Autor Wątek: Wii U - Wątek główny  (Przeczytany 402200 razy)

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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #120 dnia: Lipca 27, 2011, 11:46:20 am »
Team Meat zwiastuje nową grę na WiiU, albo...
...robią sobie zwyczajnie jaja! W każdym razie sprawdźcie jak wygląda teaser najnowszej produkcji twórców Super Meat Boya.
 Bazując na wpisie z ich twittera, nowa produkcja dedykowana będzie konsoli WiiU. Ile w tym prawdy? Ciężko stwierdzić, ale sądząc po burzliwej przeszłości jaka łączyła Nintendo i ekipę Team Meat, można przypuszczać, że to zwykły żart. Niemniej, mam cichą nadzieję, że jednak będzie inaczej.
Valve gets closer to Wii U development
Is Valve going to work on the Wii U? We don't have 100% proof that they are, but it sounds like they're headed in that direction. At New York’s Games for Change Festival, Valve's Gabe Newell talked about upcoming projects, and it seems that the Wii U was involved in those plans. No specific games or projects were mentioned, but it's very clear that Wii U is on the company's radar. Thanks to Jordan for the heads up!


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #121 dnia: Sierpnia 01, 2011, 09:41:33 am »
Nintendo - DLC tak, ale nie w tytułach 1-party
Ostatni bastion tzw. kompletnych produkcji padł. Nintendo oficjalnie ogłasza wszczęcie prac nad zaimplementowaniem systemu DLC w 3DS-ie i Wii U. Wszystko dla dobra graczy i polepszenia jakości oferowanych produktów. Jak zawsze, zresztą.
Szef dużego N, Satoru Iwata, zapowiedział dalsze prace nad rozwojem usługi eShop, mając głównie na myśli system mikrotransakcji. Narzędzie do ich stosowania zostanie udostępnione deweloperom do końca tego roku. Iwata twierdzi, że tytuły first-party nie skorzystają z tych możliwości, co więcej sądzi, że nie powinny tego robić, ale nie można odbierać prawa wyboru twórcom zewnętrznym. Podobna platforma jest projektowana dla Wii U.
 Cały zabieg jest niewątpliwie wyjściem naprzeciw obecnie panującym w branży trendom i modelom wydawniczym. Cieszyć się należy choćby z tego, że tytuły Nintendo prawdopodobnie nie skorzystają z rozwiązania, które dziś staje się swoistą plagą. Kotick prędzej czy później pokocha 3DS-a i Wii U.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #122 dnia: Sierpnia 09, 2011, 10:14:51 am »
Nintendo explains the Wii U name, hopes for new first-party IP on Wii U
A portion of an EDGE interview with Nintendo's Katsuya Eguchi...

EDGE: How important was it that Wii U was related to the original Wii, and that ‘Wii’ was in its name?

KE: There are actually several reasons for us wanting to make Wii U part of the Wii family, to make that connection. in hindsight, looking at Wii U and its features we realised that there were also things [with Wii] that we weren’t able to accomplish with that system, that we would have liked to see in it. Wii U is kind of the natural progression in looking at what we did, how we changed gaming. This is the next logical step for us and we wanted to convey that in the name. in addition to that there are many Wii users out there – and we are very appreciative of this – who invested in lots of peripherals, such as more Remotes, balance boards, Classic Controllers, and they can continue to use these peripherals with Wii U as well. We wanted to make sure they understood that.

EDGE: Do you expect the first round of Wii U games to be based on new IP or established characters and series?

KE: Of course, with those fan-favourite IPs, we’ll continue to offer games based on those characters, in those worlds, with the Wii U. but if there are opportunities for us to come up with new iPs that work well with this new system we’ll jump on those as well.

EA COO doesn’t think Wii U will be a transitional console, online talk
Some industry insiders have expressed concern that the Wii U will be a “stop-gap” console. In other words, rather than taking a full leap to the next generation, these people believe that the console will be a means to transition between hardware generations and will be considered more of an upgrade.

EA COO Peter Moore does not share that opinion. In a recent interview, Moore said that specs and graphics will begin to take less of an important role and will make way for other elements such as interfaces, communities, and controls.

Moore explained:

“People will start talking about it being a transitional platform. And I don’t think that’s going to be the case, and here’s why. I think the [tablet] controller [is huge]. This is not about specs anymore… This is about, as it was with the Wii, is the controller a unique way of enjoying a game experience, regardless of what the graphic fidelity is? I don’t know what Xbox and PlayStation’s plans for their next platforms are, but it’s not going to be hanging on graphic fidelity. I guarantee you that. Look, you saw Battlefield – how much better could this stuff look at some point? There’s a point of diminishing returns… I don’t even know if there’s anything better than 1080p. In the early days of our industry, this stuff was absolutely about how much better the games looked – shinier helmets, greener grass – but I’ve been around long enough to know that seeing your breath in a football game is a huge deal. But that’s no longer the case any more. Now it’s about interfaces. Now it’s about building a community in a rich, powerful,way. And now it’s about, ‘What is the way we can control the game?’ You’ve seen that with Move, you’ve seen it with Wii MotionPlus more recently, and you’ve certainly seen it with Kinect. And Nintendo’s job, quite frankly, is to build a better mousetrap with regards to the way that we use the controller. So I don’t know what Xbox and PlayStation’s plans for their next platforms are, but it’s not going to be hanging on graphic fidelity. I guarantee you that.”

