. In favor of the PS3 of course.

PSM: What's one big thing you can tell us about your next game that will get us even more excited about it?

Ted Price: While there aren't any Lambaxes in the game, you definitely get to blow lots of stuff up! Plus we'll be drawing 529,670,000,000 polygons per frame (give or take a few), the game will be run by an AI that can also do your taxes or your homework for you and we'll support full-body biofeedback suits. Probably. (Editor's note; Ted is just being silly here. We think. You never know...)

Nowe info nt. MGS4(wypowiedzi Kojimy)
- "...Snake is on a mission not to go to a certain place, but a battlefield"

- In MGS4, everyone around you may not be your enemy

- "The whole environment changes in real time, so the player controling Snake has the option to make any sort of involvement they woul dlike to in order to progress the game"

- Snake will go into multiple battles (different locations)

- "...But in the near-future war, it's more like a business, so there's lots of money involved, meaning they'll hire mercenaries to fight on behalf of their country."

- Kojima gives his prediction of what war will be like in the future and it seems that's what will be portrayed in MGS4. If you have seen the trailer you have somewhat of an idea of his vision. Reading this reminds me of Mercenaries. Each country fighting each other through the use of mercenaries/bounty hunters.

- Kojima is still working out how many years after MGS2 this game will take place. He said it might be as many as 10 years.

- Snake is aging faster because he is a clone. Apparently that's because the cloning technology was new in the 70s. I guess you can say it wasn't polished.

- The whole thing with sanke injecting something into his neck in the trailer may not be in the game.

- Kojima said " I might have second thoughts about a younger Snake if everyone thinks he looks too old."

- CQC will return in MGS4 "People will have question marks if Snake can do CQC, but if you follow the story, you'll understand why he has it."

- stamina will probably make a return in MGS4; "...still undecided on the food capture system."

- The little Metal Gear with Otacon on it will replace the codec and be used for communication

- will it only be Otacon on it? "That's a secret."

ok, I will right this question out...

Will you ever control it yourself to scout ahead or take pictures?

"Yes. We're tyring to do it at this stage, but if the game comes out and those features are not in the game, please realize that it was because we couldn't do it for a good reason. We had the plan for a remote controlled robot for even MGS2, however, due to the specs of the PS2, we couldn't do it."

- Kojima has thought about having a second player or even using the PSP to control it

- Kojima on the bigger robots in the trailer; "I cannot say what that is or what it will do because of the plot. What I can say is taht the leg part of what you saw is not 100% robot. It's like biotechnology. It's kind of like a cyborg. Think of it as the ninja suit in MGS1. If you shoot the leg, blood comes out. But it's very fast because it's not a robotic thing - it's got muscles. So it can move quite fast.

The upper part is a robot and is AI controlled. It's not very smart. We're gong to let you in on a little secret regarding that machine. If you watch the trailer again, when it comes out you can hear the crying noise of the cicada bug. In Japan, when you hear the cries of cicada, to most japanese people, it automatically makes them think of summer. And then it brings you back to your childhood, because there was so much nature in the past, so many cicada.

The footsteps soudn it makes is acutally a horse. When it approaches you, you have the cicada sound and the sound of a horse approaching you. Also, the cires of the machine are from a cow. So, there's a horse, a cow, and a cicada. All that combined gives you a natural feeling. This is the mental, psychological way to kill an enemy. See, in a battlefield you have a tense feeling. But when this machine approaches you, you have the horse soud, and the cow cry, and the cicada cry, and it makes you forget where you are and think about your childhood. You feel a little peaceful."

And then they strike?

"Yes, then they attack. So it's very psychological"

Can you talk about how Raiden is involved in the story?

"Should Raiden appear? [Laugher]

- Raiden is popular in Japan; there making him a cool character this time. "There's even potential you'll like him more than Snake!"

- " MGS4, yes, we will try to make Snake control anything that's possible" That was reffering to vehicles.


  • Marynarz z Potiomkina
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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1211 dnia: Grudnia 08, 2005, 18:18:30 pm »
Cytat: "konsolko"
"Kutaragi actually showed it to me, and he was kind of waving it in my face, and when I tried to reach out for it, he said 'No,no,no,no,no -not yet!'"

ten kawałek jest najlepszy  :wink: .  Reszta jest ciekawa, choć podobne wypowiedzi już były. Czekamy na gameplay. Oby styczeń przyniósł coś więcej niż tylko chłodny powiew zimy  :wink: .


