Autor Wątek: Wii U - Wątek główny  (Przeczytany 402753 razy)

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  • Marynarz z Potiomkina
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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #160 dnia: Listopada 10, 2011, 11:40:38 am »
Z tym o n64 i dreamie dojebałeś już criticala. Oczywiście poza pustym pierdoleniem i robieniem czarnego pr nie pokażesz dowodów, argumentów.

Screeny z kilkudziesięciu gier na Wii:

Zdecydowanie podtrzymuje swoje słowa, ze większość gier na Wii graficznie trzyma poziom coś pomiędzy N64 a Dreamcastem.

Oczywiście jestem swiadom tego, że brzydkie gry na Wii to w 90% wina developerów co odwalają kaszane i robią gnioty. Jest kilka gier na Wii wyglądających przepięknie (ale i tak nie ma takiej, której nie dało by się zrobić na X-box-ie)

Ty w ogóle grałeś kiedyś na n64 albo DC i pamiętasz jaką to miało grafikę? Coś mi się kurde nie wydaje noobie.  :lol: :lol: :lol:
Miałem zarówno N64 jak i DC. Z kumplem wymienialiśmy sie konsolami.


  • Nintendofanboj
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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #161 dnia: Listopada 10, 2011, 12:06:06 pm »
Równie dobrze można o ps3 powiedzieć że ma poziom niewiele lepszy od ps2, bo znajdą się na nią gry gdzie developer odwalił lipe i graficznie prezentują się na podobnym poziomie jak te bardziej dojebane z ps2. Mam cię zawalić screenami z chujowych budżetówek o których nigdy wcześniej nie słyszałeś?  :lol: Poza tym pokazałeś tu również screeny które znacznie przebijają poziomem DC, dokładnie lekko to przewyższają poziomem ps2 więc serio masz problemy z percepcją. Wyszukaj sobie jakieś hity z DC i popatrz jaką miały grafę, po prostu żyjesz tamtejszym wrażeniem jak prezentowała się grafika ale tego zupełnie nie pamiętasz. To akurat typowe jest, wystarczy popatrzeć na GoWa2 żeby zobaczyć jaka przepaść dzieli obecne konsole do tamtej generacji i od razu rozwiać jakiekolwiek wątpliwości o tym czy wii jest od pleja lepszym czy słabszym sprzętem i czy ma lepszą grafikę. Ma lepszą grafikę, obiektywie, nie wrażeniowo.


  • Marynarz z Potiomkina
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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #162 dnia: Listopada 10, 2011, 12:12:10 pm »
Co nie zmienia faktu, że Nintendo odwaliło lipę nie wprowadzając HD do Wii. Przebolałbym brak jakichś wyjebanych efektów graficznych, ale naprawdę w tej chwili ciężko przestawić się na obraz wyświetlany w SD. A podbite do HD gry z PS2 na PS3 wyglądają przecież niejednokrotnie całkiem nieźle (chociażby GoW II).


  • J-23
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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #163 dnia: Listopada 10, 2011, 12:24:05 pm »
Z tym o n64 i dreamie dojebałeś już criticala. Oczywiście poza pustym pierdoleniem i robieniem czarnego pr nie pokażesz dowodów, argumentów.

Screeny z kilkudziesięciu gier na Wii:

Zdecydowanie podtrzymuje swoje słowa, ze większość gier na Wii graficznie trzyma poziom coś pomiędzy N64 a Dreamcastem.

Oczywiście jestem swiadom tego, że brzydkie gry na Wii to w 90% wina developerów co odwalają kaszane i robią gnioty. Jest kilka gier na Wii wyglądających przepięknie (ale i tak nie ma takiej, której nie dało by się zrobić na X-box-ie)

Ty w ogóle grałeś kiedyś na n64 albo DC i pamiętasz jaką to miało grafikę? Coś mi się kurde nie wydaje noobie.  :lol: :lol: :lol:
Miałem zarówno N64 jak i DC. Z kumplem wymienialiśmy sie konsolami.
Fakt na początku życia Wii było kilkanaście gier ,które wyglądały niczym tytuły skopiowane z ery 64 bitowców ,ale podając jako przykład Excite Truck ,Punch-Out ,Excitebots ,Little king's story ,Boom Blox ,Dead space ,The conduit ,Red steel ,Spyborgs czy też Arc Rise Fantasia zaliczasz niemałego fail'a i jakoś ciężko mi jest uwierzyć ,że posiadałeś te dwie konsole ;).


  • Nintendofanboj
  • Marynarz z Potiomkina
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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #164 dnia: Listopada 10, 2011, 12:31:49 pm »
No pewka że wii to słaby sprzęt. Nikt tutaj nie porównuje do plejki trzeciej bo by się smutno zrobiło i w niektórych grach widać jak marnował się przez to potencjał twórców. Z tym sygnałem HD to sprawa nie jest taka prosta bo wii jest na niego za słaby zwyczajnie. Jednakowa ilość polygonów czytekstury w tej samej jakosci to nie jest jeszcze wystarczający warunek żeby generować obraz w większej rozdzielczości. A tak pozatym to w reedycji GoW2 na ps3 tekstury są w lepszej jakości niż na wersji z starszego ps2. Graficy zazwyczaj przygotowują tekstury kilkukrotnie większe niż będą finalnie w grze i te które są na ps3 są raczej w dwukrotnie (albo i więcej) większej rozdziałce, a przy teksturach rzędu 128 a 256 pixeli (na postać) to kolosalna różnica w odbiorze, czy 1024 a 2048 już niewielka mimo ogromnie wiekszej potrzebnej mocy.

Najlepiej prezentująca się gra na PS2. Direct feed z konsoli. Pamiętamy wrażenie chłopaki a nie to jak to realnie się prezentuje w porównaniu do tego co mamy dzisiaj po 7 latach.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Listopada 10, 2011, 12:35:55 pm wysłana przez monio4 »


  • J-23
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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #165 dnia: Listopada 14, 2011, 09:22:51 am »
Capcom has no reason for not bringing Street Fighter X Tekken to Wii U, 3DS
A portion of a Gematsu interview with Capcom's Yoshinori Ono...

G: You’re bringing Street Fighter X Tekken to PS3, Xbox 360, PlayStation Vita, and now PC. Super Street Fighter IV came out on 3DS, so clearly Capcom knows how to create a fighting game on the Nintendo handheld. Is there a reason you’ve not announced a 3DS version? Or a Wii U version, for that matter?

YO: There isn’t any reason in particular actually.

Exclusive: EA Origin to be a key element of Nintendo’s online strategy?
We received a tip from an EA intern with some very interesting information pertaining to the Wii U’s online system. Our source, who wishes to remain anonymous, claims that her information comes from a network engineer whom she is friends with. As with all news from anonymous sources, it’s difficult to determine its authenticity. But what we received sounds plausible and even explains Peter Moore’s relentless excitement for the Wii U.