Moore also took a few moments to discuss how Nintendo are now taking online more seriously with Wii U:

“It’s critically important to us and we are relieved, if anything else, that they have made a huge commitment that they have presented to us… Online certainly was not a factor with the Wii, as you know; although they had capabilities, it just wasn’t there at the level that both Xbox Live and PlayStation had. But I think Nintendo totally gets that multi-player, building community, co-op play, having the ability to bring games that are deeper – all of these things are now very important.”


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #123 dnia: Sierpnia 16, 2011, 09:38:16 am »
Nintendo rep talks supporting Wii/Wii U in 2012, Metroid, Wii U controller activity, anniversaries and more
The following information comes from a Nintendo of Canada rep...

 On the Friday release of StarFox 64 3D...

"That's something I would like to talk about, because that's something we talked about at Nintendo. We at Nintendo of Canada don't determine the launch dates, but launching on a Friday has many reasons why it could work. The industry doesn't use it, it's exciting, we know many people gearing up for the weekend are looking for things to happen around the weekend, and Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday launches are the norm. Sundays, we like to do, and Mondays through Wednesdays we like to do. So Friday is trying something new."

 On Wii releases for 2012...

"Yes, there will be titles to fill the void for 2012, because we haven't really talked about anything for 2012. We talked about Wii U, we talked about Luigi's Mansion 2... beyond that, there's not a lot, but that doesn't mean those are the only two things to launch, obviously. So... that's a pretty broad, vague question to ask. But, yes, Nintendo... we will always release things at a good pace to make sure there's things throughout the year. Look at how our holiday is going to work: yes, everyone wanted Mario Kart for Nintendo 3DS on launch day, but we wanted this to be a title that happens this many months after launch. Same with Super Mario and Star Fox; it's all paced out. So, there will be a good pace of titles in 2012. To be honest, I don't know what they are and we haven't made announcements about them, so there's not much I can say."

 On the possibility of another Metroid title in 2012...

"Actually, I don't know. Maybe we are, maybe we aren't; that's something I'm unaware of."

 On supporting Wii and Wii U at the same time...

"We've committed to both consoles, the Wii and Wii U, coexisting together at the same time. We've had a lot of questions-- 'will games launch for both systems?', 'will you continue to make great games for Wii?', and we just don't know the answers to those questions; since we haven't made any announcements, there's not much we can say about it. I think we can be confident that both systems will be around for a bit still."

 On Wii U supporting more than one controller...

"Let me correct something that is a misconception. We said that the Wii U system will come with one Wii U controller, but we haven't said that you can only use one Wii U controller. The fact is that if the developer makes a game or an experience that uses more than one, then anything is possible. What we've also talked about is to imagine taking some of the experiences you've had at your own home, putting them on your Wii U controller, and taking that with you somewhere else. That would again get rid of that myth and misconception that only one can be used. So, the possibility is there, but the system will only come with one at this point."

 On taking the Wii U experience with you...

"Okay, so that I can elaborate on. The Wii U is not a portable handheld device you're going to take with you in transit or into a proximity away from the Wii U console, but you can take content from your console, put it on your Wii U controller, take it with you somewhere else, and be able to upload it. That technology is possible. Taking a Mii with you is cool and fun, but this has the possibility to do more... not on the go, but once you get somewhere else where you take your stuff to someone else's environment, it's definitely possible. It's hard for us to commit to anything concrete, but yes, it's a possibility (to load up content and take to a friend's house) because the controllers are compatible. It's possible to have that kind of experience."

 On not every Wii U game focusing on the Wii U controller...

"...not every game will necessarily have the focal point as the Wii U controller. It's new technology, it's a new way to play, but it doesn't have to be the focal point. we know that there are a lot of misconceptions about Wii U; the majority of the population wasn't at E3, and didn't get a chance to actually have hands-on, so the reality about what Wii U is going to do is that it's going to change the dynamic of what happens in your living room, or wherever your TV is. The dynamic of that room is going to change, and it's going to be Wii U technology that does it.

 Having this controller that offers a different perspective, or a complementary perspective, or being able to take content off the TV when other people want to use the TV for something else. It keeps people in the room together, either all playing together or doing different things, but they're all kind of connected in a slightly different way than what's possible right now.

 And so changing the dynamic of that TV room space is what Wii U is going to do. That's a pretty philosophical way to look at it, but you saw only what was potential at E3, and that's... well, the whole thing is philosophical right now, although it's a tangible piece of hardware, and an accessory."

 On celebrating other franchise anniversaries...

"the reality is we are in a time period when a lot of franchises are experiencing celebrations. Yes, I know, you're going to be let down if we don't do something for Donkey Kong. So hopefully we can do something special, at least for you. We haven't talked about anything else being celebrated-- not that we aren't celebrating as a company, but we're putting a lot of time and effort into The Legend of Zelda 25th anniversary, more so than what we did for the Super Mario Bros. 25th anniversary.

 So, are we going to celebrate other anniversaries? It's hard to tell if they're going to have big campaigns behind them. The Zelda 25th celebration is a big campaign, and of course we've told a lot about that already, and there's more information still to come, too."
No i kwestia użycia kilku tabletów została wyjaśniona.