  • Kapitan Żbik
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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1212 dnia: Grudnia 08, 2005, 18:52:57 pm »
CELL Microprocessor Revisited

The proclaimed target workloads for the prototype rack are:

Computer Entertainment.
Real-time rendering
Physics simulations


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  • Jak and Daxter 4 na PS4 - uwolnić orkę ^.-
Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1213 dnia: Grudnia 08, 2005, 18:54:53 pm »
hehe Raiden zajebiście popularny w japoni i tym razem ma byc fajowską postaciom a nawet jest taka możliwośc że polubimy go bardziej niż samego wielkiego WĘŻA ta jasne a słonie będą latac :wink:
its time for scream, its time for silence. -d(^_^)b-


  • Kapitan Żbik
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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1214 dnia: Grudnia 08, 2005, 22:45:08 pm »
Kaz Hirai info US

At the time of an interview granted to magazine PSM, Kaz Hirai, president de Sony Computer Entertainment America, give us some precise details on the consoles of the firm.

- PlayStation 2 will be always alive after the exit of PlayStation 3. Titles will thus be born on PlayStation 2 in the months which will follow the arrival of the PS3.

- a great quantity of new franknesses will unload on PSP in 2006.

- Sony Computer Entertainment still does not know which continent will accomodate in first PlayStation 3.

- There will be no shift for 2007, the console is always planned for spring 2006.

- the price of PlayStation 3 was not fixed yet.



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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1215 dnia: Grudnia 09, 2005, 17:31:26 pm »
Pomimo pojawiających się wątpliwości Sony zapewnia, że wiosenna premiera konsoli PlayStation 3 jest jak najbardziej realna.


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1216 dnia: Grudnia 09, 2005, 18:18:10 pm »
Wiosenna macie na mysli 2006?


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1217 dnia: Grudnia 09, 2005, 18:36:12 pm »
Cytat: "raven84"
Wiosenna macie na mysli 2006?

Wiosna 2006 w Japonii.


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1218 dnia: Grudnia 09, 2005, 18:52:01 pm »
Pewno bedzie w cholere drozsza od 360tki.


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1219 dnia: Grudnia 09, 2005, 20:26:21 pm »
uważaj bo jeszcze będziesz musiał się ugryść w język  :wink:


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1220 dnia: Grudnia 09, 2005, 21:16:01 pm »
Wiec czekamy na wiesci z japoni na poczatku 2006


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1221 dnia: Grudnia 10, 2005, 10:23:21 am »
Sony wygra bezkompromisowo na rynku konsoli?


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1222 dnia: Grudnia 10, 2005, 12:28:52 pm »
Lair i Warhawk tytułami startowymi?

Wg Jack'a Tretton'a, COO  SCEA, jest to bardzo możliwe.

Ostatnio często słyszymy o tym, iż Sony nadal zamierza wypuścić na rynek PS3 na wiosne 2006. Potwierdza to anonimowy pracownik Sony:

CEO EA, Larry Probst jednak nie wierzy w to i uważa że konsola wyjdzie pod koniec 2006 roku.


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1223 dnia: Grudnia 10, 2005, 17:28:56 pm »
Czasopismo PSM (US)

PSM: What do you say to the Playstation 2 owner that knows the PS3 is coming in 2005, and isn't sure what that means for their current system?

Kaz Hirai: We're into year five now with the Playstation 2 and we see a lot of life left in the Playstation 2 even after the Playstation 3 is launched. I think that a lot of publishers who were really not as aggressive in pursuing the older platform in terms of software support saw how the Playstation was in business for 10 years, so I think this time around you're going to see a lot more titles coming out for the Playstation 2, certainly next year and even beyond, obviously from first party, but also third party community as well.

PSM: What ever happened with the PS2 HDD and the media software for it?

Kaz Hirai: A couple of things there. One, we felt that a lot of those uses were suited for a portable environment, so you see a lot of that on the Playstation Portable. By the nature of the portability of the product, you going to have more uses for things like showing photos to your friends and what have you. That, as well as, quite honestly, the ramp up and the number of units were able to get out of the hard drive and the software support unfortunately did not mean we were going to have a 1:1 tie ratio with the Playstation 2s we had out in the market. We also had the redesign to the slim model PS2 as well, so, what we've done, again, in realize that these are all good functions to have, and we've incorporated them into the Playstation Portable. I think it's proven to be nice functionality that many people will take advantage of.

PSM: Can we expect more totally original titles on PSP in 2006?