It’s no secret that EA are helping Nintendo develop the Wii U’s online service. It will allegedly offer voice- and video-chatting support, leaderboards, and detailed friend lists that tell you who’s online and what they’re playing. The service aims to offer greater flexibility to publishers than Xbox Live, and EA . From our source:

Many publishers are happy with Xbox Live’s features, but they aren’t happy with how strict Microsoft’s guidelines are.  Nintendo went with an open flexible approach with online because when Nintendo asked developers/publishers what they wanted in an online service, that was the number one thing they asked for.

But interestingly, EA are supposedly in talks with Nintendo to try and make Origin, their digital games distribution platform, a key element of Nintendo’s online strategy, too. EA would have the chance to bring Origin to the console space and win many new users while Nintendo see it “as an opportunity to rebuild relationships with Western gamers because they feel that only a massive western company such as EA nderstands what is needed to make an online service attractive to western gamers.”

According to our source, EA isn’t the only company looking into bringing its digital distribution platform to the Wii U – Valve, too, are interested in getting Steam onto it. But EA are “aggressively persuading Nintendo to go Origins exclusive with Wii U’s online so they can gain a competitive advantage over Steam.”

Our informant doesn’t know how Origin on the Wii U will differ from Origin on the PC, if at all. But if these talks about making it a fundamental part of the Wii U are really happening, it’s no surprise that Peter Moore is one of the most enthused Wii U developers out there.


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  • Memento Mori...
Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #166 dnia: Listopada 18, 2011, 10:02:40 am »
Cos mnie tknelo, aby rozejrzec sie za specyfikacja konsoli i trafilem na ciekawa strone, ktora podaje dokladniejsze dane na temat wnetrznosci sprzetu.
Custom IBM Power 6 Chip “FOX” on 32nm process
4 cores, each two way SMT-capable and clocked at 3.5 GHz
175.9 GFLOPS theoretical peak performance (single-precision)
87.6 GFLOPS theoretical peak performance (double-precision)

Custom AMD RV770 Chip “WOLF” @ 766Mhz on 32nm process: 1398 Gflops

512 MB XDR2 DRAM main memory
+ 1024 GDDR5 video memory
+ 16 MB eDRAM

Z tego co przegladnalem na internecie wynika, iz:
- procek jest ok. 2 razy wydajniejszy, niz ten zastosowany w 360
- karta graficzna 4 razy wydajniejsza od tej z 360
- GDDR5, ktory jest 3 razy wydajniejszy od zastosowanego w 360(GDDR3)

Ogolnie nie powinno byc zle, jesli powyzsza specyfikacja okaze sie prawdziwa.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Listopada 18, 2011, 10:05:08 am wysłana przez bebbop »


  • Nintendofanboj
  • Marynarz z Potiomkina
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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #167 dnia: Listopada 18, 2011, 11:57:20 am »
Już gdzieś przewijała się ta specyfikacja i faktycznie byłoby całkiem nieźle patrząc na obecne komsole ale nadal kiepsko równając to do pieców. Niny ostatnio mówiło że będą pracować jeszcze nad ostateczną specyfikacją. Wiele znaków wskazuje że chcą zacząć konkurować z sony i ms (i dobrze bo segment który stworzyli zjadło im apple) i chcą się otwierać na third party. Jak to wszystko prawda to można liczyć na dodatkowe ulepszenie/ ujednolicenie specyfikacji pod presją developerów. Oby!


  • MIR
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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #168 dnia: Listopada 18, 2011, 17:11:05 pm »
Jeśli ta specyfikacja okazałaby się prawdziwa, to faktycznie byłoby całkiem nieźle.


  • J-23
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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #169 dnia: Listopada 24, 2011, 10:04:53 am »
Square-Enix thinks Wii U is great, seems like they could easily develop for it
A portion of a Game Informer interview with Square-Enix's Yoshinori Kitase...

GI: What are your thoughts on developing for the PlayStation Vita and Nintendo’s Wii U?

Kitase: The Vita is a PlayStation platform that has a lot of similarities in the development process to the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3, so we think it will be an easy transition to start developing for it. There’s nothing to talk about on our end yet, though. With the Wii U, it’s great that there’s a high definition console from Nintendo on the market, which was previously lacking. As far as the specs are concerned, the Wii U seems like something we could develop easily for as well. Hopefully that becomes part of our multiplatform lineup, but we can’t be certain as of now.
Nowe info na temat specyfikacji WiiU .

Produced   2010
Designed by   IBM
Max. CPU clock rate   2.4 GHz  to 4.25 GHz
Min. feature size   45 nm
Instruction set   Power Architecture
Microarchitecture   Power ISA v.2.06
Cores   4, 6, 8
L1 cache   32+32 KB/core
L2 cache   256 KB/core
L3 cache   32 MB
Ciekawe w ile rdzeni będzie wyposarzona konsola od BigN .


  • Marynarz z Potiomkina
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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #170 dnia: Listopada 24, 2011, 11:42:00 am »
No jak w ile ... w 2 w cenie 10   :grin:


  • MIR
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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #171 dnia: Listopada 28, 2011, 23:53:16 pm »


  • J-23
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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #172 dnia: Listopada 29, 2011, 09:45:22 am »
Vigil talks Darksiders II controller ideas for Wii U
"One thing I saw at the [E3] press conference that I thought would be cool is using the controller as a kind of AR thing. Because we've got a mechanism in the game where you throw stuff. In the first Darksiders game, you'd have to pick something up and throw it at a target. It's always a little difficult to use a joystick to aim precisely and you could have it so as you picked up the [Wii U] controller it would sense when it was held up in front of you and it would turn into a display showing you what was on the screen, and you'd move the target with the controller." - Colin Banstead, Vigil


  • J-23
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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #173 dnia: Grudnia 01, 2011, 10:24:33 am »
Reggie needs big 3DS, Wii sales, wants to avoid price issues with Wii U launch
"In the next five weeks, I need to sell a lot of Nintendo 3DS, Wii and software. Every dollar I send back to Japan is worth less, so for us as a business, what I need to do is to focus on selling more hardware, more software and drive revenue as best as I can because I can't impact the currency markets." - Reggie Fils-Aime
 Reggie also commented on the 3DS price drop and how Nintendo wants to avoid the same launch situation with Wii U.

"We had to go back and reduce the price of 3DS and we certainly don't want to go through that when we launch Wii U."

Is Gaijin Games in possession of a Wii U dev kit?
Coming from Gaijin Games' Twitter...

"I wonder what this mysterious device on my desk is... Let's see... It has a giant touchscreen, a camera, microphone... It's white... Hm..."


  • J-23
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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #174 dnia: Grudnia 02, 2011, 22:33:28 pm »
Na horyzoncie pojawiła się kolejna plotka na temat technologii w jaką będzie wyposażone WiiU .
Informacja rzekomo pochodzi od japońskiego studia developerskiego ,które przenosi grę z ps3 na WiiU .

Nintendo is finally set to release a new, much more powerful console with HD graphics, and many are wondering what kind of technology we might find inside the console, and how it will compare with the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. We’ve heard from developers who have access to the console that the Wii U is “50% more powerful” than the Xbox 360 and PS3. We now know that those estimates of 50% are based on the fact that the Wii U is around 50% more powerful on paper, according to information Wii U Daily obtained from a Japanese developer who is currently working on porting a PS3 game to the Wii U.