DIRT and F1 Racing are coming to the Wii U

Wii U controller has built-in flash memory (and a bunch of other things we already knew about)


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #124 dnia: Sierpnia 22, 2011, 10:34:59 am »
Capcom open to the idea of Asura's Wrath on Wii U
Capcom held another one of their 'Ask Capcom' live-stream events the other day, and the topic of Asura's Wrath on Wii U was brought up. Capcom seems to think this is a good idea, but they need to hear from fans first. They say if they hear enough from fans via their forums and the game's Facebook page. a Wii U version could happen. I guess you guys now know what has to be done!
Założę się ,że będzie to jedna z tych gier na WiiU ,które Capcom ma zaprezentować na TGS  :) .

Carmack - Wii tech is 'out of sync', Wii U support possible
A portion of a Gamasutra interview with John Carmack...

GS: We talked about the consoles that Rage is coming out for. Are you interested in the Wii and 3DS? Did you see the new Wii U?

JC: Many, many years ago, we had negative experiences with Nintendo, but the only reason we're not doing anything with Nintendo now is just that the technologies are out of sync. It's a perfect opportunity to do PC, 360, PS3, but you couldn't have the same content base also targeting the Wii. But, you know, the new platform is probably just right there. It would probably be straightforward to target our stuff over there. It would depend on what the business case is for any of that.

Vigil Games talks Darksiders 2, talks Zelda inspiration, Wii U version and platform in general


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #125 dnia: Sierpnia 26, 2011, 10:44:12 am »
Nicalis is now a Wii U developer
Nicalis, the folks bringing Cave Story to the 3DS (along with other Nintendo platforms) have become an officially licensed Wii U developer. This doesn’t necessarily mean they’re working on anything, but I don’t think it’d be too surprising to see something from them within the first year after the Wii U is released.

Nintendo Reportedly Prepares Major Announcements
As TGS approaches, the rumor mill fires up.
With TGS approaching, the games industry is buzzing with suggestions that Nintendo is planning a major press conference in Japan on September 13.
 The source of these rumors seems to be Nintendo's stock price spiking 8.4% throughout Tuesday. According to a report by Andriasang, Bloomberg contacted Japanese analysts who mentioned word of a media event being assembled by Nintendo.
Whether or not Nintendo has formally announced the event seems to be somewhat unclear. Several major news outlets, including the Wall Street Journal and Fox Business, are sourcing a Dow Jones report stating Nintendo has announced the event. However when contacted, Nintendo of America could not confirm whether its Japanese counterpart had in fact revealed such a conference. We're waiting on further comment from the publisher.
 With speculation in overdrive, most rumors are focusing on the 3DS. Despite a price cut and a strong holiday line-up, Nintendo might be preparing new announcements to continue to build suppport for its portable. Ideas circulating the web include major new games and a new 3DS design, including one that incorporates a second analog stick. Even crazier suggestions are out there, including the idea that Nintendo will abandon the 3DS's 3D capabilities and even change the name of the system.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #126 dnia: Sierpnia 31, 2011, 09:24:50 am »
Iwata, Miyamoto believe Wii U has core appeal, says Nintendo can make core games
The following is an excerpt from an Iwata Asks feature between Iwata and Miyamoto on the Wii U...

"Shortly after the Wii console was released, people in the gaming media and game enthusiasts started recognising the Wii console as a casual machine aimed toward families, and placed game consoles by Microsoft and Sony in a very similar light with each other, saying these are machines aimed towards those who passionately play games. It was a categorisation between games that were aimed towards core, and casual. I certainly do not think that Wii was able to cater to every gamer's needs, so that's also something I wanted to resolve. The general public's impression that Nintendo was casual grew as time went by." - Iwata

 "One of the key reasons that such things as the core and the casual exist today is that we decided not to adopt HD on the Wii console. Of course, besides that there are things like issues with the controller and the challenges that it brings, network functionalities and many other things, but I think HD was the biggest factor that everyone was able to clearly understand the difference." - Miyamoto

 "The barrier that separated the two genres [core and casual] was only something psychological, just an impression that people had about them. For example, The Legend of Zelda games were something geared towards the toughest audience, and it has been so from the beginning. So it's not like at Nintendo we don't have it in us." - Iwata


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #127 dnia: Września 06, 2011, 10:10:18 am »
SEGA advertises new studio, working on next-gen game for late 2012 release
- ads for a new studio based in the West Midlands of England
 - working on an “action adventure experience”
 - “The boutique studio is SEGA’s third UK based studio and is set up to focus its development resources exclusively for next generation platforms.”
 - “The team currently has a project underway which is due for release late 2012 which is a unique action adventure experience.”
 - position at Creative Assembly hints towards work on 'next next' generation consoles.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #128 dnia: Września 08, 2011, 17:14:36 pm »
(Nie)Ciekawa plota na cda

Francuski serwis, powołując się na anonimowego, wysoko postawionego pracownika Nintendo, twierdzi, że sprzęt, który ma znaleźć się w Wii U sprawia poważne problemy. Najwięcej problemów sprawia kontroler w kształcie tabletu, a konkretniej jego chip odpowiedzialny za przesyłanie w czasie rzeczywistym obrazu z Wii U do sprzętu. W chwili obecnej funkcje bezprzewodowe urządzenia  ponoć po prostu nie działają. Do tej pory powstały trzy prototypy kontrolera, a czwarty do końca września powinien trafić do wybranych developerów.