Kaz Hirai: Yes. We certainly want to bring a lot of franchises to the PSP that are originally developed for that platform, but, at the same time, one of the things we want to accomplish with the Playstation Portable is to really expand the Playstation experience to the handheld enviroment. So both in terms of variations of existing franchises-Which, as you know, aren't just simple ports; they're using the same name but have completely different gameplay- we want to take advantage of the franchises we've built, but also being cognizant that you don't establish a new platform by just relying on existing franchises and you do need to push the envelope with great original content, like, for example Pursuit Force.

PSM: Are you still committed to a spring launch for PS3?

Kaz Hirai: We are still strategizing over that, and we've not come to a decision yet as to whether we want to with Japan first, the same time, three territories at the same time. Those things we're still looking at, and it's obviously a decision that needs to be made with us weighting a variety of actors, including how many units we can ramp up to, what is the manufacturing capacity, but, more importantly, what kind of software lineup are we going to have between first- and third-party in any of the three territories that will get the product first, being Japan, Europe, and the U.S. Which territory has the flow of software, the lineup of software? That will factor into it as well. So, basically, in a nutshell, it's too early to answer that question both from the manufacturing ramp up standpoint as well as the software lineup standpoint.

PSM: Can we sqush the rumors of PS3 slipping into 2007?

Kaz Hirai: [laughs] yes...unless we have no software, which I doubt very much, we're still on track for a sping 2006 launch.

PSM: How much of an impact on PS3 will Microsoft's head start with Xbox360- however long it may be-have?

Jack Tretton: I consider myself womewhat of a student of history, and while I don't think that the past is ever any guarantee of the future, a couple of things I like to point out factually that clearly are indicative of what you can expect going forward. Number one, we've never been the first platform to market. When we original launched the Playstation, the Sega Saturn hit the market before we did and ultimately that didn't help them prevail. The last time around with Playstation 2, the dreamcast hit the market first and ultimately that didn't help them prevail. Number two, if you say that this generation really came down to a battle between us and Microsoft, we sold three million PS2s before it hit the shelves in the States and if you look at the score now, it's 34 million for PS2 to roughly 14 million for Xbox. I think that, in Microsoft's mind, that three million we sold was really paramount. As far as what it would take for a lead by Microsoft to be significant, I don't think it's a matter of time, but rather a matter of units.

PSM: How important to Sony is the idea of a simultaneous worldwide launch of Playstation 3?

Jack Tretton: I don't think a consumer really cares whether or not if [the PS3] is available in another country before or after it's available for them. Everybody wants a new platform as asoon as they can get their hands on it, and I guess selfishly every territory wants to be first, but I think ultimately what the consumers are going to be excited about is going to be the software content that's available for it. The actual machine isn't very exciting unless you have compelling software to put into it. Often times, the first territory the system launches in suffers from the weakest launch lineup because the other territories have that additional time to do development and really get more games available and make each game that much better in time to hit the launch window.

PSM: Are you confident that the final PS3 will deliver the quality of visuals seen in the E3 demos?

Kaz Hirai: Yes, and I think the proof will have to be in the pudding. Because no matter what I say here, people are going to try dispel that and be skeptical until they see what we bring in terms of the final product. I'm going to say it's going to be just as exciting or even better than what people have seen, we will deliver, just as we have on the original Playstation. The Playstation 2, and most recently, the Playstation Portable.

Jack Tretton: We wouldn't be making claims of what our platforms could do if we didn't feel we could deliver on them. We've actually got three internal [PS3] titles that we're working on at Sony Computer Entertainment America. On of them, WarHawk, is playable, and you can compare the graphics and see them live, and also with another one of our launch titles, a game from factor 5 called Lair, again live footage, that footage compares very favorablely to what was shown at E3 press conference. I think that, in the very near future, you'll see some comparable gameplay footage that will really put those rumors[PS3 can't be as powerful as we're claiming it is] to bed.

PSM: There's been a lot of speculation about downscaling the PS3 in order to keep the price of the system down-is this really happening?

Kaz Hirai: The specifications that were distributed at E3 are the only verison of the Playstation 3 that exists. I have not seem any revisions to that, certainly not any offical internal communication. (notes: SCEA has since clarified that it was never officially stated that the PS3 would serve as a full wireless router. The system will simply act as a basic hub for connecting other Ethernet devices via an existing connection to home wireless network.)

PSM: When will we get to play actual PS3 game on real PS3?