According to the source, the Wii U specs are:
Quad Core, 3 GHz PowerPC-based 45nm CPU, very similar to the Xbox 360 chip.
768 MB of DRAM “embedded” with the CPU, and shared between CPU and GPU
Unknown, 40nm ATI-based GPU

The source also mentions that Nintendo has been testing two versions of the console, one with 768 MB of RAM, and one with 1 GB. The RAM is also made by IBM and is embedded with the processor on the same die/silicon, which results in more bandwidth.

These were the specs that Nintendo showed developers around March 2011, so it’s unknown how close to the final specs these are, considering there’s a year until the console is scheduled for release.

When it was unveiled earlier this year, Nintendo confirmed that the Wii U would support 1080p graphics and 3D is possible as well.
Z informacji wynika ,że Nintendo testowało dwie konsole , jedna posiadała 768 Edram'u  ,a druga 1 giga Edramu .Źródło twierdzi również ,iż specyfikacja ta pochodziła z marca bieżącego roku.


  • J-23
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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #175 dnia: Grudnia 07, 2011, 10:39:41 am »
Project Cars in the works for Wii U
There's the intention of having it come to console too, with Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii U versions currently slated - which suggests a boxed copy when the project nears completion in 2013, an idea that Slightly Mad isn't entirely averse to.

Ubisoft poszukuje specjalistów w poszczególnych dziedzinach .
Wygląda na to ,iż szykuje się coś dużego od Ubisoftu  .Gra typu MMORPG ?!?

Nintendo looking to high large amount of new employees
- large recruitment campaign

- looking for experienced and veteran development personnel

- positions for the Kyoto plants and Tokyo plant

- planning to open an entirely new facility in Kyoto strictly for software and hardware development

- looking for veteran developers and new college graduates

Kyoto - Mid Career Recruitment

[Development Department]

Program Development Engineer, Web Engineer, Network Library for game development engineers, Library Support for network game engineers, Building Management System, Engineer Server, Software Engineer Wireless Communications, Embedded Software Engineer, Evaluation and Validation Software Development Engineer, Improve software quality engineer, Body embedded software development engineer, Production Engineering Development, Development Coordinator, Product Development Coordinator, Technical designer, Artwork Designer, Design 3DCG, Effects Designer, GUI Designer, Movie film production staff, Illustrator, Industrial designer, Sound Creator, Packaging Designers, Packaging design personnel (contractors), Technical Writer (contract employee)

[Technology Department]

Technical Support (mainly software)

Field Development Engineer

Games conformity assessment professionals (contractors)

Tokyo - Mid Career Recruitment

[Development Department]

Main Director or Planner, Design 3DCG, Effects Designer, GUI Designer, Programmer, and Network Application Engineer.

New College Graduates Hiring Into Nintendo

[Science and Engineering]

Game development program, middleware development tools, network development library, developed OS · library driver, game system architecture design, Communications Systems wireless capabilities, server systems development, enterprise network management systems, hardware (electromechanical) , Production Engineering, Procurement, other patent management

[System Design]

CG design, artwork design, industrial design, GUI design, design effects, video production other movies /

[Sound system]

Music production (Composer), production sound effects, sound program


  • J-23
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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #176 dnia: Grudnia 31, 2011, 13:54:56 pm »
Vigil Games aiming to have Darksiders II reader for Wii U launch
Coming from the VGA press release we posted earlier...

Darksiders II is scheduled to be available for the Xbox®360 videogame and entertainment system from Microsoft, the Playstation®3 computer entertainment system and Windows® PC in Summer 2012. It is also anticipated to be a launch title for Wii U.

Rumor: Final Fantasy XV To Be Announced At E3 2012
GamesMaster UK is claiming that Square Enix has something special planned for the 25th anniversary of Final Fantasy next year.

According to a rumor found in latest issue of the magazine Final Fantasy XV will be announced during a special Square Enix E3 2012 press conference. The next installment to the long running franchise is also rumored to be coming to WiiU and PC along with the PS3 and 360.

While this is merely a rumor and should be taken with a grain of salt, earlier this year Final Fantasy XIII/XIII-2 producer Yoshinori Kitase did express interest in bringing the series to the WiiU.

If true this would be the first time that a direct installment to the Final Fantasy series has ever graced Windows and a Nintendo platform in over a decade.

Fire Emblem 3DS to be first game to see paid download content, Wii U going the same route

Nintendo stealthily building app store for its next-gen console
Nintendo’s next game console, the Wii U, is months away from launch, but its touchscreen controller is already turning heads — and The Daily has learned that Nintendo plans to implement a full-blown app store for the system.

Nintendo currently maintains repositories that act as “light” app stores: The DSi Shop for its portables, and the Wii Shop for its current console. Most of its apps are games and basic utilities like Mario Calculator. The Wii U’s as-yet-unnamed store will go far beyond this, proffering a wider variety of apps, said a person familiar with the matter.

Wii U owners will be able to use apps that operate on the Wii U itself, such as MLB.TV, and others that run independently on the Wii U’s controller. Given its tablet-like design and 6.2-inch screen, it’s not hard to imagine being able to check email, browse the Web, post to social networks and even get some gaming in.

It’s unknown whether Nintendo plans to monetize its app store with a points system, which it currently uses for WiiWare and DSiWare, or with a more Apple-like pay-to-play system.

Malicious Developer Expanding Onto 3DS And Wii U?
Alvion, the video game studio behind Malicious and the Poupeegirl games for the Nintendo DS, appears to be expanding onto 3DS and Wii U.

The developer is recruiting new staff on their website with a banner that mentions Wii U and 3DS as platforms for 2012 recruits. Alvion has not announced any titles for those platforms to date.

In addition to Malcious, Alvion’s 106 employees created mobile phone games like Guardian Popon for the iPhone, assisted Sony with Siren: Blood Curse, and worked on the Japanese version of an undisclosed “action battle game” for Wii.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #177 dnia: Stycznia 10, 2012, 20:14:13 pm »
News grubego kalibru .
Retro Studios hires Naughty Dog, Vigil Games staffers, working on 'crowning achievement'
Well, things just got very interesting. Retro Studios has picked up two staffers, one a former Naughty Dog dev and the other a former Vigil Games employee. Eric Kozlowsky is the former Naughty Dog staffer, and he seems super excited for his project.

Alas I am going to shelve it for a little while as I am going to work on another project that I am super excited about. I can't talk about it too much but if all goes well it might just be one of my crowning achievements as an artist....

 Retro also grabbed devs from Red Fly and Moonbot Studios. Something big must be going on!


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #178 dnia: Stycznia 19, 2012, 19:26:16 pm »
Nowa gra od Retro Studios ma pojawić się w tym roku !!!

Retro dev Twitter account hints at 2012 title release
Coming from the Twitter account of former Naughty Dog/current Retro employee, Eric Kozlowsky...