Ci ostatni – a szczególności ci, którzy pracują nad grami startowymi dla Wii U – nie mają więc łatwego życia. Jak twierdzi informator, muszą bowiem pracować z kontrolerem podłączonym do czarnego pudełeczka podpiętego do konsoli. Nawet jednak wtedy tabletopodobne urządzenie nie działa dobrze. Programiści czują się rzekomo zagubieni, sytuacji nie poprawiają również codzienne aktualizacje oprogramowania. W takich warunkach bardzo trudno jest im wykorzystać wszystkie najważniejsze funkcje Wii U.

Źródłem problemów mogą być cięcia budżetowe. Nintendo chce bowiem stworzyć nową konsolę tanim kosztem, wykorzystując do tego niedrogie części. To właśnie tani chip – według źródła portalu – powoduje kłopoty w działaniu kontrolera Wii U.



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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #129 dnia: Września 09, 2011, 00:53:38 am »
Nintendo stacza się po równi pochyłej. Pewnie tanie części, ale cena konsoli będzie z kosmosu jak w przypadku Wii.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #130 dnia: Września 09, 2011, 09:00:07 am »
Na razie są to jedynie plotki i nie ma co siać popłochu. Z resztą developerzy ,którzy posiadają devkity jakoś nie wspominali o problemach z nimi. Na konferencji Ubisoftu również nie zauważono problemów z tabletem.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #131 dnia: Września 17, 2011, 10:17:43 am »
Plotka :
NCE/MoSys details on Wii U
Here's one from the rumor mill for you guys...

I know a person who is an investor of MoSys and other technological companies, we talked about Wii U a few days ago and I became surprised with a comment from him about the new console:

"Wii U uses 28nm manufacturing process from NEC and 1T-SRAM from MoSys"

I asked him how he could know it and he told me that this information have been shared to the investors of MoSys because Nintendo partnership is the more important one for them and any signal of losing the deal can be very dangerous for the health of MoSys business.

Crytek jest bardzo zadowolone z devkitów , specyfikacja WiiU jest "bardzo dobra"  :) .
"The specs are very good. It's a challenge for designers, but once thought through it can add value, and that's what ultimately important. Our guys in Nottingham, they are very happy with their tests on the dev kits and they're excited about it." - founder Avni Yerli

Gearbox talks Aliens: Colonial Marines on Wii U, platform opinion and outlook


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #132 dnia: Września 19, 2011, 22:01:12 pm »
Aliens: Colonial Marines - Gearbox talks Wii U build, ideas
This information comes from a Google translation, so I don't want to pull data and end up having it be incorrect. I've posted the Google translation below, and you can make of it what you will until we have an official translation.

Thus, there is little doubt that, apart from the version PC , which will run on U Wii will be another level of PS3 / Xbox 360 , console, Nintendo could offer " a unique visual record of current console and offering a gaming experience beyond the current generation e "while confirming that" the return made ​​by Nintendo to a more traditional gameplay is a source of satisfaction that should attract new players . " In addition, the gameplay will mablette quite unique as you point the camera at the screen for additional data, an optional camera will be displayed when you play in a conventional manner, without seeking the screen, thus allowing to keep a close eye on what's happening behind you. Other ideas are still developing and Gearbox draws even among those in the community.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #133 dnia: Września 23, 2011, 09:56:28 am »
Vigil talks Darksiders II on Wii U - possible touch screen uses, playing off the controller
The following information comes from Darksiders II producer Ryan Stefanelli...

 On uses for the touch screen...

"Just to have something on the touch screen, we put the inventory and map systems on the controller - and even that small thing makes a big difference. When you collect a new piece of loot, you just look down to see if you want it, and can equip it instantly. I can't say for sure if that'll be in the final cut, but it's really cool that the gameplay experience never has to be broken up by changing out equipment."

 On the advantages of the touch screen...

"It allows for quick weapon and equipment swaps. For example, you could have two different equipment sets for Death - one that's geared towards heavy weapons and big armour, and another that's designed for mobility and quick strikes. On the Wii U, all it would take to switch from one to the other would be a hot button on the touch screen, and multiple swaps could be made during an intense combat without ever pausing."

 On getting the full game up-and-running on the touch screen...

"Our one and only goal once we got the Wii U hardware was to get Darksiders II running on it. We didn't even have running the game on the touch screen on our 'to do' list. but once we got it running, we just fooled around with getting it on the touch screen as a lark. It took all of five minutes and two lines of code, and boom! - there was the entire game running on the controller. Amazing."

Star Fox Wii U “would probably have exciting new features”
It has become clear that Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros., and Pikmin games are in development for Wii U. However, one franchise that isn’t a lock for the system is Star Fox.

In an interview with the Official Nintendo Magazine, Nintendo’s Yusuke Amano was asked about the possibility of Star Fox for Wii U.

Amano said:

“You’ll probably have to ask Miyamoto-san! But if we were to make a new one, it would probably have new exciting features that improve on what we’ve seen in Star Fox games before.”