Kaz Hirai: It's hard to say when at this point in time, but what I can say is as soon as we feel that the quality of the software is up to where we expect it to be, and that we're confident of us being able to present that to everybody and have everybody go home with the impression that, yes, these guys are really pushing the envelope in terms of what they bring to gameplay, graphic quality, and everything else. If that takes longer, then again, people are going to be skeptical until the day we show that. If it take longer than a lot of people expect, and that cause more speculation, it is what it is. I don't think it's something we can do anything about until we come out with an exact showing of those games, and we'll present those games just as soon as we're good and ready to go.

PSM: How will the Playstation online experience change with the introduction of PS3?

Kaz Hirai: With the Playstation 3, you can expect to see a lot more of the freatures that make it exciting to be part of an online community, beyond just the gameplay. Wether it's matchmaking or other community features, those are a integral part of being an oline community. We're hard at work on integrating those functionalities, as well as other functionalities that people have come to expect, and even some new things that people will find very refreshing.

PSM: What about the talk from others at Sony that PS3 online will be just like PS2 online, more or less?
Kaz Hirai: I think that when people at SCEE or SCEA talk about keeping the oline model pretty much along the lines of what we have now[on PS2] what they're actually saying is that they want to make sure that we maintain all of good business model points that we had in the open model and try to improve upon those with our third-party publishing partners.

PSM: Can you tell us anything about the pricing of the Playstation 3?

Kaz Hirai: pricing [of the system itself] is again something we'll have to take a very close look at as we get closer and closer to launch. So at this point in time, it's really difficult to say what the pricing structure is going to look like.

PSM: There some concern about PS3 being priced out of the reach of everyone but the hardcore early adopters. Is this valid?

Kai Hirai: I woud say that our past performance is the best indication of our future performance, and for at least three platforms, I think we have been bringing an excellent value to consumers, but also providing them with cuttingedge technology. I go back to less than a year ago when people looked at the PSP, and I got questions like "wow, this thing is great, but what do you think? $500?" and I said, "well, the proof is in the pudding: we've done Playstation and Playstation 2 at an affordable price," and people just said "yeah, right!" response. But we went out there with a $249 value pack, and I think people were pleasantly surprised. I not saying, therefore, that the PS3 is going to be $249, $299, whatever, but I think we have pretty good history of providing value for what we bring to the consumers.


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1224 dnia: Grudnia 10, 2005, 19:04:23 pm »
no i premiera na całym świecie jest możliwa (wszystko zalezy od ilosci konsol). A jeżeli nie na całym świecie to w jakiej kolejności: Japonia, USA, Europa czy może raczej Japonia, Europa, USA.


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1225 dnia: Grudnia 10, 2005, 22:08:58 pm »
I-8 Developer speaks on PS3 Development

PSM: Okay, first things first: We're totally excited about "I-8." There has not be something you can tell us about it other than "it's still in development".

Ted Price: Ha-ha! Nope.

- Price said we will learn more about the game "very soon"

- Ted Price, as a developer, says memory and processing power excites him most about working with the PS3. Also, he seems to love Blu-Ray Disc format

- He says PS3 has more raw horsepower and eventually (as developers learn)the gap will widen between 360 and PS3. In favor of the PS3 of course.

PSM: What's one big thing you can tell us about your next game that will get us even more excited about it?

Ted Price: While there aren't any Lambaxes in the game, you definitely get to blow lots of stuff up! Plus we'll be drawing 529,670,000,000 polygons per frame (give or take a few), the game will be run by an AI that can also do your taxes or your homework for you and we'll support full-body biofeedback suits. Probably. (Editor's note; Ted is just being silly here. We think. You never know...)


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1226 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2005, 13:32:41 pm »

Hirokazu Hamamura twierdzi, że pierwsze gry na poziomie jaki może osiagnąć tylko PS3, zobaczymy pod koniec 2007 roku. Chodzi o narzędzia do programowania (czyli nic nowego  :wink: ).


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1227 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2005, 17:25:09 pm »
Info From PSM.!

Five Ways the Playstation 3 Will Change Games

...Not every game will do this stuff, but the ability to will still exist for game makers with the time and creativity to tap into it. Let's take a look at just a few of the new gameplay experiences that PS3 will make possible

1. The End of the "disappearing act"

In theory: Everything that happens in or to the game world will be persistent.

In Action: You break it, it stays broken. You kill'em, they pile up. Even when you go back to previously visited areas later in teh game, you'll see that path of destruction you've left behind - enemies may even have decomposed or trees rotted. you definitely won't have to ask yourself "Have I been through this area before?"