“One of my co-workers brought in EVERY season of MST3K! Crunch time is going to be WAY more tolerable this year!”

Another Wii U CES demo - 1080p reconfirmed
Wii U tidbits:
Okay, I have some info I've spotted in various resumes, nothing huge mind you.

 To avoid a Retro-style massacre, I'll NOT be linking to or naming anyone, just take my word for it.

 - Ghost Recon Online is indeed called Ghost Recon Online Arcade as someone mentioned awhile back.
 - Lego City Stories may be a launch title.
 - Ubisoft Paris is making a Wii U game, the person's credits include Rabbids games, and since we know one is on the way, this should be it. (so really, non-news. XD)
 -One person at THQ is working on a AAA game for Wii U, PS3, and 360 with no team specified, could be Darksiders II or Metro: Last Light for all we know.
 - The juicy one, apparently someone at Ubisoft (no team specified) who worked in Black Eyed Peas, Just Dance games, and helped on Driver SF, is making a Card Game for Wii U. I sent an email to ask for a clarification if this is indeed a Card Game, perhaps I might've misunderstood the context, here's the quote:

 Quote: - Unannounced Project - Wii U, Card Game : Game, Level Design, Task Management

I'll post as soon as I recieve a clarification. That's all I asked.

 Well, that's all for now. :)

THQ working on two secret Wii U, one Wii title
Coming from the LinkedIn profile of THQ's Evan Icenbice

Directly managing three (3) unannounced titles set for release in 2012:

 TBD (Wii U/3DS/Wii/PS3/360)
 TBD (Wii U)
 TBD (360/PS3/Wii/DSi)

Infinity Ward looking for senior animator to work on next-gen
Could Call of Duty be heading to next-gen platforms? Of course it is, but it looks like Infinity Ward is already staffing up.
 A job listing from the developer is asking for a senior animator that has "an interest in working with next-generation technologies." Could that include the Wii U? I sure hope so!

Reggie talks Wii U at CES - No date/price yet, launch support, info all year
- Will come out between E3 and end of 2012
 - when asked about surprise launch at E3, Reggie says 'Who knows?'
 - Wii U news throughout the year, not just at E3
 - won't confirm a new Mario game, but says a range of experiences are coming
 - 90 million Wii units sold worldwide
 - want a broader, larger audience with Wii U
 - full range of different entertainment on Wii U
 - not talking launch lineup or date today
 - reconfirms that Mr. Miyamoto is working on something new, didn't specifically say Wii U
 - making sure they'll have great stuff for launch day and launch window of Wii U
 - Nintendo doesn't care what gaming competitors are doing
 - they want to drive a great, new experience with Wii U that have consumers ready to buy
 - everyone is taking motion gaming for granted now, Reggie says


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #179 dnia: Stycznia 26, 2012, 12:59:06 pm »
Wii U: Premiera na święta
W trakcie spotkania z inwestorami Satoru Iwata, prezes Nintendo ujawnił przybliżoną datę premiery nowej konsoli firmy. Wii U ukaże się na najważniejszych rynkach – w tym amerykańskim i europejskim – w czasie okresu świątecznego.

W sumie nic nowego, ale przynajmniej już coś wiadomo. Zastanawiam się nawet czy nie zainwestować? Jeśli będą jakieś niezłe gry od Nintendo to kto wie? Pomysł z tableto-padem wydaje mi się bardzo interesujący :)


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #180 dnia: Lutego 04, 2012, 12:15:48 pm »
RUMOR - Rocksteady working on mature Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game for Wii U

- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Manhattan Crisis is the alleged name

- Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo are the four playable characters

- each has their own varied move set and weapon of choice (sword, bo staff, sai, and nunchuck respectively).

- Flashbacks are played as Master Splinter/Hamato Yoshi.

- Shurikens, smoke bombs, grappling hooks, and climbing foot spikes.

- Gameplay and story/stage progression similar to Batman: Arkham City.

- Classic characters such as Bebop and Rocksteady (warthog and rhinoceros), Dr. Baxter Stockman, Shredder (Oroku Saki), and Krang act as bosses and in the case of the humans-turned-mutants, you fight them in both forms throughout the story.

- The Turtle Van and Turtle Blimp will be present and with them and other gadgets, the Wii U build is expected to have touch screen controls for specific actions.

- Multiplayer is unknown.

- Graphics engine used is that of Arkham City.

- The game is expected to be more dark than slapstick, but the turtles themselves and their interactions with the Foot Clan, bosses, and story characters like April O’Neil and Casey Jones will still have comedy attached.

- Purportedly being in development for Wii U, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.

- Careful selection of voice actors to bring the universe to life as well as Rocksteady did with their two Batman games.

- Manhattan Crisis shares a similar name to the 1991/1992 NES title, “The Manhattan Project”, but is very much its own title.

RUMOR: Sumo underway with Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2 for Wii U, 3DS, and Vita?
We have received word from a tipster, who wishes to remain anonymous, that a new Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing game could be on the way. Our tipster recently spoke to a high ranking staff member at development studio Sumo Digital, and when queried about new projects, the developer gave the below reply.

“Now working on another title for Sega on 3DS, VITA and WiiU. [The] title we are working on is top secret but the last game we did for them was Sonic And Sega All-Star Racing, so the logical conclusion would be… ”
While the game could be a sequel to 2010′s Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing, there is also a possibility, given the platforms, that it could be a remixed version of the first game with new characters & courses specifically tailored to Wii U, 3DS & Vita. But having said that, the tipster informs us that the developer told them months ago that they will be doing no more additional work on the first game.
The Sonic Stadium has received proof of the discussion and the Sumo Digital source in question and have confirmed the authenticity of both. But, as the game has not been officially announced by SEGA and things can often change dramatically behind the scenes, we’re posting this up as rumour for now.

RUMOR - Nintendo Network to bring new features, rival XBL/PSN?
This information comes from an inside source that wished to remain anonymous...

"A source that wished to remain anonymous has told us that Nintendo will launch a website accessible from any web browser that will handle configuration of your Nintendo Network account for use on the Wii U or 3DS. He also stated that Nintendo Network will include many new features that haven’t been used before by Nintendo. According to his accounts: Nintendo Network = Sony PSN = Xbox Live."

Project Cars - Community trailer

Vigil won't talk exclusive content in Darksiders II for Wii U

Wondering if Vigil is going to put anything special in the Wii U release of Darksiders II? When Darksiders II producer Ryan Stefanelli was asked this very question, he replied with, “My lips are sealed.” I guess we'll have to hold out longer to get any of those juicy details.

RUMOR - Wii U dev kits not final, more details on Nintendo Network at E3

Last we heard from Wii U devs, final dev kits were out there in the wild, and the system was a bit more powerful than they originally thought. Now we have an inside source that claims a few more details.
- dev kits now perform somewhat better than previous dev kits

- dev kits are not absolutely final

- still be some tweaks to the controller

- Nintendo Network detailed at E3

RUMOR - Next Xbox to be 20% more powerful than Wii U
That's what IGN has to say, and they're basing this on rumored information of the next Xbox that just came out today.

