ja bym sobie kurde zagral na ps3 przez neta, a mam dalej kur** dsn error i nie wiem skad on sie wzial
Opublikowane: Wrzesień 28, 2008, 12:40:18
I bought my PS3 at launch and never had any connection issues. I still have the same provider and I still use the same router. In the last few weeks, I got this error 3 times (third being right now). The first two times, resetting didn't do anything. The first time, it worked fine the day after, and the second time, I was playing offline and after an hour, it connected. It's very strange because my PS3 has access to the browser, but not the PSN.
I'd really like to find a solution, since it's becoming annoying.
Opublikowane: Wrzesień 28, 2008, 12:41:55
mam kur** to samo i za chu** nikt nie wie jak to naprawic