Moze i jestem ciemny, ciotowaty i w ogóle, ale nie rozumiem tych wszystkich F,OWGH,d+1_65 itd itp , ludzie co to znaczy ? :] Znacie jakąś stronkę z wyjaśnieniami ? Bo kumpel ma PS2 i chcę zabłysnąć
1 left punch
2 right punch
3 left kick
4 right kick
f tap forward
F hold forward
d tap down
D hold down
b tap back
B hold back
u tap up
U hold up
d/f tap down forward
D/F hold down forward
d/b tap down back
D/B hold down back
u/f tap up forward
U/F hold up forward
u/b tap up back
U/B hold up back
qcf quarter circle forward
qcb quarter circle back
hcf half circle forward hcb
half circle backNotations
FC full crouch animation
WS while standing up
N joystick in neutral
WR while running
SS side step either way
SSL side step to left
SSR side step to right
[ ] optional command
, followed by
~ immediately after
+ at the same time
( _ ) or
< delayed input
= next in sequence
° push and hold button
: requires just frame input
Grounded Postions
PLD play dead position face up & feet away
KND knockdown position face up & feet towards
SLD slide position face down & feet away
FCD face down position face down & feet towards
Move Properties
BT - your back turned to the opponent
FF - face forward towards opponent
OB - forces opponent's back to face you
OC - forces opponent into crouch
OS - forces opponent's side to face you
JG - juggle starter
BN - bounce juggle starter
RC - recover crouching after a move
RCj - joystick modifier, need to hold D during the move to RC
CH - requires a counter hit
DS - double over stun (ex. Kazuya WS+2 counter hit) tap f to escape in most cases, you can usually launch opponent
FS - fall back stun (ex. Kazuya WS+2) tap f to escape in most cases, you can usually launch opponent
MS - minor stun (ex. Kazuya d/f+1, Paul SS+3) in most cases doesn't lead to guaranteed hits
KS - kneel stun (ex. Kuma d/f+1+2, Kazuya f+4) in some cases you get a free launcher
CS - crumple stun (ex. Bryan b+2,1, Kazuya b+4) animations vary, a jab will usually start a combo
CF - crumple fall (ex. Craig u/f+1+2, Yoshimitsu b+1+4) opponent slowly falls to KND position
CFS - crumple fall stun (ex. Kazuya f+1+2, Law f+2~1) slow crumple stun to the ground, combo possible at time
BS - block stun (to attacking character, ex. Law d/b+4)
SH - stagger hit (ex. Devil d/f+2)
GB - guard break (usually one or two hands go up in the air)
TC - technically crouching during the move
TJ - technically jumping during the move
# - see corresponding footnote
[2] - hit modifier (eg RC[2] property applies to 2nd hit)
b - Block modifier (eg. OCb opponent crouch on block)
c - CH modifier (eg. JGc is a juggle starter on counter hit)
co - crouching opponent modifier (eg. KSco)
cco - CH on crouching opponent modifier (eg. FScco)
Hit Ranges
l - hits low (block d/b)
m - hits mid (block b)
h - hits high (block b or duck)
L - hits low and grounded opponents (block d/b)
M - hits mid and grounded opponents (block b)
H - hits high and grounded opponents (block b or duck)
Sm - hits special mid (block d/b or b)
! - unblockable hit
<!> - unblockable hit which can be ducked
[!] - unblockable hits grounded opponents
T - throw
" - indicates block point in string hits
Extra Combo Conventions
cc - crouch cancel tap u or f,f while crouching
cd - crouch dash f,N,d,d/f (usually)
iWS - instant while standing d,d/b,N_d,d/f,N (usually)
wgf - wind godfist f,N,d,d/f+2
ewgf - electric wind godfist f,N,d~d/f+2
tgf - thunder godfist f,N,d,d/f+1
big - big character combo only works on big characters
( ) - missing hit is required for the next hit
Character Specific Conventions
BDS - bad stomach Dr. Bosconovitch
FB - fall back Dr. Bosconovitch
EFB - electric fall back Dr. Bosconovitch
EFF - electric fall fake Dr. Bosconovitch
HSP - handstand position Eddy Gordo
RLX - relaxed position Eddy Gordo
AOP - art of phoenix Ling Xiaoyu - Lei Wulong
RDS - rain dance stance Ling Xiaoyu
LFF - left foot forward Hwoarang
RFF - right foot forward Hwoarang
LFS - left flamingo stance Hwoarang
RFS - right flamingo stance Hwoarang
VTS - vale tudo stance Craig Marduk
DSS - dragon sign stance Marshall Law
DFS - dragon fake step Marshall Law
HMS - hit man stance Lee Chaolan - Violet
HBS - hunting bear stance Kuma - Panda
ROL - prowling grizzly roll Kuma - Panda
CRA - art of crane Lei Wulong
SNA - art of snake Lei Wulong
TGR - art of tiger Lei Wulong
DGN - art of dragon Lei Wulong
PAN - art of panther Lei Wulong
DRU - drunken master Lei Wulong
INS - indian sit Yoshimitsu
FLE - flea stance Yoshimitsu
DGF - dragonfly stance Yoshimitsu
MED - meditation Yoshimitsu
CES - clockwise evasive spin Julia Chang
KNP - kenpo step Feng Wei
SDW - shadow stance Raven
CDS - crouching demon stance Jin Kazama
ALB - albatross spin Steve Fox
DCK - ducking Steve Fox
SWY - sway Steve Fox, Paul Phoenix
LWV - left weave Steve Fox
RWV - right weave Steve Fox
FLK - flicker Steve Fox
SIT - sit down Ganryu - Kuma - Panda
CJM - chaos judgment Anna
HPF - haze palm fist Asuka
LCT - leg cutter Asuka