...the Xbox 720's raw graphics processing power is expected to be six times that of the Xbox 360 and will yield 20-percent greater performance than Nintendo's forthcoming console, the Wii U.

Would that would make the Wii U 5 times more powerful than current-gen 360/PS3? IGN also says that the next Xbox will come out in late 2013, giving the Wii U plenty of time for a nice head start.

RUMOR - UK racing studio creating one Wii U game a year?

Develop has yet another bit of information from an inside source. This time around they claim that a "prominent UK racing studio has committed to support Wii U with one project each year." Any idea on what studio it could be, and what annual franchise would make the most sense?

Inside source claims Wii U is twice as powerful as Xbox 360
The following info comes from a studio source that is working on a Wii U title...
- roughly twice the processing and graphical potential of the 360
- “I've heard [a project designer] complain it's underpowered compared to what Nintendo announced, resulting in people having to de-scale their plans.”
These kind of rumors drive me up the wall, and this is what it's going to be like all the way up to launch. I bet someone will have to tear down a Wii U on their own to find out what's really in there.

Capcom’s Ono: More to Wii U than shown at E3 2011, will have unique possibilities

Capcom’s Yoshinori Ono provided some cryptic statements when asked about the Wii U in a recent interview. The Street Fighter X Tekken producer hyped up the console and said “Wii U will be a console with so many and unique possibilities that it will be difficult to show them in the box they are going to sell it or to be published by magazines and other mediums.”
Ono also teased that there’s more to Wii U than what Nintendo showed at last year’s E3.
His full comments are as follows:
“What we saw last E3 is not a reflection of everything this console is able to offer. We have been trying the development kits and some of its new characteristics will improve its possibilities. It isn’t something like Kinect or similar accessories, it’s something different.

“I can’t tell you more about it because, if I do, Nintendo will send assassins to finish me! (laughs) But let’s say that Wii U will be a console with so many and unique possibilities that it will be difficult to show them in the box they are going to sell it or to be published by magazines and other mediums.”

So… Maybe we’ll see a new Wii U project from Ono at this year’s E3?

Team Ninja - Nintendo asked for our input on Wii U, hardware constantly changing, Dead or Alive 5 possible

- Wii U development is very easy

- development is very close to what it's like on PS3/360

- Hayashi: "Nintendo asked us what we would want from the hardware. And when we gave them our feedback, we could see that they really listened and made ​​changes. The hardware is currently changing constantly."

- Hayashi also feels the controller is very unique

- Yasuda: "The control via a touch screen is like the Nintendo DS, we worked on the NDS with Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword, and we would like to take some elements from it and install them in the U Wii version of Ninja Gaiden 3."

- Hayashi says their main Wii u focus right now is Ninja Gaiden 3

- When asked about the possibility of Dead or Alive 5 hitting Wii U, Team Ninja said they keep the request for the title on other platforms in mind
Rumor: Nintendo Considering Renaming Wii U
Following a rough E3 reception and 3DS's launch struggles, Nintendo might be going back to the drawing board.

Iwata - Wii U final format at E3, Tokyo event after E3
We are planning to showcase the final format and discuss the details at E3 2012, which will be held in Los Angeles in the United States in June this year.
Also, soon after the E3 show, we would like to organize an opportunity in Tokyo where we can showcase the same to the Japanese wholesalers and financial analysts who cannot attend the E3 show.
As for the launch timing, we have so far stated that it shall be sometime between the E3 show and the end of this calendar year, and…
Today, I’d like to confirm that we will launch the Wii U in Japan, the U.S., Europe and Australia in time for the year-end sales season.
For the launch of new hardware, it is, of course, regarded as a sort of requisite not to miss the critical year-end sales season. The company is aiming to firmly complete the development of the entire system and prepare sufficient software so that the Wii U will be at its best at the time of the launch. Needless to say, we have learned a bitter lesson from the launch of the Nintendo 3DS.

Former Crytek employee moves over to Nintendo
Check out this LinkedIn profile for Mark Atkinson...
Consultant Software Engineer
September 2011 – Present (5 months)

Engine Optimisation Specialist

Lionhead Studios

April 2010 – April 2011 (1 year 1 month)

Consultant Software Engineer

Ignition London

February 2010 – April 2010 (3 months)

Director of Technology


November 2008 – February 2010 (1 year 4 mCheck out this LinkedIn profile for Mark Atkinson...

Consultant Software Engineer


September 2011 – Present (5 months)

Engine Optimisation Specialist

Lionhead Studios

April 2010 – April 2011 (1 year 1 month)

Consultant Software Engineer

Ignition London

February 2010 – April 2010 (3 months)

Director of Technology

November 2008 – February 2010 (1 year 4 months)


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #181 dnia: Lutego 10, 2012, 22:05:09 pm »
Unreal Engine 4 zagości na WiiU
Today the engine runs on PC, Mac, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, iOS, Android, Nintendo Wii U, PlayStation Vita and even in web browsers using Flash... oh, and *laughter* some platforms we are not allowed to mention by name yet. Soon we'll be unveiling the amazing Unreal Engine 4.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #182 dnia: Lutego 10, 2012, 23:25:27 pm »
Średnio istotna informacja, zważywszy, że zagości nawet na ipodach. Bardziej ciekawa kwestia to

some platforms we are not allowed to mention by name yet.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #183 dnia: Lutego 10, 2012, 23:55:46 pm »
Wiadomo, że chodzi o nowego Xa i może PS4.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #184 dnia: Lutego 11, 2012, 10:16:38 am »
Średnio istotna informacja, zważywszy, że zagości nawet na ipodach. Bardziej ciekawa kwestia to

some platforms we are not allowed to mention by name yet.
Dla mnie jest to istotna informacja ,gdyż w końcu na platformie Nintendo pojawią się gry ,które będą wykorzystywały ten silnik :)
RUMOR - Retro recruiting staffers to help with game featuring hand-painted style?
This information comes from a Ruliweb member that supposedly hunted down this info...

 - Retro looking to recruit many FX Artists
 - looking specifically for 3D environment artists
 - Retro wants these artists to have talant for hand painted textures
 - also looking for people to assist in translations for better communication with Nintendo


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #185 dnia: Lutego 11, 2012, 11:15:30 am »
Dla mnie jest to istotna informacja ,gdyż w końcu na platformie Nintendo pojawią się gry ,które będą wykorzystywały ten silnik :)
To, że silnik da się odpalić na jakimś systemie, nie znaczy jeszcze, że powstaną na owy system gry oparte na tym silniku ;)

Chociaż jestem dobrej myśli. Epic chce teraz inwestować również w mniejsze produkcje, robione głównie z myślą o smartphonach i XBLA/PSN, więc WiiU powinno też się załapać na wszystkie gry tego typu, a że kontroler będzie się idealnie do tego nadawać, to jest tylko duży plus. Osobiście czekam i czekam na Shadow Complex 2 i mam nadzieję, że kiedyś się doczekam.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #186 dnia: Lutego 16, 2012, 10:54:07 am »
Capcom on classic-style Resident Evil, downloadable games, could Resident Evil 6 hit Wii U?
The following comments come from Capcom USA enior Vice-President, Christian Svensson...