2. Great minds think alike

In Theory: Enemies will react to what your character does and the situation they're in more realistically than ever. In fact, they'll be able to be nearly as smart and adaptive as the player.

In action: Enemies will run out of ammo and ditch their gun for another one- maybe even a better one. Maybe the gun you were hoping to grab. They might also dash for the same ammo pick-up available to you, abandoning their cover and opening them up for a clearere shot. Remeber shooting out lights and using night visiosn goggles to sneak up on enemies? Now they'll use that trick, too... so you'll have to make sure you can see in the dark as well.

3. Uncanned animation

In Theory: Motion capturing and traditional frame-by-frame character animation will give way to "smart" actiosn that take the character's physical attributes and their surroundings into account.

In action: If you're playing a platformer, your character will never leap or land using exactly the same animation twice. They'll "know" if they're exhausted from running and start to show it by a change in their stride. In a basketball game, the ball will never look like it's connected to your player's hand by a rubber band; in Madden, players will "know" their uniforms are dirty and brush themselves off at the line of scrimmage. Enemies wont' always fall down teh same way when shot, but they won't flail around like rag dolls either, if they're standing by a rail, for example, they'll "know" to try and grab it with one or both hands if you throw them over it. Even if they hang on, you can shoot their hands.

4. Never been there, never seen that

In theory: The immese capacity of Blu-Ray discs will overcome the limitations of even dual layer DVD and enable artisits to create game environments that never look repetitious. Their only limitations will be the amount of time they have to actually create objects and textures.

In Action: Games will be able to have many more types of environments, and more variety within each of them, without having to the areas in teh game any smaller to comensate. Objects won't just break; the extra room for textures on the disc will allow for almost limitless states of appearance - scorched, cracked, chipped, scratched. Heck, even sand that can turn to glass under the heat of a rocket thruster.

5. Interacting in newer, better ways

In theory: More processing power will take the capabilities of the EyeToy and voice recognition to new levels.

In Action: Your role-playing hero is having a heart-to-heart talk with their love interest. Only they're actually talking to and seeing you. Will you sound confident or cowardly? Have a happy face or a plain one? The very inflection of your voice and look on your face will determine his or her reaction. IN squad-based military games, when your team's back is up against a wall and the enemy's just aroudn the corner, you'll actually have to whisper your plan of attack to prevent being overheard= and that plan of attack can be very specific. "You, run across the street and take cover behind the red car!"

There is a picture and caption to number 5. It says, Sony is already working on a PS3 game called Eyedentify that combines advanced voice and face recognition. In it, you control a duo of crime fighting females that react realistically to your commands, tone of voice, and facial expressions.

Every Game Should Do This

We're not game developersm, and we dont' pretend to fully understand all of the hardships involved in making games, but as gamers, we know what we want - nay, demand - from our next-gernation games. Fair or not, the customer is always right, so listen up, developers!

60 Frames Per Second, Standard
A high frame rate can make an incredible difference in a game, especially fast-moving racing games and first-person shooters. It provides extra-smooth control and solid, quality feel. if triple-A PS2 titles like GT4 and God of War can run at 60fps, then why should we settle for anything less on PS3? If a trade-off has to be made, we'd gladly swap the last 5% of backround detail for a more enjoyable overall feel to the gameplay.

No Load Times
Since we're still dealing with disc-based games, we'll settle for "much improved" load times. Even though PS3 games will need to load up more polygons, more detailed textures and so on, BD-ROM will allow everything to constantly stream from the disc so we don't have to sit around staring at progress bars any more.

In-Game Memory Card Management
We've all done it - you play a game for, like, half an hour, only to find out that you don't have enough room left on your memory card to save. All you can do is reboot to the PS2's main menu and loose all of your hard work. Games need to let players access their memory card files from within the game. That way, you could quickly clear some space, save and continue playing.

Sleep Mode
Handhelds like the PSP and the Nintendo DS have this, and it's about time that consoles offer it, too. For too long, players have been unfairly penalized for having to stop their game. Something comes up, you've gotta run, but no - you're stuck searching for a save point or else you'll have to redo everything you've just accomplished. Game makers should recognize that players shouldn't be beholden to their games by inculding a sleep mode that will allow us to easily save our place at a moment's notice.


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1228 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2005, 21:26:32 pm »
punkt pierwszy coś mi przypomina...chyba coś takiego było w zapowiedziach "the getaway": jeśli rozwalisz jakis budynek (np. poprzez wjechanie samochodem) pozniej zobaczysz jak beda naprawiac uszkodzenia. i co? figa niestety.


