0 użytkowników i 44 Gości przegląda ten wątek.
9zł za gałkę lodów dobre sobie. Ciekaw jestem w czym są lepsze te lody od innych. Różnica zapewne jak między Blackiem, a Red Bullem - marka, bo koszt produkcji ten sam.
Różnica zapewne taka sama jak między miską do ryżu za 5 złotych, a miską do ryżu za 200 złotych.
Wiadomka że ryż z tej droższej lepiej smakuje. Za to cena lodów nie ma wpływu na smak, no bo jak.
Pewnie czujesz się wyspany teraz, bo niedawno wstałeś, nie zdażyłeś dobrze zasnąć i się rozespać, też tak mam. Tylko że ja w takich przypadkach ok. 11 zaczynam umierać, bo się okazuje że jednak się nie wyspałem :O
Routine is so insanely helpful. Your body LOVES routine, even if your personality leads you to dislike it. If you hate all other routines, at least leave routine for sleeping. 1) Your bed is for sleeping and sex only. Do not lay in bed to surf on your laptop or listen to music. Do not sit on your bed for any reason. Only ever get in or on your bed to fuck and to sleep. Your brain will associate your bed with sleeping whenever you're not actually moving (ie having sex). If you are not falling asleep, GTFO of bed and go sit somewhere until you feel relaxed enough to try again. You need to associate your bed with sleeping, not just resting. 2) Go to bed at the same time every night. Now, this was tough for me then and it is now, because I have jobs that have late night schedules, and that will change week to week. I still do my best to adhere to this whenever I can. If I get home after bedtime, I instantly change and get in bed. I don't stay up late because I'm already late to bed anyway. Your brain and body will know when it is time to sleep after you develop that routine, and you'll already be prepared to fall asleep at bedtime once you've adjusted. 3) Dim the lights wherever you are for the last hour or so that you'll be awake. Most animals that are active during the day have biological reactions to cues of light vs. dark. Exposing yourself to bright lights (even though it's not "natural" light) basically throws off your personal cycle of day vs. night. Dimming the lights cues your brain and your body to prepare itself for resting at night. On that note, sleep in as much darkness as you can. Sleeping in absolute darkness will be more restful than sleeping with the lights on... well, unless you're afraid of the dark. (Pro tip, if you're on the computer or play video games just before bed, just dim the screen. Even that's better than nothing.) 4) Wake up at the same time every morning. You will start waking up automatically around that time, alarm or not, and you'll feel more refreshed than just letting yourself wake up whenever. Even for weekends, only sleep in about an hour or less. Otherwise, you're going to feel crappy waking up on Monday. 5) Don't eat just before bed. Eat 2-3 hours before bed at the soonest, and if you do need to eat right before, eat something light. Stuffing yourself silly or eating heavy meals will make you less comfortable and your sleep will be less restful. 6) Set the temperature at slightly cooler than what is comfortable during the day. You will be insulated in your sheets and blankets quickly enough to be comfortable, but your body naturally cools down a bit while you sleep. When your body can't cool down, you'll be less restful and may wake up because you feel too hot. This is why people often lay awake in the summer so much, but not when it's cold in the winter. 7) Do not nap during the day. This messes with your sleep/wake cycle. Having one long bout of restful sleep is much more healthy than "splitting up your sleep" into different sections. Is it doable? Totally. Is it as restful? Fuck no. If you wake up in the middle of the night, fix whatever the issue is quickly and go straight back to bed. Thirsty? Grab a quick cold drink, take a couple sips, bed. Too hot? Throw off a sheet or blanket, flip/switch pillows, bed. Hungry? Eat a fruit or some jello, bed. Not sleepy all of a sudden? GTFO out of bed until you are sleepy; sit in a chair, go to the bathroom, whatever, just do not be in bed until you feel less awake. (That said, don't do anything that would be considered "active" or you'll just wake up more. Sitting is good!) You don't have to do all of these things to make an impact. I find dimming the lights and lowering the temperature works great for me, since I can't go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
testy porównawcze chociażby cola/pepsi
Dziwnym trafem w większości przypadków kiedy osoby nie wiedzą jaka to marka wszystko im smakuje podobnie.
A co do snu kolega używa jakąś aplikacje na telefon, która wie kiedy go obudzić Kiedyś coś mi opowiadał o tym, ale nie wiem co to dokładnie
Cola/Pepsi/ciemny napój z biedry są do rozróżnienia już z pierwszym łykiem, chyba jedynie ktoś z porażonym nosem i językiem miałby z tym problemy.
Obejrzyj sobie filmiki na yt i sobie obczaisz, że większość osób i tak nie ma pojęcia co pije, bo różnica między pepsi, a colą jest minimalna, do tego często nawet jak ktoś zgadnie to mógł być zwyczajny przypadek - w końcu ma do wyboru tylko 2 opcję, łątwo jest "trafić". Oczywiście cole z biedry w tym przypadku wypadają blado przy pepsi/cola.
Dzień dobry, zbieram się niedługo na koncert.
Konsumenci są tak przyzwyczajeni do Coca Coli, że jak swego czasu próbowano zmodyfikować formułę, zrobił się gruby shitstorm w USA i w obawie przed stratami powrócono do klasycznej Coli, pod nazwą "Classic". Tyle w kwestii "minimalnych różnic".