 On Capcom making more classic-style games like Resident Evil: Revelations...

“This is probably a better question for [producers] Kawata or Kobayashi, however to throw in my $0.02, Revelations (or perhaps future titles that resemble Revs) is probably the closest RE classic purists are going to get. We won’t forget you guys though… but I can’t tell you how or why yet. :)

 On lower-budget downloadable games...

“I don’t think the RE fanbase would accept the quality/scope of a ‘low budget’ title. We’d get hammered for hamstringing the team due to ‘a lower development budget’. Most consumers don’t care about what a game costs a developer to create. They only care about the experience it gives them.”

 On Resident Evil 6 coming to Wii U...

“We’ve made no announcements to this end at this point. I can’t say more than that right now.”


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #187 dnia: Lutego 18, 2012, 09:56:41 am »
2011 Wii U patent points to likely canned features: 3D, HD display
A September 2011 patent filed by Nintendo may provide some insight as to what sort of features the company was considering for the Wii U.

Much of the interesting tidbits pertain to the console’s controller. It seems that Nintendo has been experimenting with 3D and an HD display for the console’s innovative controller.

A quick rundown of the patent’s more noteworthy details can be found below.

- Could come with voice recognition software
 - Players could give voice commands in-game
 - “one or more additional microphones…may be provided on the front and/or back surfaces” of the controller
 - Controller’s camera could recognize a face/parts of a person’s face
 - This face data could be stored in Wii U’s main memory
 - Wii U could be used as a videophone “exchanging images and sound”
 - Hints that Skype/Skype-like service was being considered for Wii U; may still be possible
 - Peripheral attachment examples: “a game-specific controller (gun-shaped controller, etc.) or an input device such as a keyboard”
 - Wii U “might” feature a 3D display
 - Wii U controller “might” feature an HD display (controller is sub-HD resolution of 850x or so)


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #188 dnia: Lutego 22, 2012, 20:24:17 pm »
Report says Nintendo looking to make Wii U a media hub, Pachter doubts game publishers will support platform
Wondering just how forward-thinking Nintendo is going to be with Wii U? Unnamed sources are stating that Nintendo has met with multiple 'top content companies' to try and put together media-related content for Wii U. We're talking about cable networks, web video content, sports, music and more. These discussions took place at the recent CES event.

 Could Nintendo pull off a move like this? One unnamed source says these were just the very beginnings of talks. The discussions could end up going nowhere. Taking things further, Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter doesn't think Nintendo could make a move like that. He doesn't even think game publishers are going to support Wii U.

“I don’t know if they have the chops to pull it off. I don’t think game publishers are going to support it.”

Pipeworks Software working on unannounced Wii U game
Coming from the LinkedIn profile of Pipeworks' Jess Kappeler...

 Jess Kappeler's Overview

 Game Designer at Pipeworks Software
 Art Institute of Portland
 University of Oregon
 5 people have recommended Jess
 115 connections
 Jess Kappeler's Summary

 During my time at Pipeworks I have shipped five games as a lead designer and four as a game designer across multiple platforms, including PC, Xbox 360, XBLA, PSN and Wii. I am currently working on an unannounced game for Nintendo’s Wii U console.

RUMOR - Is 5th Cell working on a Wii U launch game?
This information comes from the profile of David Franco...

Time to get heard:

 Just a kid with a keyboard producing kick ass audio for games!
 *Great Reviews
 *Fully Licensed Studio
 *Friendly and Efficient
 *Incredible Rates

 For more information contact:

 Drawn to Life, Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter, Lock's Quest, Scribblenauts, Super Scribblenauts, Hybrid, Unannounced Wii U launch title.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #189 dnia: Lutego 25, 2012, 22:01:03 pm »
Rumor: Dead Space, Overstrike, and TimeSplitters 4 coming to Wii U.
According to a concept artist for a developer studio associated with Electronic Arts, there are plans that Visceral Games, the company behind the Dead Space games, to make a new installment of  Dead Space, and that will be coming to Wii U and other consoles.  No Dead Space game will be shown at this year’s E3.  Another game from Electronic Arts that I was told will receive the Wii U treatment is Overstrike, which is developed by Insomniac games.  Insomniac has received Wii U development kits.  Insomniac are known for franchises such as Resistance and Ratchet & Clank  for Sony’s consoles.

And the last interesting tidbit of news that I am hearing involves Crytek, who is a partner with Electronic Arts. Crytek might be giving Electronic Arts the publishing duties for TimeSplitters 4 for the Wii U.  Coincidentally, before Free Radical became part of Crytek, Electronic Arts published Timesplitters: Future Perfect.   TimeSplitters 4 will be announced at E3 this year for the Wii U and other consoles.  I’m hearing that there is over 150-200 Wii U games currently in development.  Nintendo is planning to announce numerous partnerships and collaborations regarding the Wii U at this E3

My friend told me that when Electronic Arts received the first and second versions of Wii U development kits, Nintendo wasn’t sure how powerful the console was going to be.  All they cared about at that point was making a console that was easy to port 360/PS3 games.  They had to keep the dev kits at 360/PS3 level in the beginning because it’s easy to start low on specs and go up in power, but it’s impossible to create a super powerful development kit and then downgrade it in power.   I hear that the 5th and 6th versions of this development kit are pretty powerful, and Frostbite 2 has been seen running on the Wii U with very smooth results and a higher frame rate than the 360 version of Battlefield 3,  that are superior to any PS3/360 game running Frostbite 2.

Again, take all of this as a grain of salt/rumor until its confirmed, but I felt the need to share some of this since people seem to want Wii U news.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #190 dnia: Lutego 27, 2012, 09:41:29 am »
Wii U patent shows off idea for musical keyboard gameplay

Wii U patent shows how the Wii U controller can manipulate objects in 3D space

Gearbox talks Wii U, hoping for big power in final design, thinks Nintendo can afford it
“The controller of the Wii U is obviously where there is new opportunity for innovation in interactivity. Meanwhile, our hope at Gearbox is that the final specification for the hardware is much more powerful than the current competitive consoles so that studios like ours can bring a better standard of high definition image not only to television, but to the controller’s screen at the same time. We’ve been developing a number of interesting features using the unique capabilities of the controller and the hardware. We’ll talk about these details in due time as the work is still very much an R&D project and things may change. Clever people that are familiar with the brand can imagine some of the more obvious, interesting things we can do.” - Gearbox Software President Randy Pitchford
Mr. Pitchford wouldn't comment on Wii U tech specs specifically, but did vaguely talk about what they've seen and what they're telling Nintendo.

“Out of respect for our friends and partners at Nintendo, I think specific technical details regarding the hardware should come from them. We’ve been intrigued by what we’ve seen so far and are encouraging Nintendo to go as aggressively as they can afford with the performance specifications. We imagine that performance specifications are within affordable reach that would provide undeniable performance advantages over competitive platforms. Nintendo have a lot more experience than we do in managing the balance between performance and cost with their hardware, of course, so I do not want to be presumptuous.