Battlefield 3 Designer: Still looking for ‘breakthrough’ Wii U idea
Battlefield 3 was shown off during Nintendo’s E3 2011 press conference, but we haven’t seen much of the game since. Perhaps now we know why…

“We definitely see potential in the Wii U, but I wish I had the breakthrough idea for how to exploit the new controller. We’re definitely looking into what kind of new stuff we can do with Wii U. I don’t have that idea yet.” – EA’s Patrick Liu

Well, the Wii U isn’t out for a while, so he probably has some time to think about this before needing to implement it! Still, I’m hoping it doesn’t become a trend in the first few months of the Wii U’s life to just re-release games from the year prior on the console…

“Nintendo has surprised us so many times before. I was one of the sceptics when the Wii came out and it proved us wrong. I think they’re going to prove a lot of sceptics wrong again.” – EA’s Patrick Liu
« Ostatnia zmiana: Września 23, 2011, 10:04:33 am wysłana przez Malutki »


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #134 dnia: Października 03, 2011, 09:07:13 am »
Braid creator has heard Wii U “has a lot more RAM”
There’s absolutely no way that Jonathan Blow’s new game, The Witness, could come to the Wii. The console is simply much too underpowered to handle the title. On the bright side, there is some hope for the future.

Regarding Wii U, Blow has apparently heard that it “has a lot more RAM” compared to current gen consoles. The comment was made when he was asked what he’d like to see in the next round of hardware.

“For this type of game, I do wish the new generation of consoles had come out by now. Even if it only meant slightly faster graphics processor and a lot more RAM. Because having more memory would make a huge difference to being able to bring a game like this to a console. It makes it much easier. When you look at the Wii U, I’m told it has a lot more RAM – that would be wonderful, although I’m unsure about that platform for other reasons, especially in light of the iPad. If that console succeeds, it would be a nicer place to bring the game than the 360, if only because it has more RAM.”

Perhaps Blow will consider creating a game for Wii U in the future… or perhaps he’ll think about bringing The Witness to Nintendo’s upcoming console…

Vicarious Visions is working on "Project Nova" for the Wii U
The LinkedIn page of an associate producer for Vicarious Visions has revealed that they have three mystery projects in the works:
Project Atlantis
Project Phoenix
Project Nova

That last one is listed as being in development for the Xbox 360, PS3 and the Wii U. Vicarious Visions is known for working on several of the Guitar Hero series of games for the Nintendo DS, along with Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 for the Xbox 360 and PS3. It might be a while before we know anything further about whatever they are working on. But at least something is in the works.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #135 dnia: Października 05, 2011, 09:35:30 am »
Treyarch preparing Call of Duty for the Wii U?
A job listing for Treyarch states that the company is looking for a new senior software engineer for a team that is "bringing our hugely successful game to a new console". It's not blankly stated, but that game has to be Call of Duty, and it wouldn't be too much of a shock for that "new console" to be the Wii U. Of course, it could also be the Xbox 720, but that feels like it'll be a bit further off.


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« Odpowiedź #136 dnia: Października 08, 2011, 08:59:56 am »
Ubisoft - easier to introduce new I.P. early in a console's life
"New consoles help us be more creative because when customers buy a console, they are very interested in what's new and they will accept a game that is not perfect as long as it's different and better than what has been done before. We very often adopt new consoles quickly because we know that most of the buyers are fans of video games. They are ready to take risks [on a new IP] so that's why we are very early on consoles, often just to make sure we can try new things.

 At the end of the console's cycle it is more difficult to innovate. You have a lot of customers invested in brands, and so even if you do something new and innovative, you are not recognized. For example, Far Cry. That was an attempt to go open world with a shooter. [The rest of the market was composed of] linear games with qualities that were perfectly done, so the market said, 'Yeah, but it's not perfect.' Yes, but it's the first one, so that's normal. It was the first step before creating a game full of density.

 Those first steps have to be taken to change the landscape. When you are at the beginning of the cycle you are rewarded for it. The later you are in the cycle, the less rewarded you are if [the game] is not perfect." - Ubisoft head honcho Yves Guillemot

EA says they’ll be bringing their key franchises to Wii U, more
This information comes from Electronic Arts’ chief operating officer Peter Moore…

“There are no indications that there’s anything that feels like it’s off target. From our perspective right now, specs are a big deal. …No one thinks its going to replace an iPad 2 but it is playing into what a consumer feels comfortable with. …Our teams are working on it around the world. Our key franchises will be there. We’ve made that commitment to Nintendo.”

In addition to the comments above, Moore said that he’ll be visiting Nintendo’s headquarters to receive an update on the console. He’d like to obtain additional details about Wii U, such as its graphic/computer processing units, price, and potential launch date.

Visceral Games hiring for a Dead Space project on PS3, 360, and a third mystery platform
Visceral Games is hiring a Senior Environment Artist for a position relating to the Dead Space franchise. The listing has been spotted on CreativeHeads.

The interesting part of this news is that the artist will immediately start work on a project for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and an “unannounced” platform. There have been Dead Space 3 rumors flying around recently… and Wii U could handle that title with ease. Perhaps EA intends to develop a port for the upcoming console.

The only question is, would EA consider bringing a second Dead Space game to a Nintendo console? Dead Space Extraction completely bombed on Wii, though to be fair, it was an on-rails shooter and wasn’t what fans had expected. At the same time, there’s no denying that Extraction was a high-quality title.

Ultimately we don’t even have a confirmation that this is Dead Space 3-related, nor do we know that the “unannounced” platform is Wii U. They’re strong assumptions, but in the end they are just guesses!


