Ok jak ci z Loose Change są takimi ekspertami a wy ich fanami to znacie odpowiedzi na te pytania:
1.Jeśli to nie AA77 uderzył w Pentagon to co stało się z samolotem, terrorystami i pasażerami ?
2. Jeśli to nie AA 77 uderzył w Pentagon to co ?
3. Skąd w ruinach Pentagonu wzięły się liczne szczątki pochodzące od B757 i fragmenty zwłok prawie wszystkich pasażerów tego lotu ?
4. Co pościnało latarnie przed Pentagonem i uszkodziło generator ?
5. Co widzieli Ci ludzie ?
Richard Benedetto: "It was an American Airlines airplane, I could see it very clearly."
Omar Campo, a Salvadorean" "It was a passenger plane. I think an American Airways plane. I was cutting grass and it came in screaming over my head."
Joseph Candelario: "I noticed a large aircraft flying low towards the White House. This aircraft then made a sharp turn and flew towards the Pentagon and seconds later crashed into it."
James Cissell: "I saw this plane coming in and it was low - and getting lower. ... Then I saw the faces of some of the passengers on board."
Dennis Clem: "There was a commercial airliner that said American Airliners over the side of it flying at just above treetop height at full speed headed for the Pentagon."
Michael Dobbs: "It was an American airlines airliner. I was looking out the window and saw it come right over the Navy annex at a slow angle."
Penny Elgas: "... the plane was directly over the cars in front of my car .... I remember recognizing it as an American Airlines plane -- I could see the windows and the color stripes."
Cheryl Hammond: "We saw the big American Airlines plane and started running."
Joe Harrington: "... one of my guys pointed to an American Airlines airplane 20 feet high over Washington Blvd."
Albert Hemphill: "The aircraft, look[ed] to be either a 757 or Airbus."
Terrance Kean: "I saw this very, very large passenger jet. It just plowed right into the side of the Pentagon."
William Lagasse: "It was close enough that I could see the windows and the blinds had been pulled down. I read American Airlines on it. ... I saw the aircraft above my head about 80 feet above the ground."
Robert Leonard: "I ... saw a large commercial aircraft aiming for the Pentagon."
Lincoln Liebner: "I saw this large American Airlines passenger jet coming in fast and low."
Elaine McCusker: "I saw a very low-flying American Airlines plane that seemed to be accelerating."
Mitch Mitchell: "I ... saw, coming straight down the road at us, a huge jet plane clearly with American Airlines written on it .... It crossed about 100 feet in front of us and at about 20 feet altitude and we watched it go in. It struck the Pentagon."
Terry Morin: "The plane had a silver body with red and blue stripes down the fuselage. I believed at the time that it belonged to American Airlines."
Christopher Munsey: "I couldn't believe what I was now seeing to my right: a silver, twin-engine American Airlines jetliner gliding almost noiselessly over the Navy Annex, fast, low and straight toward the Pentagon ...."
Vin Narayanan: "I looked up to my left and saw an American Airlines jet flying right at me. The jet roared over my head, clearing my car by about 25 feet."
John O'Keefe: "I don't know whether I saw or heard it first -- this silver plane; I immediately recognized it as an American Airlines jet ...."
Steve Riskus: "I was close enough (about 100 feet or so) that I could see the 'American Airlines' logo on the tail as it headed towards the building .... I clearly saw the 'AA' logo with the eagle in the middle."
James Ryan: "I see an American Airlines plane, silver plane, I could see AA on the tail. ... The plane was low enough that I could see the windows of the plane. I could see every detail of the plane. In my head I have ingrained forever this image of every detail of that plane. It was a silver plane, American Airlines plane, and I recognized it immediately as a passenger plane."
Joel Sucherman: "... looking straight ahead there was a jet, what looked to be an American Airlines jet, probably a 757, and it came screaming across the highway ... [and] hit the west side of the Pentagon."
Donald "Tim" Timmerman, a pilot: "I live on the 16th floor, overlooking the Pentagon ... and so I have quite a panorama. ... It was a Boeing 757, American Airlines, no question."
Mike Walter: "I saw this plane, this jet, an American Airlines jet, coming. ... It went right there and slammed right into the Pentagon. I saw the big 'AA' on the side."
Ian Wyatt: "I duck, I look up, it looks like a silver American Airlines, twin-engine plane and then boom."
6. Skoro to nie Al-Kaida stała za zamachem na Petagon to kim byli Ci ludzie: Hani Hanjour, Salem al-Hazmi, Nawaf al-Hazmi, Majed Moqed, Khalid al-Mihdhar ? Po co lecieli lotem AA 77 i jaką rolę odegrali na jego pokładzie ?
7. Kto i w jaki sposób porwał AA 77 oraz gdzie zmusił go do wylądowania/rozbił go ?