0 użytkowników i 3 Gości przegląda ten wątek.
Pytanie, po co wam 60FPS? Skoro ludzkie oko i tak ledwo wychwytuje więcej niż 30
Ja tam wole zeby było 30fps ale przynajmniej płynnie i ładnie, a tak sie własnie zapowiada
Moje nie Chcecie mi powiedziec, że przy 60FPS lepiej strzelacie?:D:D
Ke? Wytlumacz dlaczego?
Cytat: hansatan w Czerwca 11, 2008, 17:25:30 pmPytanie, po co wam 60FPS? Skoro ludzkie oko i tak ledwo wychwytuje więcej niż 30 Ludzkie oko jak sie wprawi to zauwazy nawet roznice pomiedzy 100 a 60 fpsami.
Cytat: aphelion w Czerwca 11, 2008, 19:44:15 pmKe? Wytlumacz dlaczego?z takiego samego powodu z jakiego trudniej by ci sie celowalo przy 15 klatkach niz w 30/ nie chce mi sie o tym pisac ale jesli nie widzisz roznicy to twoja sprawa
Ale między 30 a 60FPS nie ma różnicy teoretycznie bo obydwie to już pełna płynność... Trzeba tylko zauważyć, że większość tytułów nie może wyciągnąć stałego 30 ...
ten filmik pokazujący różnicę 24/30/60http://mckack.diinoweb.com/files/kimpix-video/60vs24.avi
This is the gameplay that aired on Spike at 1 o'clock. Enjoy !
- Ted Price said Insomniac is doing a lot more with the story this time around. Hale not only fights the Chimera, he has internal issues to solve.- The story will be told from Hale's prespective.- Nathan Hale knows he has 19 hours left to live, but Ted Price did not reveal if he himself predicted it. When asked if someone else told him, he couldn't tell.- The biggest boss in the game is 300 feet tall (91.44 meters). There are a lot of big bosses throughout the game.- Chigaco in the game has been overrun by Chimera and is abandoned for a few years now, so it has a "ghost town" look.- New enemy in Resistance is is the Grims, a half converted Chimera. They do not use a weapon, as they are a melee enemy.- When we see the Chigaco sequence Hale doesn't have a lot of time to live, so the battles there are going to be a bit wild.- The game starts where Resistance 1 left off, but we actually begin the journy in London, where we see the opening cinematic of Nathan Hale. The story then jumps two years after the Chimera invasion began.- The game is mostly set in the U.S., but we will get to see other locations as well. Ted Price said we will see Chimera architecture.- We don't actually play as Nathan Hale in the co-op mode, but other characters. Up to eight people will be able to go through a unique adventure. There is a class system:Medic - Responsible for healing.Special Ops - Damage control.Soldier - Responsible for the main fighting.- The co-op mode will be played in the Red Woods, United States. It's a location that provides contrast from the urban location.- There is crossover between the SP and Co-op stories.- Insomniac Games have been running 60 player games for a while now, and Ted Price said it's feeling good.- The multiplayer mode features a "Dynamic Objective System" that's giving the squad you join a specific objective to accomplish.- The battles are spread widely as not all 60 people are going into the same direction shooting people, what Insomniac Games did made sure all the squads get different objectives, and those objectives keep you in different parts of the map.- The multiplayer mode will not feature any map from the SP, Insomniac actually design unique MP maps. We will see the American structures in the background, but in a "twisted way", Ted Price says.- We will be able to play with fewer people in the multiplayer.- We will see the Chimera.- Resistance 2 is a lot more realistic from the first game.- Another new enemy is the 'Kamilian', who can actually make himself totally invisible. One hit from this enemy will kill you.- Every level in Resistance 2 will feature different enemies.- Weapons - The XR-005 Hailstorm will not be coming back because the team needed room for more weapons. Resistance 2 features a two weapon system.- There are no vehicles in multiplayer mode.- Rachel Parker and Hale will not enter a romnatic relationship throughout Resistance 2. In fact, Parker will not be in Resistance 2 at all because she's back in England.- GameTrailers will show the world premiere trailer of Resistance 2 right before E3. The trailer might answer some of the questions we are all asking.