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #137 dnia: Października 17, 2011, 09:16:10 am »
Mass Effect 3 listed as heading to 'next gen' platforms :
Could Mass Effect 3 be heading to the Wii U? That's something we've all been hoping for quite some time now, and this is the first instance I know of that gives any real hope. EA’s official media extranet currently lists Mass Effect 3 as heading to PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and “Next Gen” platforms. What on earth could those 'next gen' platforms be? Certainly Wii U falls into that category. Not a confirmation, but a glimmer of hope.

Rocksteady discusses their approach with Batman: Arkham City on Wii U :

Coming from Rocksteady's Dax Ginn...

"I think we’re definitely in a sweet spot with current platforms in that we’re getting the best out of them. If nothing changed for another ten years, I’m sure we’d be perfectly happy, because we really are getting great results, but I think it will happen, change is inevitable. I mean, the Wii U is very exciting, and we’re currently developing Batman: Arkham City for that. The design of the console is really trying to do a lot of different things. I think the things that it’s trying to do, it’s going to be very good at. But it’s not one-to-one comparable to the things we’ve done with this game. So without a doubt, we’re going to have to think about what that means, how the game is going to have to adapt in order to play to the strengths of the console."

Plotka :
 The Darkness 2 ma pojawić się na nowej platformie Nintendo .


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #138 dnia: Października 17, 2011, 16:42:31 pm »
Ciekawe co z tego wszystkiego wyjdzie? WiiU na pewno przydałoby się trochę gier na premierę, nawet jeśli to będą głównie przeterminowane kotlety.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #139 dnia: Października 24, 2011, 00:50:09 am »
Jak powtórzą błąd 3dsa to zniszczą się finansowo. Lepiej jakby przełożyli premierę o rok żeby dopieścić sam sprzet i zrobić na niego gry. W tym czasie powinni się skupić na 3dsie a wii pozwolić umrzeć bo po zeldzie już niewiele tą konsole czeka.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #140 dnia: Października 24, 2011, 15:01:41 pm »
Jak to jest, ze Nintendo robi zajebiste konsole przenosne z mega bogata biblioteka gier, a stacjonarki maja 5 dobrych gier na krzyz w kazdej generacji?


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #141 dnia: Października 24, 2011, 15:16:25 pm »
Przecież nie zawsze tak było. A z handheldami niestety nie wiadomo też jak będzie, bo jak się czyta to wszyscy wolą czekać na Vitę niż kupować 3DSy i to nie tylko w Polsce.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #142 dnia: Października 24, 2011, 15:33:26 pm »
Jak to jest, ze Nintendo robi zajebiste konsole przenosne z mega bogata biblioteka gier, a stacjonarki maja 5 dobrych gier na krzyz w kazdej generacji?
2 przypadki (do tego mocno nagięte) to już jest stała?


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« Odpowiedź #143 dnia: Października 24, 2011, 15:41:20 pm »
Dla mnie Nintendo w stacjonareczkach skonczylo sie na SNESie. N64 mnie juz nie jaral.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #144 dnia: Października 24, 2011, 15:44:14 pm »
Tu masz rację akurat.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #145 dnia: Listopada 02, 2011, 08:42:32 am »
Premiera nowego sprzętu została przesunięta .
Prawdziwą moc Wii U zobaczymy na E3 2012
Nawet najwięksi fani Nintendo musieli przyznać, że pierwsza prezentacja Wii U nie była zbyt porywająca. Na pewno nie podbiła indeksów giełdowych. Nintendo odnotowuje straty, ale wszystko ma się zmienić po E3 2012.

Satoru Iwata zapowiedział, że Nintendo chciałoby zaprezentować na E3 2012 finałowy egzemplarz Wii U i pokazać całemu światu do czego jest zdolny. Iwata przyznał również, że Nintendo chce wyciągnąć wnioski z premiery 3DSa i nie dopuścić do podobnej sytuacji w przypadku Wii U. Konkretów brak, a skoro mamy zagrać w przyszłym roku to chcielibyśmy zobaczyć gry, prawda?,107162,10551271,Nieoczekiwane_wiadomosci__Wii_U_ukaze_sie_po_E3_2012.html

RUMOR - Sonic Dimensions, a spiritual successor to Sonic Colors, heading to Wii U
This is all rumored information that comes from an inside source. Keep in mind, previous Sonic leaks have been pretty spot-on.

 - working title
 - takes place directly after Generations
 - spiritual successor to Sonic Colors
 - visual quality in line with Generations
 - will take advantage of many Wii U specific capabilities
 - includes the use of the Wii U controllers for up to a 4 person multiplayer
 - use of touchscreen to destroy enemies and activate powers
 - storyline will center around another time-space continuum shift at the hands of Eggman
 - this alters Sonic’s world and Sonic himself
 - Sonic will allegedly split into multiple personalities denoted by color
 - each color has its own unique abilities
 - blue Sonic will be the core Sonic, and will be the uniting figure with the other colors
 - five other colors: Red, Orange, Purple, Green, and Yellow
 - Red Sonic can cause explosions to open up new areas, but has a slow speed and a short jump
 - Purple Sonic will be able to move platforms and float and will have a dark attitude
 - Orange personality similar to Big the Cat
 - yellow Sonic will be the fastest of them all, but takes damage easily
 - only two of the personalities can be used in-stage
 - all may be able to combine and act as an equivalent Super Guide
 - White Sonic allegedly pops up as an option after dying in a stage a certain number of times
 - using White Sonic will make the game easier, but will give you a low rank
 - SEGA may be working with Nintendo developers on this game
 - includes most of the Sonic Colors staff
 - Nintendo helping with level design, which will take a more surreal approach
 - Music Plant from Sonic Advance 2 may be revived for this project
 - Rival battles: fight evil versions of friends like Amy Rose
 - Eggman's personality will split, making a nice version
 - classic Sonic-style 2D elements

Capcom has high expectations for Wii U

The following commentary comes from Capcom founder and chairman Kenzo Tsujimoto...