 I think Nintendo’s biggest opportunity with this console, though, lies in having third-party game makers that can turn out to reliably be as successful or more successful making games for their system as they can be through making games for Sony or Microsoft’s hardware. I think Nintendo can do something to encourage that, but it requires them using their resources to promote the third-party games as strongly as they promote their own. I imagine that would be a cultural challenge, but if they can achieve that they can have the power of the entire creative industry on their team.”
Wychodzi na to ,że devkity od Nintendo cały czas się zmieniają i nadal nie wiadomo jaka będzie ostateczna specyfikacja konsoli. Cieszy również fakt ,iż gigant z Kioto prowadzi konwersacje z developerami na temat tego co należałoby zmienić w WiiU  :)


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #191 dnia: Lutego 27, 2012, 15:52:50 pm »
Stawiałbym, że w końcowym rozrachunku konsola będzie tak z 2x mocniejsza od Xa. Jak na gry od Nintendo będzie spokojnie wystarczyć przez najbliższe kilka lat. Jeśli jednak następca Xa i PS4 będą tak z 6-10 razy potężniejsze od X360, to wtedy różnica będzie spora i z grami multiplatformowymi znowu Nintendo zostanie w tyle. Na starcie i przez pierwszy rok, dwa od premiery powinno jednak radzić sobie z nimi całkiem nieźle i na pewno dużo lepiej niż obecne konsole.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #192 dnia: Lutego 29, 2012, 10:15:25 am »
Mistwalker working on 'several projects'
RUMOR - More inside info on Wii U power, dev kits and more
This is another one of those situations where someone is 'in the know'. This person is a former French games journalist.

 - larger European third parties have received the latest dev kits
 - roughly twice as powerful as an Xbox 360
 - dev kits are up to revision 4.2, but a V5 kit may exist
 - the v4 kits are from early 2012
 - final decisions on graphical capabilities come towards the end of development
 - this may lead to the Wii U seeing a bit more power than the 2 X 360 listed above

UPDATE - A few more details coming from the source...

 - V5 dev kits exist within Nintendo
 - tests of a 'very famous engine' show only minor framerate improvements over 360/PS3
 - this engine is most likely Unreal Engine 3

Stawiałbym, że w końcowym rozrachunku konsola będzie tak z 2x mocniejsza od Xa. Jak na gry od Nintendo będzie spokojnie wystarczyć przez najbliższe kilka lat. Jeśli jednak następca Xa i PS4 będą tak z 6-10 razy potężniejsze od X360, to wtedy różnica będzie spora i z grami multiplatformowymi znowu Nintendo zostanie w tyle. Na starcie i przez pierwszy rok, dwa od premiery powinno jednak radzić sobie z nimi całkiem nieźle i na pewno dużo lepiej niż obecne konsole.
Ja chciałbym ,aby Nintendo  znalazło ten przysłowiowy złoty środek pod względem mocy WiiU ,a przyszłymi konsolami konkurencji. Oby nie było takiej dużej  różnicy w wydajności sprzętu jak w tej generacji  :-? .


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #193 dnia: Lutego 29, 2012, 16:23:41 pm »
Mam nadzieję, że na E3 dowiemy się szczegółów, a patrząc na pierwsze gry będziemy mogli sami ocenić przybliżoną moc konsoli. Mi i tak najbardziej zależy by gry chodziły w full HD. Reszta będzie ok, a skok jakościowy pomiędzy Wii a WiiU i tak czy siak będzie spory, więc przynajmniej gry od Nintendo będą się znacznie różnić graficznie.

Pamiętajmy, że Nintendo nigdy nie dopłaca do swoich konsol, a kontroler będzie jednak trochę kosztować. Ten dodatkowy wydatek musi się zatem odbić na innych podzespołach, tak aby ogólna cena nie była zbyt wysoka.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #194 dnia: Lutego 29, 2012, 22:13:31 pm »
Mnie by bardziej zależało na 3d i FullHD. Wtedy byłby sens kupna takiego TV.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #195 dnia: Lutego 29, 2012, 22:31:24 pm »
Ja całkiem niedawno kupowałem TV bez 3D, więc na tej opcji mi za bardzo nie zależy, bo nowego telewizorka nie kupię raczej wcześniej niż za 4 lata. Ale, że konsola będzie kompatybilna z 3D jest imo więcej niż pewne. Podejrzewam, że wszystkie konsole nowej generacji pójdą ostrą w tę technologię.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #196 dnia: Marca 02, 2012, 09:54:28 am »
RUMOR - Wii U to have more than 1 GB of RAM
The same source that has been supposedly leaking Wii U dev kit details recently is back with more rumored info. Thanks to Dim for the heads up!

 - Will have more than 1 GB RAM
 - based on Rev4 dev kit frame
 - amount of RAM is 'quite surprising', but less than 8 GB

RUMOR - Wii U priced at $300


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #197 dnia: Marca 06, 2012, 09:52:07 am »
Next issue of Nintendo-Gamer to offer first look at Assassin's Creed III Wii U
Coming from Nintendo-Gamer...’ll want to check out issue 74 of Nintendo Gamer magazine, which has an exclusive first-look at Assassin’s Creed III Wii U. We’re the only Nintendo magazine in the world to see the game, so you won’t be able to read about it anywhere else. The magazine is on sale 23 March but we’ll have a reminder nearer the time so don’t worry about whipping out your diary to mark that date.

Nintendo-Gamer thinks Scribblenauts is heading to Wii U
Could 5th Cell be working on a Scribblenauts game for the Wii U? Nintendo-Gamer certainly thinks so.

SCRIBBLENAUTS Wii U (unconfirmed)
 5th Cell

 Why are we so sure that this completely unannounced title will appear on Wii U? Because 5th Cell’s CEO and Creative Director, Jeremiah Slaczka, has been excitedly talking about how the controller has potential for multiple players to use the hardware in different ways.

Nintendo Gamer - Ken Levine, Warren Spector working on Wii U titles
We do know that Ken Levine of BioShock fame has got something planned for the new machine (BioShock Infinite looks most likely, which suits us just fine, as you can see from our Bioshock Infinite Wii U feature here) as has Warren Spector, of Junction Point and Disney Interactive.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #198 dnia: Marca 07, 2012, 21:32:51 pm »
Wii U updates: Havoc, Autodesk technology
Nintendo and Havoc have reached a licensing agreement for the Havoc Physics and Havoc Animation on Wii U. This will allow third-parties to use the engine on Wii U.

Similarly, it was announced today that Nintendo and Autodesk, Inc. have reached a licensing agreement “to provide Autodesk Gameware technology to its licensed developers creating video games for the upcoming Wii U platform and helping differentiate Nintendo’s new hardware”.

Announcements about these two partnerships can be found after the break.

Havok agreement

Havok™, a premier provider of interactive software solutions for the games and entertainment industry, announced today that it has entered into a worldwide license agreement with Nintendo Co., Ltd., to make Havok Physics and Havok Animation available to studios around the world developing on Nintendo’s Wii U™ platform. The agreement will give the development community access to the Havok technology to create high-fidelity, immersive games.