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1229 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2005, 21:36:14 pm »


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« Odpowiedź #1230 dnia: Grudnia 14, 2005, 15:22:18 pm »
na GO dostaliscie dwa screeny z UT2007. Tu macie ich więcej -


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« Odpowiedź #1231 dnia: Grudnia 14, 2005, 15:25:02 pm »
Cytat: "zielarz"
na GO dostaliscie dwa screeny z UT2007. Tu macie ich więcej -

I przynajmniej w lepszej rozdzielczości :D teraz naprade robi wrazenie


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  • ale mi ręce gównem śmierdzą :x
Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1232 dnia: Grudnia 14, 2005, 15:50:26 pm »
coolandtrendy nie pisz dwóch postów pod rząd, edytuj posty.

on topic: Najlepiej jakby PS3 miało biały kolor, no i ten napis na boku PlayStation nie jest zbyt fajny.Lepiej jakby było to PS3.Czcionka jaką zrobiony jest napis pochodzi chyba ze Spidermana nie?Ogólnie desing mi się podoba tylko ten kolor i pad, no i napis...Ale i tak Revolution wygląda najlepiej...


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  • Gdzie jest Dickinson?!
Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1233 dnia: Grudnia 14, 2005, 17:27:09 pm »
Cytat: "UFO"
coolandtrendy nie pisz dwóch postów pod rząd, edytuj posty.

Nie baw się w moderatora, nie pouczaj innych jak nie masz do tego prawa, bo sam dostaniesz ostrzeżenie.  :wink:

Co do UT, to ciekaw jestem jak będzie z netem na PS3. Albo będziemy grali z botami, albo Sony szykuje nam coś naprawdę niezłego jeśli chodzi o net. Znając Sony i ich podejście do grania po sieci, spodziewam się, że będzie niestety to pierwsze - boty znaczy się.  :wink:
War, war never changes. Waiting for Fallout 3.


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1234 dnia: Grudnia 14, 2005, 17:29:19 pm »
Wywiad - Phil Harrison

"Phil Harrison on the future of PlayStation" (PS2, PS2 i PS3)


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1235 dnia: Grudnia 15, 2005, 15:15:37 pm »
Merrill Lynch poraz kolejny w natarciu -

konkrety: przewidują, że Sony poniesie 1 mld strat przy sprzedaży sprzętu. Wg nich koszty produkcji wyniosą 500$(ktoś już kiedyś podawał 495$) zaś japoński gigant będzie ją sprzedawał za 399$. To tyle.

Przypominam iż na początku stycznia odbędą się CES. Przewiduje się iż Sony zaatakuje w wielkim stylu (najlepsza okazja po problemach z dostępnością X360 i pewnych innych problemach). Jak będzie to się okaże ale jeśli Sony tego nie wykorzysta...

Acha, jest już data E3: 9-11 konferencje, 10-12 expo. Już czuje wiosne  :) .


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1236 dnia: Grudnia 15, 2005, 15:21:24 pm »
Cytat: "zielarz"

Acha, jest już data E3: 9-11 konferencje, 10-12 expo. Już czuje wiosne  :) .

Te daty były już wywieszone na wyjściu E3 2005 ;)
Nie mogę się doczekać dem PS3... prawdziwych, grywalnych.
Wtedy sie pokaże czy Sony pokazało prawdę, czy też podążyły drogą PS2...


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Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1237 dnia: Grudnia 15, 2005, 15:36:30 pm »
dopiero teraz wystartowała strona E3 2006. A grywalne wersje jeśli będą to nie wiadomo czego. Może Warhawk,  może też pokażą Hevenly Sword (demo video). Albo zaskoczą nas czymś nowym. Na MGS4 nie mamy co liczyć. A Killzone- chyba też nie (chyba że video poraz kolejny).


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  • Rejestracja: 04-12-2005
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  • Reputacja: 0
Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1238 dnia: Grudnia 15, 2005, 17:27:10 pm »
Czyżby Ps3 Uderzała na wiosnę?


  • Marynarz z Potiomkina
  • *****
  • Rejestracja: 14-07-2005
  • Wiadomości: 6 810
  • Reputacja: 75
Odp: [archiwum] Playstation 3 - Temat główny
« Odpowiedź #1239 dnia: Grudnia 15, 2005, 17:46:22 pm »
w Japonii na 100%