 - high expectations for Wii U
 - long lines at trade shows cited as interest in the platform
 - people wouldn't have lined up to play if they weren't interested
Fanowski filmik :

Sequel Eternal Darkness na starcie WiiU to byłoby coś pięknego :)
Silicon Knights details reasoning behind layoffs, working on a 'most requested title'
"Last week Silicon Knights experienced layoffs due to extended contract negotiations falling through with a potential partner. We are currently in discussions with other potential partners. The recent Ontario government funding is tied to future performance targets, spread out over the next 5 years, which we will meet. The company is currently refocusing and returning to its roots, working on one of its most requested titles for the next generation." - Silicon Knights rep


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #146 dnia: Listopada 02, 2011, 09:24:32 am »
Premiera nowego sprzętu została przesunięta .
Prawdziwą moc Wii U zobaczymy na E3 2012
Nawet najwięksi fani Nintendo musieli przyznać, że pierwsza prezentacja Wii U nie była zbyt porywająca. Na pewno nie podbiła indeksów giełdowych. Nintendo odnotowuje straty, ale wszystko ma się zmienić po E3 2012.

Satoru Iwata zapowiedział, że Nintendo chciałoby zaprezentować na E3 2012 finałowy egzemplarz Wii U i pokazać całemu światu do czego jest zdolny. Iwata przyznał również, że Nintendo chce wyciągnąć wnioski z premiery 3DSa i nie dopuścić do podobnej sytuacji w przypadku Wii U. Konkretów brak, a skoro mamy zagrać w przyszłym roku to chcielibyśmy zobaczyć gry, prawda?
I prawidłowo. Dopieszczać specyfikacje sprzętu i gry a nie udawać że się jest applem.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #147 dnia: Listopada 02, 2011, 11:00:17 am »
Zatem spokojnie można założyć, że premiera nowego sprzętu będzie mieć miejsce w listopadzie, lub na początku grudnia. Ciekawe jaka będzie cena na starcie? Jeśli wyciągnęli wnioski z premiery 3DSa, to powinna być dosyć znośna.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #148 dnia: Listopada 02, 2011, 11:09:25 am »
Dosyć znośna albo sprzęt będzie miał dopasione bebechy i bedzie swojej ceny warty. Znaczy tego sobie i wam życzę ale to nintendo więc zobaczymy.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #149 dnia: Listopada 02, 2011, 11:20:57 am »
Wątpię, aby był jakoś super dopakowany. Na pewno będzie mocniejszy od obecnej generacji, ale Nintendo postawi raczej na innowacyjność i konkurencyjność, niż na wyścig zbrojeń. Zresztą  sam kontroler podniesie znacząco cenę.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #150 dnia: Listopada 02, 2011, 11:21:41 am »
Ninny to niestety nie Sony, czy MS. Wii pokazalo, ze nie ma co liczyc na atrakcyjna cene. Chyba, ze powtorzy sie sytuacja jak z 3DS w co bardzo watpie. Raczej nie popelnia juz tego bledu.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #151 dnia: Listopada 02, 2011, 11:36:51 am »
Wii pokazało że w przypadku wii nie ma co liczyć na atrakcyjną cene. to fakt. ;) Tylko w międzyczasie stracili setki milionów dolców przez zbyt wysoką cenę 3dsa oraz brak gier i musieli szybko dostosować się do rynku. Jakby przy wiiu popełnili ten błąd drugi raz z rzędu to wii u byłoby pewnie ostatnią konsolą niny.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #152 dnia: Listopada 02, 2011, 12:08:35 pm »
Na pewno będzie mocniejszy od obecnej generacji
Nie był bym tego taki pewien.

Nawet jak będzie mocniejszy to obawiam się, że powstanie podobna sytuacja jak z Wii, który teoretycznie jest mocniejszy od GC, PS2, a większość gier wygląda jak coś pomiędzy N64, a Dreamcastem.

Zresztą  sam kontroler podniesie znacząco cenę.
Na pewno i to sporo. Zwykły kompletny kontroler do Wii kosztuje około 170-230zł, dodać do tego duzy wyświetlacz, touch screen, wydajną baterię, streaming obrazu z konsoli - spodziewam się, że gdzieś z 400-700zł

Dodatkowo z tego co na razie zapowiedziano, można się domyślać, ze trzeba będzie dokupić do standardowego pada z WiiU, kontroler do Wii, a to jest koszt ~230zł.