“We are very excited to be at the forefront of the new platform,” said David Coghlan, Managing Director of Havok. “We are honored to be providing Havok technology to Wii U developers in order to create great games in all genres. Gamers around the world expect high-fidelity realism and want to immerse themselves into new gaming experiences. This license agreement will give game developers everywhere easy access to Havok’s industry-leading technology. We are sure this license agreement will result in the creation of great interactive experiences for consumers on the Wii U platform!”

For further information, please visit

Autodesk agreement

SAN FRANCISCO, Mar 06, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Game Developers Conference — Autodesk, Inc., ADSK -0.56% has entered into a landmark license agreement allowing Nintendo Co., Ltd. to provide Autodesk Gameware technology to its licensed developers creating video games for the upcoming Wii U platform and helping differentiate Nintendo’s new hardware, expected to hit store shelves later this year.

Under terms of the agreement, Autodesk, Inc. has granted Nintendo the right to provide licensed Wii U game developers with three Gameware products: Autodesk Scaleform middleware for user interface development, Autodesk Kynapse middleware for artificial intelligence and Autodesk HumanIK middleware for interactive character animation.

The Autodesk Gameware product line is comprised of production-proven game development solutions that have been used in at least 1,000 games to date. This technology helps developers enhance production value while reducing development time, enabling them to focus efforts on creating compelling gameplay that resonates with consumers.

“Autodesk Gameware technology is used by the industry’s elite development teams and has been adopted across the industry. Through our relationships with key companies like Nintendo, we can put our solutions into the hands of more game developers,” said Marc Petit, Autodesk senior vice president, Media & Entertainment. “Adopting Autodesk Gameware helps streamline the production process, freeing more resources for innovation in new areas. This shift in development focus will help make the next-generation of titles more compelling than the last.”

About Autodesk

Autodesk, Inc., is a leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment software. Customers across the manufacturing, architecture, building, construction, and media and entertainment industries — including the last 16 Academy Award winners for Best Visual Effects — use Autodesk software to design, visualize and simulate their ideas. Since its introduction of AutoCAD software in 1982, Autodesk continues to develop the broadest portfolio of state-of-the-art software for global markets. For additional information about Autodesk, visit .

Autodesk, AutoCAD, HumanIK, Kynapse and Scaleform are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. Wii U is a trademark of Nintendo. Academy Award is a registered trademark of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document.

Thanks to Jake, Lars H, and Conley B for the tip!

Silicon Knights - Eternal Darkness II isn't too much to ask for, anything's possible
"I don't think it (Eternal Darkness II) is too much to ask. Certainly we love Eternal Darkness. It's a project that's near and dear to our hearts." - Silcon Knights' Denis Dyack

 Dyack said that a sequel is often requested of his team, but he cannot comment what they're working on right now. When pushed for comment on a possible next-gen sequel, Dyack stated that anything is possible.


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Odp: Wii U - Wątek główny
« Odpowiedź #199 dnia: Marca 11, 2012, 20:17:16 pm »
Industry insider comments on Wii U dev kit power, Unreal Engine capabilities
The following information comes from a NintendoEnthusiast interview with a supposed industry insider...

NE: There has been so many different versions of the story when it comes to dev kits. Some developers have seemed very eager and excited. Other have came off as disappointed. What are we to believe?

I: As everyone is aware, there have been different models of the dev kits floating around. Many of the discrepancies between developers about the power of the dev kits are apparently because Nintendo has only given the newer, more beefy version of it to the really big publishers while the smaller developers were left with the so-called outdated model. [Editor's note: I assume this is because Nintendo has been taking their feedback into account when tweaking the system specs and therefore have been constantly updating them with the newer models to see if they were happy. Whereas, smaller developers haven't been part of this dialogue - they only have the dev kits to actually start the development rolling on their new games.]

 But, now that GDC is over, it seems from the chatter in the industry that the big “hairy and heavy” dev kit has started to become the new standard of Wii U currently in possession by most developers and hopefully we’ll start to get a real taste of what this system is capable of post-GDC.

NE: Okay, let’s get to the big question: Unreal Engine 4. Is it a yes or no on the Wii U hardware?

I: Wii U already can run something akin to Unreal Engine 3.9 but I find this whole topic much less noteworthy than many are making it out be. While details on feature requirements for the new engine are nearly zero, comments from Epic suggest that there should be no reason why the Unreal Engine 4 won’t be able to scale “down” to work on the Wii U. Just remember that that it’s not power that is the main factor for an engine, rather, it’s the features offered by the hardware and the age of the hardware. For example, in theory, if there were to be an Unreal Engine 4 right now, it possibly could be scaled down in terms of power to work on the PS3 and 360 because they support the features that are considered standard across the industry. However, in reality, when the Unreal Engine 4 is released we probably won’t see much Unreal Engine 4 on them because those systems are aging. The modern hardware going into Wii U could be new enough to support the Unreal Engine 4 at least on a scaled down level in terms of power.

 See, this is specifically the issue that was encountered with the Wii, which Nintendo wants to avoid. The problem wasn’t so much that the hardware was weak, rather, it was that the hardware didn’t follow industry standards at the time and therefore impossible for developers to easily port the newest engines to the Wii. The Wii U solves this and more. More than a year ago, the Wii U dev kits were already souped up Xbox 360′s in some ways. So, developers were basically just “dragging and dropping” their PC and 360 code onto the early Wii U hardware last year, even before any new software and projects had begun development. This is how games like Darksiders 2 were up and running on Wii U hardware for E3 2011 after only a matter of weeks in development, though Nintendo finally decided not to show the “instant” port those developers had completed.

RUMOR - Medal of Honor: Warfighter coming to Wii U, release date speculation
EA promised big support for the Wii U, but we haven't heard much of anything since that commitment. The latest rumors buzzing from GDC declare that Medal of Honor: Warfighter is going to come to Wii U. The title's release date sits at October 23rd, 2012. Whether that's any indication of a Wii U release date remains to be seen.

Toki Tori 2 'definitely' coming to Wii U, should be close to launch
So far, Two Tribes has told us that Toki Tori 2 has a good shot of coming to Wii U. Now the team has changed things to the more definite side. The game is officially confirmed for Wii U as of yesterday.

"it will be on Wii U. Definitely. Yes." - Collin van Ginkel, Creative Director and Co-Founder of Two Tribes
 "we're pretty sure that it's going to happen really quickly after launch. Maybe at launch but we don't know, depends on Nintendo plans." - Martijn Reuvers, Managing Director for Two Tribes

RUMOR - Nintendo tweaking Wii U to make it Unreal Engine 4 compatible?
Inside sources claim that Nintendo has tweaked the Wii U to run the Unreal Engine 4. We've heard multiple times that the Wii U was still in a tweaking process with Nintendo, with new specs cropping up with every dev kit. Hearing that they're still tweaking to allow for more power makes sense. Let's hope this rumor ends up landing on the fact side of things. Thanks to Jason for the heads up!