Myslę, ze za komplet WiiU + Wiimoteplus + Nunchak trzeba będzie zapłacić 450$-550$
« Ostatnia zmiana: Listopada 02, 2011, 12:14:41 pm wysłana przez Piter_neo »


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #153 dnia: Listopada 02, 2011, 12:24:41 pm »
Wii pokazało że w przypadku wii nie ma co liczyć na atrakcyjną cene. to fakt. ;) Tylko w międzyczasie stracili setki milionów dolców przez zbyt wysoką cenę 3dsa oraz brak gier i musieli szybko dostosować się do rynku. Jakby przy wiiu popełnili ten błąd drugi raz z rzędu to wii u byłoby pewnie ostatnią konsolą niny.
Zdaje sobie monio  z tego sprawe, iz jesli popelnia kolejny raz taki blad to moze ich to sporo kosztowac, dlatego  nie wierze ze to sie powtorzy. Chociaz musze przyznac, ze wedlug mnie udalo im sie juz zrobic blad odnosnie Wii U. Pospieszyli sie z prezentacja konsoli na ktora nic kompletnie nie mieli. Rozumiem, ze moze chcieli byc pierwsi z wielkiej trojcy, ktorzy zaprezentuja cos nowego, no ale bez przesady. Trzeba jeszcze miec z czym wyjsc do ludzi. Licze, ze sie zrekompensuja na E3 2012 spora dawka nowosci oraz innowacyjnosci, za ktora uwielbiam Ninny.

Piter z tym N64 to jednak troche pojechales po calosci  :)


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #154 dnia: Listopada 02, 2011, 12:32:39 pm »
Na pewno będzie mocniejszy od obecnej generacji
Nie był bym tego taki pewien.
Nigga. please... Już teraz jest pewne że devkity są dużo mocniejsze od ps3. Jak bardzo mocne oficjalnie nie wiadomo ale mówi o tym każdy developer który robi teraz gry na wiu, bez wyjątku. Wiemy że ty chciałbyś żeby wii u miało moc ps2 żewbyś mógł się z niej pośmiać ale niestety się zawiedziesz.
Z tym o n64 i dreamie dojebałeś już criticala. Oczywiście poza pustym pierdoleniem i robieniem czarnego pr nie pokażesz dowodów, argumentów. Spoko. Masz chyba jaskrę albo porażenie mózgowe jak dla ciebie to tak samo wygląda, albo oba w komplecie.

Zresztą  sam kontroler podniesie znacząco cenę.
Myslę, ze za komplet WiiU + Wiimoteplus + Nunchak trzeba będzie zapłacić 450$-550$
Czyli normalna cena jak na nowego nextgena po premierze. Jeśli grafa będzie na poziomie to w czym problem?


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« Odpowiedź #155 dnia: Listopada 09, 2011, 15:28:28 pm »


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #156 dnia: Listopada 10, 2011, 10:04:01 am »
Nintendo not considering other franchise characters for Mario Kart, interest in bringing the series to Wii U
The following info comes from Mario Kart producer Hideki Konno...

 On considering characters from other franchises for Mario Kart: “No, we’ve never seriously considered that.”

 On Mario Kart heading to Wii U: “I can’t get into the specifics, but I do want to create a new and enjoyable Mario Kart that uses the unique functions of the Wii U. Anything beyond that I have to keep secret. Please bear with me for now!”

Moore: Wii U is “a very exciting machine”, features “extensive” online capabilities
EA COO Peter Moore recently sat down with Famitsu to talk about all sorts of things, including the Wii U. Moore talked excitedly about the system and teased “extensive” online features for the console.

He said:

“It’s a very exciting machine and I’m glad to see it out there. I mean, a hi-def Nintendo platform! There’s nothing that could make me happier. Its online capabilities are really extensive, too, so we’ll be able to differentiate ourselves from the competition more easily with our sports lineup. We can’t announce anything yet, but what I can say is that Nintendo is a company that’s been producing new types of play culture for years. The 3DS and Wii U have taken on that DNA, so I really can’t wait to see what kind of new surprises are waiting for us.”


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« Odpowiedź #157 dnia: Listopada 10, 2011, 10:25:34 am »
Z tym o n64 i dreamie dojebałeś już criticala. Oczywiście poza pustym pierdoleniem i robieniem czarnego pr nie pokażesz dowodów, argumentów. Spoko. Masz chyba jaskrę albo porażenie mózgowe jak dla ciebie to tak samo wygląda, albo oba w komplecie.
Już podczas premiery Wii było 100 razy wklejane obrazki i filmiki z gier na Wii pokazujące jak brzydkie wychodzą gry na tą konsole. Poprzeglądaj sobie temat o Wii, System Wars i chyba kiedyś był nawet oddzielny watek założony o "cudownej mocy Wii mocnego jak 4xGC".


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« Odpowiedź #158 dnia: Listopada 10, 2011, 10:45:52 am »
Już podczas premiery Wii było 100 razy wklejane obrazki i filmiki z gier na Wii pokazujące jak brzydkie wychodzą gry na tą konsole. Poprzeglądaj sobie temat o Wii, System Wars i chyba kiedyś był nawet oddzielny watek założony o "cudownej mocy Wii mocnego jak 4xGC".
Oczywiście jesteś świadom, że sytuacja ta jest spowodowana tylko przez developerów, którzy odpierdalali lewą robotę? A piszemy o możliwej mocy sprzętu, nie o robocie partaczy.
Atari created it, Nintendo pioneerd it, Sony popularized it, Microsoft bought it...


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« Odpowiedź #159 dnia: Listopada 10, 2011, 10:58:18 am »
Ty w ogóle grałeś kiedyś na n64 albo DC i pamiętasz jaką to miało grafikę? Coś mi się kurde nie wydaje noobie.  :lol: :lol: :lol: